First Impressions (XII)

Balthier- A monkey still in the stage of evolution.
Ashe- The hot broad.
Fran- Sex on legs

Please do not refer to Ashe as Princess Leia ever ever again. Leia had more spunk and personality in her pinky toe than Ashe had in her entire being. :P

Ashe-A cross-dresser
Fran-Balthier's dominatrix?

These replies are hilarious! xDDD

First Impression of Reddas - wtf? Abraham Lincoln became a pirate?

Final Impression of Reddas - yep, Honest Abe became a pirate
Speaking of Reddas, a good friend of mine thought he was Roger Moore once. How strange..
FIRST impressions
Vaan - ...He needs some clothes.

Penelo - She sounds like Rikku.

Balthier - Is he going to become the bad guy? He's chasing Vaan. O.O He has a nice accent, though.

Fran - Oh no! She's working with Balthier! I'm screwed. -_-

Ashe - Ungrateful... And she looks a little like Yuna, in her face.

Basch - He reminds me of Jesus, for some reason. Hanging in a cage. It's a shame. :(

Larsa - Oooh! A kind, and small, middle-aged lady wants to show me around. =]

And after getting into the story a little...
Vaan - He doesn't put on more clothes? Aw man! And his character...rather wooden. At least he doesn't cry like Tidus.

Penelo - She really is like Rikku! A little more responsible though.

Balthier - Makes a good pairing with Fran. He's not too strong, though, so I don't think I'll have him on my team.

Fran - I love her voice! And she seems to be quite wise too. She's the most unique of the lot, so I'll have her on my main team.

Basch - He's going to become the bad guy and betray my party!

Ashe - Spoilt.

Larsa - She dragged me here to get nethicite, and doesn't give me anything for my troubles... What a waste of time. -_-
Darling, Larsa is a 12 year old boy ;D - unless you already know that and are just mocking him XD
Yeah, I know. ;) I just thought he was a woman until I read it a couple of weeks after buying the game. :P So back then I did think "she". Haha.
Fran - I love her voice! And she seems to be quite wise too. She's the most unique of the lot, so I'll have her on my main team.

Basch - He's going to become the bad guy and betray my party!

Ashe - Spoilt.

Larsa - She dragged me here to get nethicite, and doesn't give me anything for my troubles... What a waste of time. -_-

Fran - I love the Icelandic accent, too. But it also kinda freaks me out when I remember that Bjork has an Icelandic accent.

Ashe - Yeah, so spoiled. I totally wish my crown got stolen from me, let alone have my father and husband killed in the preceding war. Ungrateful bitch.

Larsa - I really thought he was a girl for the longest time. Even after they called him a prince... I thought he was a girl playing decoy for the real prince.
Ashe - Yeah, so spoiled. I totally wish my crown got stolen from me, let alone have my father and husband killed in the preceding war. Ungrateful bitch.
Well, when you put it like that... It was just her attitude sometimes. :P She didn't seem to thank people for trying to help her, or for risking their lives to save her. =/
I hated Vaan's voice. Period. I couldn't stand it. I'm used to it now, though. Oh, and I hate Penelo, too.

I don't know why, I just do. Also, I was a little surprised to see Ashe getting married, as from the rumors in the magazines, I expected her to be with Vaan. Not getting married. >.>

And my first thoughts on the battle system? FFXI deja vu. :P
Well, when you put it like that... It was just her attitude sometimes. :P She didn't seem to thank people for trying to help her, or for risking their lives to save her. =/

True, she can totally be cutting sometimes, but I think some people seem to label her immediately as bitchy just because she's not a simpering girl who constantly needs saving. She doesn't thank people for saving her because they must, just as nobody would thank her for trying to save Dalmasca - it's all a matter of duty.

I'm glad to see a heroine I genuinely recognized as strong.
I hated Vaan's voice. Period. I couldn't stand it. I'm used to it now, though. Oh, and I hate Penelo, too.

I don't know why, I just do. Also, I was a little surprised to see Ashe getting married, as from the rumors in the magazines, I expected her to be with Vaan. Not getting married. >.>

Vaan's voice was ick, but nothing compared to Tidus so i won't complain about it. Balthier and Fran's voices were top notch, as were Cid's and the Judges'....Ashe's voice was really annoying. Penelo had a pretty tolerable voice, one i didn't picture her having. Bash had a boring, forgettable voice. He was boring and forgettable.

I thought Ashe and Vaan would end up together too. And i did find it a tad odd how in the cutscene after the Pharos, you see Ashe clinging onto Vaan...

I'm glad to see a heroine I genuinely recognized as strong.

