Final Fantasy(Zodiac Sign)

Sorry but you guys FAIL at ffix--at least, someone had the decency to list the right ff7 and ff8 signs!!! jk

FFIX--Square gave this info out
Zidane:Libra (Taurus moon)
Garnet:Capricorn (Cancer moon)
Vivi:Cancer (Scorpio moon)
Steiner: Aries (could be a Pisces, but like Zidane, I'm strongly leaning towards this sign) (Leo moon)
Beatrix: Aries (Capricorn moon)
Freya:Cancer (Virgo moon)
Eiko: Aries (once again born in March, but shows most Aries traits)

FFX *just guessing
Tidus: Leo (Pisces moon)
Yuna: Libra (cancer moon)
Rikku: She's really hard for some reason, but maybe Pisces with a Sagittarius moon and Gemini rising? (she's hyper but also very emotional)
Kimahri:Capricorn (I don't know the moon--perhaps Capricorn moon also)
Lulu: Taurus (perhaps with a Scorpio ascendant and Libra moon too? She's hard too, sorry!)
Wakka:Sagittarius (with Taurus moon)
Auron: Capricorn (maybe Aries moon)
Seymour: Gemini (Leo moon)
Braska: Libra
Jecht: Leo (Sagittarius moon)

did I get everyone important?
tell me what u think if anyone looks at this anymore!
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I'd make a list of my guesses, but since my lack of time I've decided to guess Firion's (from FFII), and my guess for him would be Scorpio. He's passionate and he rarely gets suspicious about anything, and sometimes he didn't think things through. I should know, cause I'm a Scorpio.
Final Fantasy 12 was the one where astrology started getting really warped and weird, with a 'Libra' magic for detecting enemy weaknesses, zodiac stones that had meanings just a mite different than the astrology of this world, and weird monster summons that somehow correlated with the 12 zodiacs of our own planet. It is a whole different universe. In the future maybe they'll include the passage of time, and then make those astrological monsters into a real alternative galaxy zodiac that effects gameplay, or come up with new ones.

As for Final Fantasy 12 characters, my guess is

Vaan= Libra
Penelo= Virgo
Ashe= Libra
Bosch= Pisces
Balthier= Leo
Fran= Libra
Larsa= Taurus
Vossler= Sagittarius
Reddas= Pisces
Vayne= Scorpio
Cid= Gemini, just like all the other Cids
FF 9
Zidane : Gemini. Gemini's are known to be rather flirtatious, and well Zidane flirts like it's going out of style. :neomon:
Garnet : Capricorn. Well she's named after the January gem, and January people are known mostly to be Capricorns.
Vivi : Cancer. He seems sensitive, protective and a bit shy. Just like a Cancer.
Steiner: Sagittarius. Sag's are known to be clown like, comedic and goofy, also the opposite of Gemini is Sag. And Steiner and Zidane ARE kind of like opposites.
Beatrix. Virgo. Virgo's are known to be the hidden romantic type, but also rather serious. It sounds just like Beatrix.
Freya. Virgo. Just like Beatrix really, the hidden romantic.
Eiko. Libra. Libra's unlike Virgo's seem to be open about their relationships and crushes.
Amarant. Scorpio. Mysterious, quiet, independent and not to be messed with.

Tidus. Aquarius. Aquarius are known to be hyperactive and outgoing.
Yuna. Cancer. Cancer's are known to be sensitive towards other people,and emotional. They're not the type to go around hurting others.
Rikku. Sagittarius. Sags are known to be hyper like Aquarius, social and friendly.
Lulu. Taurus. Taurus's are rather serious like Scorpio's not to be messed with.
Wakka. Capricorn. Capricorns can be rather stubborn, and Wakka is really stubborn.
Auron. Leo. Auron has good leadership skills, just like a Leo does.
Seymour. Pieces. Pieces's are known to be emotional and sensitive, and Seymour is really damaged by his horrible past. You can tell that it hurt him alot as a kid.
Jecht. Leo. Leo's are really poplaur because they know how to attract people, and Leo's clash with Aquarius's.

Vaan. Libra. Libra's like too be free and not tied down, like how Vaan wants to be a Sky Pirate.
Penelo Aries. Aries's are free-spirited and friendly, but they are also rather serious.
Basch Taurus. Taurus's can be easily misunderstood.
Balthier. Gemini. Just like Zidane's he's flirtatious and knows how to attract the opposite sex.
Fran. Libra. Sexy and romantic, and would just adore being around a Gemini male.
Vayne Aries. While maybe not friendly, Aries's know how to lead and dominate.
Larsa Leo. Leo's don't follow the rules, they follow what's right. Just like Larsa does.

Lighting Aries. Strong dominate leadership skills, also Aries's hate weakness, they despise it. Lighting seems like this type, she's only got room for the strong standing.
Serah. Pieces. Emotional and careful, but easily hurt by the past and anything bad that happens to her or Snow.
Snow Libra. Open romantic, and boooy is he open about it. ;)
Sazh Sagittarius. Sazh kinda seems like a goofy and unique type of person.
Vanille Aquarius. Free, and little silly and extremely outgoing. Life is a hoilday.
Fang Taurus. Taurus's are extremely tough and masculine.
Hope Cancer. Cancer's can be extremely sensitive and very easily hurt.

Of course, I don't believe in the Zodiac so I kind of believe that " You're a Gemini, because you flirt alot " is a load of nonsense. Anybody can be sad, emotional or flirty.
But I did this just for the laughs and the fun of it.
You all know that the characters of certain FFs have birthdays right? FF7, 8, and 9 characters do from what I've seen from manuals/internet.

These are interesting signs but I don't really see many of them fitting the characters. Zidane is nothing like a Gemini from what I've experienced with them xD He was born in September. Meh I don't think you could easily guess all the other FF character's birthday signs....:hmmm:

My guess is that all the warriors of Light from FF 1 were Pisces! xD
You all know that the characters of certain FFs have birthdays right? FF7, 8, and 9 characters do from what I've seen from manuals/internet.

Will it be okay to copy and past the birthday information here ? Coz of been looking around for FF IX birthdates and I can't find them anywhere at all. :jimberry:

Why guess their zodiacs if they already have them?

The FF X --- XIII birthdates are not given, as far as I know
Will it be okay to copy and past the birthday information here ? Coz of been looking around for FF IX birthdates and I can't find them anywhere at all. :jimberry:

FFIX(Some of them don't have days, at least there were no days I found but there are months and years O.O):

Zidane: September, 1783
Garnet: January 15th, 1784
Steiner: March, 1766
Eiko: March, 1793
Vivi: July, 1799 (Produced and what not)
Freya: July, 1778
Beatrix: April, 1772
Quina: 1710 (I couldn't find which month 0.0)
Amarant: November 1773

A lot of this can be found on the web ^^ And based off the months you can guess the zodiac from there!
FFIX(Some of them don't have days, at least there were no days I found but there are months and years O.O):

Zidane: September, 1783
Garnet: January 15th, 1784
Steiner: March, 1766
Eiko: March, 1793
Vivi: July, 1799 (Produced and what not)
Freya: July, 1778
Beatrix: April, 1772
Quina: 1710 (I couldn't find which month 0.0)
Amarant: November 1773

A lot of this can be found on the web ^^ And based off the months you can guess the zodiac from there!

Oh ! Thankyou so much ! :cheers: Oh I was right about Garnet being a Capricorn, and Vivi being a Cancer, and Amarant being a Scorpio ! Zidane is either Virgo or Libra. Hmm interesting. :hmm: