First game you played all the way through?


Suck my dick.
Nov 29, 2010
What was the first game you ever played all the way through?

For me it was Sonic the Hedgehog 1 when I was around 7. I loved that game to death and dad just bought me a Sega Megadrive! At first the game was really hard but I played it so much I eventually got through it!!

Now you!
I think the first game i probdaly completed all the way through was either sonic the hedgehog 3 or shining force. Games back then were soo much harder to complete and i didnt finish all that many megadrive games. These 2 games however had the ability to save so it wwas defianitely one of them :ryan:
I cried when i completed shining force, yeah i was a wimpy kid back then :(
I was well excited when i beat sonic 3 as id been stuck on the same level for aaaaaaaaages and could never figure out what to do :rage: I probadly cried then aswell :hmph:
I can't remember for sure. But I think it may have been Crash Bandicoot 2. I never owned the game but I always used to borrow it from the video shop.

I think I finished Doom before that. But I'm not sure if I actually played through the entire game or just played the final level on multiplayer with my neighbors.
It was either Sonic the Hedgehog on the Megadrive (which, ironically, I can't complete now) or Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan on the Gameboy. I can't remember which of the two consoles I ended up with first...but I DO know that for a long time I only had four games (the other two were Aladdin and Super Mario Land, and I couldn't kill the last boss on either when I was six. xD) and it was one of those four. Knowing me, it was probably Sonic, since I grew up loving him to pieces and played the original game obsessively.
mine was pokemon ruby on the gameboy advance.... was a great game but really easy as well :wacky: after that it was crisis core on the PSP :yay: loved every second of that game rocked to the core :awesome:

First final fantasy game i finished from start to finish was Final Fantasy IX.... I adore that game rocked soooo much that i'm playing it again right now :grin:
I think the first game i probdaly completed all the way through was either sonic the hedgehog 3 or shining force. Games back then were soo much harder to complete and i didnt finish all that many megadrive games. These 2 games however had the ability to save so it wwas defianitely one of them :ryan:
I cried when i completed shining force, yeah i was a wimpy kid back then :(
I was well excited when i beat sonic 3 as id been stuck on the same level for aaaaaaaaages and could never figure out what to do :rage: I probadly cried then aswell :hmph:

Aw, sensitive flower -pat-

Mine was Sonic, either that, or Mickey Mouse and the Castle of Illusion. I can'rt really include Ghouls and Ghosts because it was soliiiiiiid and the only way I oculd beat it was with cheats :wacky:
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

I love this game so much, even to this very day. In fact, it holds its own so well it's probably still the best Zelda game to this date. I can't remember exactly when I finally finished this on the SNES, but it took a while. Admittedly I did have a book with a concise walkthrough guide of the game so I didn't exactly beat it on my own (it would have been a miracle if I could) but even then it wasn't exactly a walk through the park because I still had to constantly work out where to go next.
For home consoles, I remember beating Sonic 2 when I was 4 years old on the Megadrive, though it wasn't until much later that I 'properly' beat it with the emeralds and everything (I've always been bad at special stages). I remember getting so frustrated by Wing Fortress Zone, it seemed near impossible at the time.

For handhelds, I beat Super Mario Land when I was 6 years old after I got my first gameboy. It was quite a short game, but I found it really tough at the time, took me a few weeks of practice to get consistent enough at the later stages.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Watching a friend play through it before i ever had a genesis made it easier for me when i got my system.
Final Fantasy IV

I was going to say Super Mario World, but I loved watching my parents play.

It's hard to believe, but I was around 6 when I beat this. I of course had help from my older brother. I didn't understand much of what was going on in the game, till about 3 years later. This game introduced me to the greatness that is the RPG
I think the first game I completed was Disney's Dinosaur for the PS1, though I could be wrong because the final two levels were a bitch. :wacky: I remember being incredibly pleased and boasting to my friend's 18 year-old cousin, so I must have been about 9 years old.

Around the same time, I completed Spyro: Year of the Dragon, which has remained one of my favourite games. :) Not long after that, I completed Spyro: Gateway to Glimmer and The Emperor's New Groove.

My tastes were very different back then. :lew:

The first game I completed on a handheld must have been Pokemon Crystal. I put so many hours into that game...It felt like a real achievement! :)
It would have been a very long time ago, so I cannot remember if it was Crash Team Racing or Pokemon Red. I enjoyed those games immensely and they are the oldest games I have a memory of completing. I remember when I first played red, I could not figure out how to leave buildings. My brothers told all my cousins, and they laughed
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

I love this game so much, even to this very day. In fact, it holds its own so well it's probably still the best Zelda game to this date. I can't remember exactly when I finally finished this on the SNES, but it took a while. Admittedly I did have a book with a concise walkthrough guide of the game so I didn't exactly beat it on my own (it would have been a miracle if I could) but even then it wasn't exactly a walk through the park because I still had to constantly work out where to go next.

almost exactly this but without the walkthrough. i loved this game when i was a wee jimmy. i played it so many times :hmmm:
I used to play on the PC before we had any consoles and I used to play a lot of monster games. XD

The main three games I remember playing on the PC were Hexen, Heretic and Unreal Tournament.

Unreal Tournament was definitely my favourite of the lot, but I think Hexen was the frist game I played all the way through as far as I can remember. >.< I think I was around 8?
Pokemon Blue and Tekken 3 were the first games that I finished.
I struggled a lot with Pokemon Blue because even when I was 8 I was a stubborn prick.
I remember some guy said you needed Flash to get through the cave to the Lavender Town. I told him to get fucked and was determined to get through without it. I eventually did, after dying numerous times. It also took a lot of time to get the HMs in the Safari park. And just when I was about to catch Mewtwo I found out that my box was full. So I left and then it took me ages to find the cunt again, but I eventually captured him.
With Tekken 3 I only used a couple of moves for each character, with Paul he had a punch that did about 75% of the opponents full health. I learned characters' best moves and just kept spamming them, like Jin's multiple spinning kick attack thing.
*so proud to say this*
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
This was back when I was still living in Puerto Rico; I would play this game so much that eventually...I learned everything there was to know about the game without the use of the internet or complete knowledge of the English language. xD
I spammed the hell outta that game so much that I doubt I even had any other Nintendo 84 games.
Pokemon Blue Version all those years ago.

i remember being rather young and playing this day and night on my gameboy colour, mashing away with the strongest pokemon i could get my hands on, was a great game for it's time, and I had an immense pokemon Squad, all level 100 and completely unstoppable, i proved this by beating all my friends in link battles (BWUAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA)

my Squad consisted of

it was a great team that non of my friends could contend with. was great.
This is going to date me quite a bit. Tutankhamen for the Atari. It's a basic get the keys and get the treasure without getting killed by wandering monsters. Took me months to finally pull it off, and this was back when I was 7. After that I beat the original Legend of Zelda for the NES.