First Impressions (XII)

I think the problem is that everyone expected this game to be the best one in the series. I mean, it got a 40/40 in that famous game magazine in Japan, and the graphics were the best yet.

So I don't blame people for being upset that this game wasn't everything they thought it would be. The battle system sucked, the pace of the narrative was **, and there was no love story--which, mind you, I have no problem with, but a lot of folks are upset by it.

I thought the game was decent. Overall, I'd rank it lower than VII and X, but it was better than VIII in every respect, and I liked VIII. Wasn't bad, just wasn't balls-out great.
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I think the problem is that everyone expected this game to be the best one in the series. I mean, it got a 40/40 in that famous game magazine in Japan, and the graphics were the best yet.

well thats what i said too

the way the characters got was bit unatural and (orphans, sky pirates, princesses and commanders) cant be a team its just so unatural

thats my opinion and if you dont like it then (bite me)
the way the characters got was bit unatural and (orphans, sky pirates, princesses and commanders) cant be a team its just so unatural

Not so fast. They were all, in some part, in the resistance. Their goals all led them to the same place. The sky pirates wanted treasure, Vaan wanted adventure and to follow the sky pirates, Penelo wanted to keep an eye on Vaan, Basch wanted to avenge his name and aid the resistance, and Ashe wanted to LEAD the resistance.

So, when Fraan, Balthier, and Vaan stumbled across Basch, they found out that Basch and Ashe's journey would lead them across the globe and through some of the richest places in the world...they stuck around.

It's not that unbelievable, if you pay attention to the story.
They do have good reasons to be working together. The problem is that they don't have any inter-group chemistry. Not much friendship aside from what is implied, and perhaps a few seconds of dialogue.

They're believable as a team. But there's nothing emotionally gratifying about it.
I loved XII, my third fav FF but I have to admit, the party did seem a little too contrived. Well... perhaps rushed is a better way to put it. I loved the characters, no probs with that but the way they got together just didn't quite gell with me.
They all worked together, shared a common goal. So what if they weren't all buddy buddy? It's not as if they knew each other for years like characters in previous, you should remember that. They were brought together reasonably, so what if it was quick? Since when was something like that a major issue o_O?

They were a team, and I could see that. They "bonded" well, got closer/friendlier with each other in later stages because of how different they were. This isn't FFX folks - completely different cast of characters, with different personalities and issues.

I realize it's not FFX, but still, in FFVII and FFVIII they all bonded and got along better than XII. It was just something that was lacking completely. They were brought together too quickly which kinda was a bore, IMO.
eisprinz said:
They do have good reasons to be working together. The problem is that they don't have any inter-group chemistry. Not much friendship aside from what is implied, and perhaps a few seconds of dialogue.

They're believable as a team. But there's nothing emotionally gratifying about it.

I nominate this for post of the friggin year! Excellent point!

If there is a complaint about the group itself, as a whole, it's that they just seemed a bit bland. Aside from Balthier and Fran's chemistry (which doesn't even really show up until later) they don't spend nearly enough time trying to have the group warm to each other. It's a very sterile environment.

I think they should have had more scenes between Balthier and Vaan. Considering how much Vaan wanted to be a sky pirate, you'd think there'd be more of him hovering around and annoying the REAL sky pirate. But no.