Final Fantasy(Zodiac Sign)


Jan 7, 2009
i've combined two of my hobby's astrology and Final Fantasy
I want to know what you think is the Zodiac sign of the Final Fantasy character.. I only did it to 9&10 but if you want to do the others you're more then welcome.. Here's what i made out of it so far..

Final Fantasy 9
Zidane - Gemini
Vivi - Pisces
Steiner - Taurus
Garnet - Aries
Freya - Virgo
Quina - Taurus
Amarant - Aquarius
Eiko - Leo
Kuja - Scorpio
Brahne - Taurus
Beatrix - Cancer
Thorn&Zorn - Gemini(Duh :p)

Final Fantasy 10
Tidus - Aries
Yuna - Libra
Rikku - Gemini
Wakka - Cancer
Lulu - Scorpio
Auron - Capricorn
Kimahri - Capricorn
Seymour - Gemini
Jecht - Leo
Braska - Pisces
Why no Saiggitareans....? D:

And alo, how'd you come to those conclusions, there personalities or, do you know their birthdays >_>
Leo for Jecht come to think of it that matches pretty good acts just like a Leo. (I should know I'm a Leo)
Yeah i thought that Leo would fit for Jecht,
And Moondancer ;), no just they're just based on personalities.. Give it a try to, would be fun to read..

I'd post another message when i've got time for it, on the how and why's those zodiac signs for those personalities..

I'm a Gemini btw.
hrmm i think it would be cool and pretty sweet if you made a gfx calander so FFF user can find their sign and see what character they match with but its just a thought

Bravo for figureing all this out though :)
Thanks ;)
but it's just imaginary..
And yeah the calender sounds like a good idea..
Final Fantasy 7&8 have real birthdates and zodiac signs right?

Except for Sepiroth i thought.. That's just a "mystery" fits him well though..
But he seems like a wacked out Gemini or maybe as a Scorpio..
Interesting thread, Donny. I'm quite interested in Astrology, I used to read mine in the paper everyday (even though I don't really trust the paper). Is there any good sites you can point my way?

but yeah. I think you did a good job with this. Lulu and Kuja definately fit the Scorpio sign. (my brother is scorpio). as a Leo I can agree that Jecht and Eiko are the same.

you should continue with FF8, I'd be interested to see what sign Fuijin and Raijin would come under.
Thanks ;)
but it's just imaginary..
And yeah the calender sounds like a good idea..
Final Fantasy 7&8 have real birthdates and zodiac signs right?

Except for Sepiroth i thought.. That's just a "mystery" fits him well though..
But he seems like a wacked out Gemini or maybe as a Scorpio..

Tactics doesn't have birthdates, but characters are assigned zodiac signs; their attacks' effectiveness even takes heed of that.
Ah, i didn't knew that :)
never played tactics..
Is it any good? (A) because i really don't know..
... I'm obssessed with starsigns. I'm also kinda insulted that you think Amarant is an Aquarian. He's nothing like an Aquarian... >_> He's not all that intriguing and doesn't have an eccentric streak (I should know, I'm an Aquarian myself) >_> I'd have had Garnet down as Sagittarian myself.

-two cents worth that mean nothing but rawr;-
Hey don't feel insulted, i picked Amarant as an Aquarian because he's just like my brothers.. Who is in fact a Aquarius..

Garnet as a Sag, hmm.. intresting..

Would you like to copy those characters and put the star sign you think would fit for them?

Would like to see your thoughts on this one.. ;)
Ah, i didn't knew that :)
never played tactics..
Is it any good? (A) because i really don't know..

Tactics take place in the same world as FFXII, Ivalice, but later in the history. The plot's more than a bit thicker in politics; if you can handle that, I'd say it's a pretty good game.
It's not really a happy game, though. Good game, but Ivalice's strife is heavy.
I actually did this a few days ago when I was really bored. :wacky: Honest to God, I did it with every single person that I could remember. Let's see here...*copy pastes*

Never mind the KH characters, I'm just too lazy to take 'em out...