She wasn't even strong until the very end of the Pharos, up until then she kept blindly following that stupid vision of her dead husband into danger. I just love when Balthier says they shouldn't go in Giruvegan lest they end up like Cid, then Ashe sees the vision and waltzes right in.

Course everyone else was just as stupid for tagging along and never questioning it.
I guess it was lame for her to have been following the false ghost, but compared to the past line of female leads, it was a shock that she did anything more than cry/talk about her indecisiveness/get sick/Pollyanna the situation.
I did think Vaan and Ashe would be a big couple or something. Wow, was I wrong, eh? lol. So lame.

Penelo and Vaan at least. I thought Penelo was going to be the character you don't get until like the middle of the game.

I think they all met too easily and too quickly.
I think they all met too easily and too quickly.

So true.

One of the things I think FFXII failed with was the relationship between the main party. I could see why Basch and Ashe would stay together, Penelo with Vaan, and Balthier with Fran... but I don't see why they worked together as a party. I never felt like the party every bonded, and for me, that's what made the characters a bit dull - they never resonated with one another.
That is so rightly put. I agree 100%. That game was totally lacking in that department as well.

See, My first impression was that they were going to be such a forceful team to stop a grand war and be all Gun Ho...and teamwork, blah, blah...but nah. It wasn't. lol.
There was plenty of reason for them to work together. And Balthier makes it clear that he wants treasure. He even takes Ashe's ring as payment for his services.

And remember, it's just a video game. There isn't the time (or the need) to give them all these intricate reasons as to why they would all work together.

If anything doesn't make sense, it's why Fran is a friggin sky pirate! How does she make the transition from a sheltered Viera to a friggin theif?

Anyway, my initial impressions of FFXII's characters:

Vaan: Lame voice, but not as bad as Tidus. The acting wasn't so bad, but it wasn't stellar.

Penelo: I figured she would end up being Vaan's girlfriend. She's kind of a tag-along, and more like Vaan's sister than anything. Voice and acting were among the best, though.

Balthier: Best voice, best acting, period. The guy who plays him is older than the rest of the party, and is far more experienced. It shows.

Fran: Did anyone else know that the girl who plays Fran is HOT? She is! Swear to god! Go to IMDB or Wiki the game. She's beautiful. Also, her voice is a bit hard to get used to, but everything about it makes sense. Good acting, as well. Never understood how she ended up being a sky pirate, though.

Basch: I liked the character, and understood that he was really only there because of his strong sense of duty to the kingdom. His voice was good, and his acting was solid, too.

Ashe: The voice was decent, but the acting was kinda lame. I guess taken in context it works, seeing as she's royalty and all, and would naturally have a different style of speech than the commoners, but still. She grated on me. And I think they missed the boat when it came to her flirting with obsession for power. It either should have been explored more fully, or should have been left out completely.
And remember, it's just a video game. There isn't the time (or the need) to give them all these intricate reasons as to why they would all work together.

The idea of telling an epic story in a video game is a big part of the Final Fantasy franchise. Square is critically acclaimed for its intricate storylines.

If we want to play a video game that's fun and doesn't have any story, we can go to a Mario game. Final Fantasy distinguishes itself with great plots.
The idea of telling an epic story in a video game is a big part of the Final Fantasy franchise. Square is critically acclaimed for its intricate storylines.

If we want to play a video game that's fun and doesn't have any story, we can go to a Mario game. Final Fantasy distinguishes itself with great plots.

What more did you want? Ashe was on a quest, Basch was sworn to protect her; Vaan wanted revenge for his fallen brother, Penelo wanted to make sure he'd be alright; Balthier and Fran wanted riches, tagging along for Ashe's quest would certainly bring much of that; Vaan wanted to be a sky pirate, Balthier was an instant idol to him; Ashe knew that having Balthier and Fran around under the pretense of undiscovered treasures would guarantee their loyalty.

And hanging above all of this is the spectre of an empire bent on destruction, and about to be thrust into a costly war by the constant struggle for power among the Emperor's children. Ashe knew she would need the help, and so did everyone else.

I'm struggling to see why they wouldn't work together.
maybe you all were expecting to much but it is true the way they got together and their bonding was poor

when i first started the game ithought it would be the best finalfantasy ever but that didnt turn out to be true
They all worked together, shared a common goal. So what if they weren't all buddy buddy? It's not as if they knew each other for years like characters in previous, you should remember that. They were brought together reasonably, so what if it was quick? Since when was something like that a major issue o_O?

They were a team, and I could see that. They "bonded" well, got closer/friendlier with each other in later stages because of how different they were. This isn't FFX folks - completely different cast of characters, with different personalities and issues.