Final Fantasy XV General Discussion Thread

*shrug* I guess I'm just not willing to make assumptions about it. I think it's a bit of a leap to assume that just because there's a lot of car travel, that there won't be areas where travel by other means is necessary or available. I don't really see how travel by car would make FFXV much different to other FF games.
first off, i'ts not really making assumptions, its literally what i'm seeing. i'm reading heavily into what is being revealed, and what the developers are saying. Also keep in mind that although there were technology limitations in the past that in no way mean that the original vision of the game was beyond the technology that was present. So i don't believe for a second that ff1-9 would be using the same things ff15 were if they were remade.
If FFVIII were remade for instance, I think car or train travel would be the primary way to get around. I don't really see why that would be a bad thing. You could still get out the care and roam about if you want to.
Just because you brought up a hypothetical (improbable) answer for ff8, does not mean it applies to ff15. Ff8 still has an overhead overworld to explore much quickly and had specific areas that were fully rendered. A car or train would be pointless to use for travel unless its for fast-traveling. The problem is i'm seeing large vast empty lands, with very few to no landmarks, and the roads don't vary too much. But worst of all, there's a BIG difference between traveling by foot and by land. At first, you see the one big advantage of the get to point a to point B faster....and thats it...but you don't battle in cars, you have to get off them, and even if u do battle while still driving that will still be limiting. Also it just means alternating from fighting, and driving. moving from car to another....and worst of all, staying on a set path....Final Fantasy Dimensions also gave us a set path, but then again it was also episodic, even then there were some distractions in such paths. and the same applied for older ffs such as ff7. I'm not liking the idea of driving most of the game.
first off, i'ts not really making assumptions, its literally what i'm seeing. i'm reading heavily into what is being revealed, and what the developers are saying. Also keep in mind that although there were technology limitations in the past that in no way mean that the original vision of the game was beyond the technology that was present. So i don't believe for a second that ff1-9 would be using the same things ff15 were if they were remade.

And what have they said? Other than that there will be a lot of travel by car? If the earlier FF games were remade they would certainly not take place in a world where the character is as large as the town from the outside of it. They would be more in proportion, and in proportion when you have an entire world to explore would mean lots of vast areas to travel.

Just because you brought up a hypothetical (improbable) answer for ff8, does not mean it applies to ff15. Ff8 still has an overhead overworld to explore much quickly and had specific areas that were fully rendered. A car or train would be pointless to use for travel unless its for fast-traveling. The problem is i'm seeing large vast empty lands, with very few to no landmarks, and the roads don't vary too much. But worst of all, there's a BIG difference between traveling by foot and by land. At first, you see the one big advantage of the get to point a to point B faster....and thats it...but you don't battle in cars, you have to get off them, and even if u do battle while still driving that will still be limiting. Also it just means alternating from fighting, and driving. moving from car to another....and worst of all, staying on a set path....Final Fantasy Dimensions also gave us a set path, but then again it was also episodic, even then there were some distractions in such paths. and the same applied for older ffs such as ff7. I'm not liking the idea of driving most of the game.

How is it an improbably hypothetical? If FFVIII were remade there would be lots of vast areas with pretty much nothing but ocean and fields and mountains. Imagine walking from Dollet to Deling city if your character was in proportion to the world? With a character that was realistically sized it would probably take a good few hours of nothing but fields and forests. Considering the world of FFVIII has cars, I think it's entirely probably that they would be used as transport a lot more often if the game were remade. Why would a car be pointless to use? It gets you around much faster, and you're in control of it. Trains, yes, would be used for fast travel.

Vast empty lands, very few a lot like the earlier FF games, FFX excluded, where there were what would translate to miles and miles of desert, or fields, that because your character was the size of a city due to the graphics, were fast to travel through, but if the game had correct proportions, like FFXV likely will, they'd take a long, long time to pass through on foot.

