First Blitzball Tournament

Jul 26, 2009
Has anyone ever won the first blitzball tournament you play against the Luca Goers, or is it rigged. If you did win, what do you win as a prize?
Yes it is possible to win. When you do you get the Strength Sphere (boosts Strength by 4 on the sphere grid) and in the Wakka cutscene with the Aurochs he gives them the Crystal Cup. Also, when you meet Luzzu and Gatta on the Highroad they talk about Wakka winning instead.
I've won it 9 out 10 times. I usually always have the jecht shot by that first tournie and it makes it alot easier. Whether your winning or not tidus still leaves the match at 7 mins and wakka comes back on.
Playing the Goers head-on like you would in the season will get you destroyed, as their offense has too high of a shot and endurance for your defense, and your goalie's catch is too low as well. Things aren't any easier on the offensive side either. Tidus can beat Balgerda heads up and get a shot off, but you basically have to bury the net to score. Datto can break through Doram as well I believe, but his shot is a little low and he won't have a special shot yet, which doesn't help.

Ok, so for solutions? When you get the ball first half, simply pass and pass and pass some more. This may seem meaningless, but you gain experience for each completed pass. This in turn will get your team to level up and you may reach level 3 and be able to use special abilities for the 2nd half (if they have any yet that is). Also make sure that you're avoiding encounters when passing the ball around, and literally do this for the entire first half, don't even let them touch the ball. Having the Jecht Shot will be a huge plus, but it can be done without it as well. With the Jecht Shot, simply bury the net and don't worry if both defenders are onto you. Use No Break and let the Jecht Shot work it's magic. If you don't have the Jecht Shot, the Sphere Shot will work as well. With the Sphere Shot, you'll have to get as close as you can to the net, hopefully break through the defender (you only want 1 defender) and the shot with it's added random number should get you the score if you're close enough. Then when Wakka comes into the game, do the same as with the Sphere Shot for Tidus, just get close, break the 1 defender and use the Venom Shot.

I used this method a few nights ago, and it worked like a charm. 2-0 was the score. Hope that helps somewhat.
I love blitzball now, but im my first playthrough i got smashed by them. Now i can win that first game no problem. Don't try and get alot of shots, tidus has low hp at that level so you can only pull of one, maybe two jecht shots, so its up to your defense.
I failed really bad for the first 2 times. The 1st time I had no idea what I was doing or what was going on. lol I though my guys were about to drown. ha 2nd time i had the hang of it and lost by 2. Than the third time I saved it, so when I lost I would start over. Now I win everytime now. lol You get Strenght Spheres. Freakin thing was makin me mad.
I couldn't beat it. I hate Blitzball though. Only played it when I had to. Just like those card games in VIII and IX... never played 'em.

But yes, it is possible to beat. My Husband usually gets the Jecht Shot before the tournament to make it easier to win.
I couldn't beat them the first time I played, but now I'm playing FFX again and I've decided to give it a try. But how do you use the Jecht Shot in the game? Is it random or can you choose the time you want to use it (when you're controling Tidus)?
I couldn't beat them the first time I played, but now I'm playing FFX again and I've decided to give it a try. But how do you use the Jecht Shot in the game? Is it random or can you choose the time you want to use it (when you're controling Tidus)?
You get it on the boat to Kilika.
When in the game use it like a normal shot, except it knocks two defenders out of the way. So you get Tidus to swim as close as possible to the Goers' goal, then you pass the ball to him. Select no break and then Jecht shot, which will knock the two defenders, Doram and Balgerda out of the way and you'll score a goal.
However you only have a couple of minutes in the second half to do this because in the first half, Tidus' level is too low, so get him to pass it around in the first half.
yes its possible to beat. just takes sometime, and much easier with the jecht shot.

i have a question has anyone ever gotten the upgraded version of the jecht shot. i saw it one time as a prize for the tournament. i think it was jecht shot mk. 2 or something like that, i missed it for some reason and never saw it again.

so what's the difference? and does it show up randomly or is it just like the jecht shot where u can only obtain it at a certain part of the game.
yes its possible to beat. just takes sometime, and much easier with the jecht shot.