Aquarius-Quina, Sora, Seymour, Rinoa, and Gau.

Leo-Irvine, Axel, Balthier, Palom, Eiko, Reno, and Rikku.

Libra-Zidane, Yuffie, Edgar, Locke, and Zack.

Aries-Barret, Saix, Jecht, Cid Highwind, Sephiroth, Rufus Shinra, Ashe, Xaldin, and Queen Brahne.

Taurus-Demyx, Zell, and Selphie.

Virgo-Aerith, Garnet, Terra, Quistis, Porom, and Rude.

Scorpio-Kuja, Seifer, Lulu, Xigbar, Kain, Golbez, Squall, Vincent, and Hojo.

Cancer-Kairi, Celes, Rydia, Rosa, Cecil, and Penelo.

Gemini-Tifa, Wakka, Riku, Freya, Yang, Red XIII, Basch, Shadow, Amarant, Beatrix, Cloud, Sabin, Cyan, and Auron.

Peices-Tidus, Yuna, Cait Sith, and Edward.

Capricorn-Vivi, Kimahri, Ansem, Vaan, Roxas, and Tellah.

Sagittarius-Luxord, Xemnas, Fran, Steiner, Elena, and Genesis.

Lol, I can just see someone reading this thread thinking, "This girl must have no life whatsoever" but hey, I was extremely bored. :gasp:

I hope I didn't insult anyone or anything. Looking back, I have no idea why I put Sora, Seymour, and Rinoa as Aquarius, but whatever.
Final Fantasy 9
Zidane- Gemini
Vivi- Pieces
Steiner- Virgo
Garnet- Capricorn
Freya- Virgo
Quina- Taurus
Amarant- Aries
Eiko- Sagittarius

Kuja- Scorpio
Brahne- Taurus
Beatrix- Pieces

Final Fantasy 10
Tidus- Cancer
Yuna- Libra
Rikku- Gemini
Wakka- Capricorn
Lulu- Scorpio
Auron- Aries
Kimihari- Capricorn

Seymour- Gemini
Jecht- Leo
Braska- Pieces

Last edited:
Based on birthdays:

Cloud: Leo, August 11
Tifa: Taurus, May 3
Aerith: Aquarius, February 7
Barret: Sagittarius, December 15
RedXIII: ?
Cait Sith: ?
Yuffie: Scorpio, November 20
Vincent: Libra, October 13
Cid: Pisces, February 22
Sephiroth: ?


Squall: Virgo, August 23
Rinoa: Pisces, March 3
Quistis: Libra, October 4
Zell: Pisces, March 17
Selphie: Cancer, july 16
Irvine: Sagittarius, November 24
Laguna: January 3
Kiros: Cancer, July 6
Ward: Pisces, February 25
Seifer: Capricorn, December 22
Angelo: Sagittarius, December 13
This is interesting. In FF7's case, you can see their birthdates in the manual, and although I don't think the guys at Square took Astrology into consideration, the signs seems to fit.

According to the manual:
Cloud: Leo
Aeris: Aquarius
Tifa: Taurus
Barrett: Sagittarius
Cid: Pisces
Yuffie: Scorpio
Vincent: Libra

But, just looking at the sun signs doesn't generally show you that much of the real picture. Cloud is way too introverted for a Leo. If you say that the story of FF7 took place in January 1997, when the game was released in Japan, Cloud's "spiritual" birthday would be 19 August 1975. The Sun and Moon signs are the most important, and we already know his sun sign. If we go by 19 August 1975, in Tokyo, Japan, then Cloud is a Leo/Capricorn (Sun/Moon), which I would say fits him extremely well. Both of these signs are ambitious, and could explain him wanting to join SOLDIER. Capricorn's are usually loners, they generally have interpersonal issues, and we know that Cloud was kind of left out from the cool kids when he was young. Capricorn's can also be melancholic and insecure, but they also have great leadership qualities, because they are so reliable.

If we look at Aeris, she's a Aquarius/Leo. Aquarians have a lot of individuality and don't like to people telling them what to do. Certainly sounds like Aeris, right? They also don't wear their emotions on their sleeve, and show their affection in subtle ways, like that time when Aeris said that she would go on a date with Cloud, if he was her bodyguard. That's a very subtle way of telling someone that you like him. Leo is a stubborn and outgoing sign, not afraid to create drama or ask questions that really isn't her business. She really did that with Cloud a lot.

Tifa, she's a Taurus/Gemini
Tifa definately have the trademark Taurus temper and jealousy. Gemini's are well-known for being blunt in their speech. She could certainly say hurtful things, like when they were climbing the Shinra building and she told Barret to stop acting like a retard. That's Gemini in a nutshell. They are not affraid of sounding offensive, as long as it's funny.

Barret, he's a Sagittarius/Aries
Sagittarius is one of the most outgoing signs and they are usually honest and impulsive about their opinions. They have a reputation though of being a bit clumsy and stupid, because of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. They may not think as much ahead as most of the other signs. This definately sounds like Barrett. Aries can be quite impatient and restless, and also protective. Not necessarily overprotective, but they like having someone to take care of. Marlene gave Barret a lot of joy, I think probably because she needed someone to protect her, she gave him opportunities to be the big Knight in shiny armour. Aries's like to lead also and Barret was very disappointed when he lost his party leader duties to Cloud when they left Midgar.

Cid, he's a Pisces/Gemini
Cid being Pisces may not make much sense to some, but I think it does. Pisceans dream of a bigger reality, and for Cid, this was outer space. Cid can definately be blunt in his speech, and he's also quiet funny, which is a Gemini trait.

Yuffie, she's a Scorpio/Aries
Scorpio makes her sneaky and tricky. Aries gives her a cheerful exterior.

Vincent, he's a Libra/Scorpio
Libra's fight for harmony and for good, but they can be pushovers sometimes. Vincent definately come across as a little bit of a pushover during his years as a Turk. Libra's are well-known for being indecisive, and not acting on their feelings, like his feelings towards Lucrecia. Having a Scorpio moon is tough and generally adds a dark tone to your life, because you're able to see through facades. Vincent is definately struggling with his dark past.

For the rest of the characters in FF7 I'll have to guess.
Sephiroth: Pisces/Scorpio
This one is quite easy. This guy is a textbook spiritual Pisces with a great imagination. Piscean's have a reputation of being spaced out and not so attached to reality. I picked Scorpio, not because he's "bad" and cool, but because of his obsessiveness.

Red XIII: Capricorn/???
This is a hard one. He gave me the impression of being quite modest, like a Capricorn, and not much of a talker.

Rufus: Aquarius/Aries
This guy had a superload of arrogance and certainly some ego issues. He definately have a way with words. He's to the point, but still subtle. This sounds like a mix of Aquarius and Aries.

Reno: Leo/???
Not much you can say. I went by his cockiness.

Rude: Scorpio/???
Quiet, cool looking sun-glasses, martial arts. This sounds like a reserved Scorpio to me.

Elena: Sagittarius/???
This girl is loud and gets a little carried away sometimes. Sounds like a textbook Sagittarius.

Professor Hojo: Aries/???
Hojo was a guy with ambition, who wanted to be the best in his area of expertise. He was very excited about his work too, and loved talking about it.
I'm a zodiac/final fantasy junkieee

Yeah i agree mostly with Donny and I did my homework putting that list to the test. The only one that i didnt agree with would be Tidus. I think Tidus would fit to be a Sagittarius becuzzzz:

The Sagittarian's secret desire is to make a difference in the world. Tidus wanted to put a stop to Sin for good without sacrificing Yuna.Saggitarians believe that anything is possible, which is prolly why he was able to find a way to defeat Sin without using or needing a final aeon. They're very optimistic and honest and from what i know young sagittarians tend to cry alot! (trust me i know cuz my little brother's a sag, and he cries for everything!!!)
in FF tatics, like said above has each characters sign, and theres a hidden level where you can get Cloud, i wonder if he is leo there to as stated in the ff VII manual