Final Fantasy always has a set path, you never have the entire world to explore until near the end, you go area by area as the story progresses. FF games give the illusion of freedom, but it's never actually there. They're not open world games, they have a set path, that you can break away from to do side quests etc but in the end will need to go back to in order to open up new possibilities. I don't see how driving a car will make that any different. I doubt they're going to be in the car the entire time, just when they're travelling from one area to another, which wouldn't be very exciting unless you wanted to spend hours walking through a field full of nothing to get from one interesting place to another.
And what have they said? Other than that there will be a lot of travel by car?
Not they didn't say that there will be alot of car traveling. they said it was the main theme of the game.
If the earlier FF games were remade they would certainly not take place in a world where the character is as large as the town from the outside of it. They would be more in proportion, and in proportion when you have an entire world to explore would mean lots of vast areas to travel.
Clearly, the design of the previous games was never to take it as literally as you make it out to be, they designed it that way to traverse it easier. they could've used a car icon but
How is it an improbably hypothetical? If FFVIII were remade there would be lots of vast areas with pretty much nothing but ocean and fields and mountains. Imagine walking from Dollet to Deling city if your character was in proportion to the world? With a character that was realistically sized it would probably take a good few hours of nothing but fields and forests. Considering the world of FFVIII has cars, I think it's entirely probably that they would be used as transport a lot more often if the game were remade. Why would a car be pointless to use? It gets you around much faster, and you're in control of it. Trains, yes, would be used for fast travel.
Because remaking the game the way you're expecting would be changing a large portion of how you travel and how you encounter enemies. And that is a "BIG" portion. it would have to be called something else FF8: New edition or something like that. But if they would want a "Faithful" remake, no matter what traveling the overworld will still remain the same. And even if they use a car to travel its not the same as how FF15 is going to use it.there's a huge difference between having a character/boat/airship or even "cars" to represent where the character in the overworld map and actually travelling the physical overworld in its actual size. Just like in FF1 you would still have battles in the sea even though you're on a boat, or on an airship. When you traveled, you don't go through the areas in actual size, and even though there were limitations in NES, every remake didn't change anything to the original design when they could have easily. They may have added new dungeons or a little more story, but the games design hasn't changed. And they had every chance to do it to. They could've given FF1 a more reminiscent to Hydlide and Legend of Zelda when traversing the world, but they didn't. You can't expect it to be remade to your ideals, and expect it to be considered the same game. That's why i say "improbable"But car is even more different than an airship and a boat....enemies come to you on the boat and airship in previous titles. traveling on car an encountering enemies isn't so seemlessly. Especially with Kingdom hearts style, the game shows that you're going to have to go out of your way to level grind with monsters on the side of the road.
Vast empty lands, very few a lot like the earlier FF games, FFX excluded, where there were what would translate to miles and miles of desert, or fields, that because your character was the size of a city due to the graphics, were fast to travel through, but if the game had correct proportions, like FFXV likely will, they'd take a long, long time to pass through on foot.
No, that land was completely explorable, and had random encounters. So in those particular
Final Fantasy always has a set path, you never have the entire world to explore until near the end, you go area by area as the story progresses. FF games give the illusion of freedom, but it's never actually there. They're not open world games, they have a set path, that you can break away from to do side quests etc but in the end will need to go back to in order to open up new possibilities. I don't see how driving a car will make that any different. I doubt they're going to be in the car the entire time, just when they're travelling from one area to another, which wouldn't be very exciting unless you wanted to spend hours walking through a field full of nothing to get from one interesting place to another.
FF1 through 6 offered some variation, but those games offered little to no options to do what you want because all you could do is do the main quest. FF7, FF8, and a lil bit of FF9 have had more side quest oriented.FF10 and beyond were aiming for more linear, but i understand that there are limitations and there needs to be a set path...but the problem i'm seeing is that it will be just as linear as FF13-2...None of these game had a fully traversable map and more segmented. And that's my biggest problem with traveling through car is that its not as convenient as it is appealing. You're going to be stuck on a very linear path (roads) and you'll basically be seeing is site seeing and fight enemies that are anywhere near the road. I rather have a more condensed, where i travel through various vehicles through various areas. Having it the main focus of the game is going to be a bother. I can manage if its linear, so long as it has "OPTIONS" along the way, which deny all you want FF has definitely allowed room for options even in a set path for the sake of story.
Was looking at sites over Black Friday that had projected dates for this game. Ones I've seen the most were December of 2015. Now not sure if that's just a pick toward the end of the year and it'll release 2016, or what.

I wasn't completely sold on Type-0 when I 1st heard it announced, but now andfter reading previews andfternd watching trailers I may pick it up next year to fill me up while I wait for XV to release.
Just read the description of this game in the subforum description and saw "action packed RPG". Now does that mean it's going to be an action RPG, or just a regularly ole FF RPG with...lots of action?
It is kind of both. Lots of action and the battle system is much more like Kingdom Hearts. You should try the demo, Busta. :busta:
Tried the demo when I bought Type-0, but it didn't throw me very far into the game or see much of the characters/plot. Still interested and will buy the game the 1st day it's out, but I need to do some more digging to gain some better interest in the game.
Know we're still a few weeks away from the March 30th announcement, but was reading on Genatsu that a word has gotten out about a possible September 30th release date for the game.