i have a question has anyone ever gotten the upgraded version of the jecht shot. i saw it one time as a prize for the tournament. i think it was jecht shot mk. 2 or something like that, i missed it for some reason and never saw it again.

so what's the difference? and does it show up randomly or is it just like the jecht shot where u can only obtain it at a certain part of the game.
For Jecht shot mark two it adds ten and takes out three defenders, and it's an invisible shot. the only way to get it is by winning one of those technique find things and using it for on the slot below Jecht shot, you also must have learnt all three of Tidus' key techniques.
I could not beat the first tournament with the Luca Goers without the Jecht Shot. I had no idea that you had to actually press the buttons right in that mini-game on the ship to obtain it. Yes. -_- I was slow. Second time round it was a snap. :awesome: I just had to make sure to get off a few shots before Wakka swam on in all his uselessness. -__-
I think that you have to be very good in blitzball to win that match.
I allways have problem whit that match to.
You allsow have to be luckey. I mean when you shot, and whwn the game starts, and so on. Its not imposible, but hard. Jecht shot shoud do it, but Sphear Shot is
You can win the first blitzball tournament but you need to be good at blitz ball and must be a good scorer
Well, they demolished me on my first playthrough of the game. Once you get the gist of it, though, blitzball is pretty easy. So, yeah, I won after a few more tries. I haven't played in a while, so I don't remember if you win anything, but the cut scene after the tournament does change to Wakka holding the Crystal Cup, I think.
That first tourney is really easy IMO. The only thing to is is to get really close to the net with tidus. all it is really is stalling and gaining experience the first half then jecht shot the second half.
I'm always glad when i win that game.
D= I hate blitzball. I really do. Because I suck at it.

I did the entire stalling thing for the first half of the game...and I was all, "Whoohoo, once I use my Jecht shot, I'm gonna win!" because I totally did the Jecht shot right on the boat.

But once I got to the screen where everything for the players were...I pressed a button wrong and ended up continuing the game without editing my players. D= Which meant I didn't have the Jecht shot. Which meant I lost. But oh well. I avoid blitzball as much as possible. xD
The first time i played through the game, i won this opening game 1-0, though i have no idea how. My brother lost it in his file, and we just continued on to see the difference. I had never heard of the jecht shot, and so it was only on my second play through that i got it. I was confident that this time i was going to trash those useless goers!

I lost 3-0

i had never lost a game up to this point, and i HATE losing

with a quick peek over my shoulder to make sure no one was looking i hit reset, feeling guilty already. This time i was winning 3-2 with 8 seconds left

8 seconds!!

Then some pile of dog poo from the goers took some meaningless pun from the half way line. By the time it got to 'Keeper, it was at less than half his catching stat. Even so it flew past his outstretched glove and into the top corner. I'm pretty sure i had a apoplexy then and there. (Anyone else had a experience like this in this match?) When the goers scored after seven seconds of overtime i threw my control at the screen, then pressed reset once more - no guilt this time.

And something strange happened. Two goals from Tidus, one using the beautiful jecht shot, and a hat trick from wakka gave me a comfortable 5-0 win! i don't think the goers even had a shot ( cos if they had, they would have scored!)

anyone had a similar win in this game? sorry for the essay, just sharing a story.....
I could not beat the first tournament with the Luca Goers without the Jecht Shot. I had no idea that you had to actually press the buttons right in that mini-game on the ship to obtain it. Yes. -_- I was slow. Second time round it was a snap. :awesome: I just had to make sure to get off a few shots before Wakka swam on in all his uselessness. -__-
I've done it once before with Wakka being the key player for me. I won 3-1 and he scored my second two goals. It takes an element of luck for him to be able to score, but he's far from useless.

What I found useful was playing Jassu and Tidus down the left, have Jassu hold the ball up at your own end and let Abus get close. He should be too weak at tackling to take the ball from him, allowing an easy pass to Tidus. Tidus can then break to Doram (or Balgerda, I forget which) easily providing she's the only one, which leaves him with a free shot. After that you just need to try and play keep away.
Ive gotten very close to winning. Made an early point in the first half and held it 1 to nothing nearly the entire second half but last minute they made a cheap shot and we went into 2 or 3 over times after all that. I didnt expect to win or care to win but i was so close i was hoping or a lucky break =( I hate those basterds..