First game you played all the way through?

I've played Gex 3: deep cover gecko and finished it. It looked pretty complicated for me when I was 7 or 6 and it took me a while to realize that the gecko and the spy chick were about to get busy under the covers. :wacky:

I've also played Pokemon Red and Yellow. I wasn't too familiar with the elemental stuff before and was frustrated with Yellow's Brock fight when I had PIKACHU against his Onix. Only then I took time to understand what elements affected each other and planned accordingly, keeping my same planning for the rest of the game (buying weakness types against gym leaders except for Sabrina, who I had to randomize without fighting types).

The teams I had on Red version by the time I finished it were:

-Haunter (No on to trade with to evolve to Gengar)


-Onix (This is an open slot, and I tend to switch out Onix with others at random)
Super Mario World for the SNES. The first game for the first system of mine. :)

I still remember when I beat it. I was so excited! More excited because my SNES had previously deleted my file (you know when it messes up when you don't have the game in there right). I thought there was something wrong with my game or system. I was like 5 or 6. But making it all the way through the game made me so happy! I still love playing that game.
The first one I finished by myself was FFVII. I played lots of games before that but finished them with friends (taking turns), I think the first one I finished there might have been US-FF3 (aka FF6).
I have no idea, really. Possibly:

Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (NES version)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS version)
Hugo's House of Horrors (PC)

Probably one of the above, but I can't be sure.
The Legend of Dragoon...was at a friends house and saw him play it. After he fell alseep I picked it up and thus became hooked on RPGs.
I can't remember well, but I believe the first one I've ever completed was the first Medal of Honor game for the PS1, or maybe it was a Kirby or Pokémon game, I don't know.
I think it was Oni for me. Of course, I was 10 and that game was hella hard. So I used every cheat code I could find to help me during my journey. Sad game. But I very much enjoyed playing it. It was Playstation 2. Um... Yeah. Good game. First one I ever finished.
Mine is Pokemon Blue for Gameboy Color. then my brothers were just keeping the Gameboy Color in a nice box with its games and not touching it, so they let me have it and I liked it a lot. Pokemon was my..."THANG" back then, lol! =)
Final Fantasy Tactics, thats the first game Ive ever played and first game Ive ever beat. Thats why FF continues to be my favorite series since I had my first gaming experience with them. Even till this day I still remember the entire story and everymain character and most of al the classes and attacks, you can never forget your first. Not to mention not being able to tell if the main character was a guy or a girl cause the guy had pigtails until he got older and changed it xD