Now I know how rumors are of course, but this would be a nice "light at the end of the tunnel" news piece if it were to hold true. Exactly 6 months after the announcement. I'd be definitely alright with that in-hand before the end of the year.
Now I know how rumors are of course, but this would be a nice "light at the end of the tunnel" news piece if it were to hold true. Exactly 6 months after the announcement. I'd be definitely alright with that in-hand before the end of the year.
Considering how it is not even on a Tuesday, I am going to completely ignore it. A majority of new media gets released on Tuesday.
Considering how it is not even on a Tuesday, I am going to completely ignore it. A majority of new media gets released on Tuesday.

Tuesdays for North American versions of the game. Thursdays for Japanese releases, and...Friday for the PAL versions of the game. The September 30th date is a Friday, so while I still don't fully credit the rumored date yet, it could be a possibility. But no one will know 'til March 30th for sure. Just a speculation, keep the other version release traditions in mind. And the PAL releases are always the last to be out, so IF that's the case, Japan and us could see it earlier. But I know Japan usually gets it WAYYYY earlier than anyone else.
I am going give my overall thought of the direction of Final Fantasy XV. I feel this is going be like XIII where this is going be the only main title game we get this generation. Why is that? Easy, because of how much they are throwing at this.

We are getting an Anime, a CGI movie, a bunch of these mini games, and "story DLC" whatever that means... All this tells me they really want The FFXV game to be around the whole generation, I don't think they would throw all of this at one game if there was no plans to continue it after the game was released. I think Square-Enix has already claimed early that they won't be doing it, but I feel that we will be getting a XV-2 and even a XV-3... If not, I don't see the logic of trying to do all this all by the release date. I mean this CGI movie has to be costing them a real good chunk of money, and that means that they are banking on the game to be a real high seller and I mean higher than XIII which broke day-one records when it came out... They are banking so much on this that I just don't see any other logical choice but to have a XV-2 and probably a XV-3...
I'm not sure if this has been posted already, but I am going to share it with you guys anyway. Nova Crystallis revealed on twitter the North America box art of the Final Fantasy XV game.


The cover is also reversible, right? I thought I remembered reading that somewhere. (May have been the news thread here, I dunno.)

Anyway, I like the direction they're taking with it. (If I remember right, this isn't even the completed version?) It's simplistic enough, which I've always been a fan of anyway. Overstuffed and busy tends to throw me off.
I am going give my overall thought of the direction of Final Fantasy XV. I feel this is going be like XIII where this is going be the only main title game we get this generation. Why is that? Easy, because of how much they are throwing at this.

We are getting an Anime, a CGI movie, a bunch of these mini games, and "story DLC" whatever that means... All this tells me they really want The FFXV game to be around the whole generation, I don't think they would throw all of this at one game if there was no plans to continue it after the game was released. I think Square-Enix has already claimed early that they won't be doing it, but I feel that we will be getting a XV-2 and even a XV-3... If not, I don't see the logic of trying to do all this all by the release date. I mean this CGI movie has to be costing them a real good chunk of money, and that means that they are banking on the game to be a real high seller and I mean higher than XIII which broke day-one records when it came out... They are banking so much on this that I just don't see any other logical choice but to have a XV-2 and probably a XV-3...

Remember you have to think about the other proyects that they are doing or are going to do in the future. For example, Final Fantasy VII remake is Square Enix next big proyect and they need the money they can grab to make the remake which will cost them millions of dollars to do. Could that be one of the reason why they are releasing all this Final Fantasy XV extra stuff to us?
Remember you have to think about the other proyects that they are doing or are going to do in the future. For example, Final Fantasy VII remake is Square Enix next big proyect and they need the money they can grab to make the remake which will cost them millions of dollars to do. Could that be one of the reason why they are releasing all this Final Fantasy XV extra stuff to us?

I think that the CGI Might be very high cost and they wouldn't do that to get extra money for FFVII remake, They can and have done a lot of other cheaper projects to hold them off for a big title, like fast remakes (XIII series) and all the Final Fantasy mobile games and the handhelds games could be doing that... or a quick remaster (FFX/X-2 port to PS4.) All these things for FFXV (with some of them being free or included in the game) are big projects, just as big as the FFVII remake maybe... I can't see it as quick cash for a future non FFXV project.

This is just my gut and they could maybe be done with FFXV after the game gets released minus the DLC, but I feel a FFXV-2 or something along those lines in the future. probably be announced in a year or two.
I think that the CGI Might be very high cost and they wouldn't do that to get extra money for FFVII remake, They can and have done a lot of other cheaper projects to hold them off for a big title, like fast remakes (XIII series) and all the Final Fantasy mobile games and the handhelds games could be doing that... or a quick remaster (FFX/X-2 port to PS4.) All these things for FFXV (with some of them being free or included in the game) are big projects, just as big as the FFVII remake maybe... I can't see it as quick cash for a future non FFXV project.

This is just my gut and they could maybe be done with FFXV after the game gets released minus the DLC, but I feel a FFXV-2 or something along those lines in the future. probably be announced in a year or two.

I don't see why they should make another remaster of Final Fantasy X / X-2 for PS4 because it was already released for the PS3 in HD. They will not pay additional dollars for a game that is already available in the PlayStation store, plus the fans will not be satisfied with it as they were when it was released because they already played the whole game before. People want to see some new things from the series and that is what Square Enix is doing with Final Fantasy XV.
You can get the sequels idea out of your head. Back when the project was still Versus XIII, there was the possibility of there being multiple parts. Mind you that was when the project was still being aimed for the PS3. The scope of games being larger, while still presenting quality graphics, is more possible on the PS4. Still I can confidently speculate that the story of FFVSXIII was massive. There's no way it could have fit in one game, without taking up a massive amount of time. So instead of spending more years, some of the content that would have been left out got turned into a different media format. The game has been in development off and on for 10 years. So instead of stringing things out, like what took place with FFVII over the years, everything is coming out in a short amount of time to have that consolidated info dump type of reaction. Even the VR thing with Prompto use to be part of Versus XIII's concept with switching characters. The only difference is the person viewpoint got switched from 3rd person Prompto to 1st person Prompto. Feel free to read a response from Tabata in a recent interview:

Tabata: When we first sat down to re-plan the project that’s Final Fantasy XV, we really looked at which elements we need and should use and could do to create that kind of unique gameplay experience that we wouldn’t really get anywhere else. It was a very in-depth discussion about what elements to keep and what to throw away or change. We felt because the theme we’re trying to handle here with the story is such a massive epic tale, we really couldn’t fit all of that into the game that we had the time to make. So we wanted to show the essential things to get the best story across, which is where we decided on that—that’s reflected in the final form of the game.
It’s not that we don’t need to show the Niflheim invasion to get the story across, but because that episode is something that would take up so much effort and time that rather than force it into the game, we started up its own separate project independently, and that’s the tale we wanted to tell with the film. That’s why we moved that to Kingsglaive. From a story perspective we’d have to have both the game and the film, both of these together in one package, but realistically that’s not something we could have done in one game, it’s too much.
It’s very similar to the kind of decision we had to ask ourselves, OK do we spend another six years to develop that whole complete package as one game or do we spend three years to do it in the way that we’re doing now? I think, it really doesn’t affect it which one you get to see—from a story perspective whether you see it as part of the game or through the film, and how we tell that story is not such a thing which is affected by that choice. We really are confident that we’ve made a really great experience with that. We felt the most important thing we needed to depict through the game was that idea of traveling together with these comrades and watching them all grow and develop as people emotionally at the same time. We really have gotten that in there, so from a story perspective I think we’ve done the best we can.

Unless Nomura runs into some serious issues with KHIII and the remake to FFVII, you should expect to see both of those titles this generation. Maybe there will even be FFXVI, but only time will tell on that. Beyond FFXV getting story DLC and some less important DLC, the only things that are open as a possible would be a higher quality version for PC, and perhaps a Scorpio and Neo version. Far as the upgraded consoles, Tabata is waiting to see what the specs are and what can be done on them through different devs.
Today's Magazine issue of Famitsu has revealed tons of Final Fantasy XV screenshots. We get to see some of the weapon types included in the game: including swords of various sizes, shields and giant shuriken. It also shows the battle system, the new camp menu and even the omnipresent banquets prepared by Ignis. Click the link below to see the screenshots.
It been 10 years since the first time this game showed up
I like almost everything about FFXV by far. it's really awesome. Gameplay, characters, story and graphics.

The only thing that is wrong with this game IMO you can't play with the other characters that in our party. I was excited to play as
I like Noctis a lot, he's great. But the other characters are also good to me especially Gladiolus.

But well, i won't be complaining about it a lot because Noctis is enough, I guess.

Also, my first post here. HI