First time


Jun 12, 2006
What console and or version have you played of the original FF?
What did you think of it, the game that started it all?

I first layed it on the PSX at first I liked the game but the gameplay rally bugged me as it was so slow and too hard, so I ended up quitting on it.

Then I got the GBA version and that I loved so much. It was improved not only in graphics but the controlls were so much beter aswell. So I played and completed it ll the way through for the first time on GBA and I loved it so much I replyed it another 3 times in a row without stopping to play anything else.
My first play was on the GBA. I never did get to play it otherwise. But I can't say I was terribly impressed with it, but that just may have been because it could never amount to Final Fantasy VII-X. But over all it was okay and I'm sure if it were to be the first Final Fantasy game I had played I would be able to see it in a different light because I wouldn't be able to compare it.

But never the less, compared to Final Fantasy VII and such it wasn't all that great. But what can you expect from the first Final Fantasy and on hand held at that.
I do not think the fact it is on hand held means much as the hand held version is the best there is. The original was on NES and was very pathetic in terms of graphics. The sea and ground were just solid blocks of land.
I'm not really one for hand held games, thats why I wasn't too fussed on it. Thats only my oppinion on the game because I don't like playing on hand helds much. But becasue I'm such a fan of Final Fantasy I couldn't just ignore it when it came out. In truth I don't own a hand held, the GA-SP is my brothers XP
I actually played this game recently because of curiosity. I got it as the release for the PSX.

Overall I really enjoyed it. The storyline was a bit odd to say the least, and didn't complete match up in some places, but held together for the most part.

I liked the graphics. I'm not one to be biased about the quality of a game based on such appearances. I think 2d and pixels are rather cute. ^_^

I loved the music. I recall searching for the old 8-bit versions of the song and then comparing to the remastered, and they were good. Music is one of the main aspects I notice first in all games.

I find it funny how as the first Final Fantasy it doesn't contain the characteristic chocobos and Cid. lol. Or was it moogles it didn't have.......I can't remember.

Fine little game, actually challenging at some parts.
Now I did love the music, which is odd becuase normally I find the music on hand held games to be lacking of rythm XD But I did enjoy the music and in all fairness I enjoyed the game, but I would have found it better on something such as the PS1/PS2 other than a handheld, but meh, what can you do?
I could never imagine playing a game like this on a handheld. It just doesn't seem...........right somehow. Then again I am more accustomed to sitting in front of a television playing any games.

Although it seems like an overplayed idea, the one with the different elemental bosses. But I must remember, this was the first of FF, so it's the trend starter lol. I really was annoyed with the Earth fiend and water fiend. Mostly because the maps were so confusing. The water one for sure anyway........I loved Gurgu's volcano.

Yes, my favourite songs from this game have to be Matoya's Cave and Gurgu Volcano.

The maze you had to do to get a rat tail for Bahamut was really annoying...........but getting your characters upgraded was really cool, being able to do those high level spells was fun. I never did get a black mage to wizard or whatever to do what was it.......choas.......doom? I dunno. I'll have to reply it.
My first game was FF X yea I know it's not that old, but I'm new to FF ( It's the only FF I own ) and it amazed me the graphics are brilliant the lifespan's awsome. I used to hate FF, I remember playing it on an older console and I thought it was rubbish now I think FF is awsome!! :cool: ( That is why I joined ).
Try to stay on Topic Scott Croft this thread is for first time plays of the first FF game NOT any other.
The first FF I played was FF VII. It was my friend who got me interested in it. I walked in and saw this girl, Aeris, get stabbed by a guy in black and thought, "Hmmm, this looks quite good" lol. Then his brother showed me FF's 1-6 and I thought they were mince. VII>X really impressed me. X-2 was a dissappointment. FFXI has not been bought by me due to the online concept. I'm not paying to play!

Edit: I apologise, I thought the topic was referring to the first FF YOU played, not the first FF. My bad :(

I've seen this game, but truthfully, it did nothing for me. The graphics were poor, the story was poor. Granted, I was 8 when I played it, but I wouldn't play it again.
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Been that it was the first rpg I ever played, I was very much in love with the game. My brother was playing the game and had to take a call. He was busy leveling up and decided he could afford to risk my playing it. He passed it over with the instruction of 'don't get killed'. I was worried at first but I really clicked with the game. I've played it on the NES, the computer and the PS. If I get a GBA that'll be one of the first games I play. Granted the game's a little hard, the graphics are shitty and the overall plot is pitful, but back in the day it was acutally quite good. I've played it at least a half dozen times and I never tire of it. Of course, that's probably because of nostaglia. :D
well i had the roiginal for the nes. i remember i traded my friend iron sowrd for it. i didn't play it much. hell i never beat it for the nes. it wans't until i got it for the ps1, the one that had ff2 with it. thats when i beat actually beat it. the nes version i got back in 89 i think.. it was a long time ago..
Well the first time i played it was on Final Fantasy origins. It was a pack of the first two Final Fantasy games for the playstation. Anyway i liked it more then the GBA cause it had that cool cutscene at the begging. The GBA one is alot easier though. I was pretty good at it one the ps and i got to the last lvl but there i sucked but still good. I however sucked on the second one in the ps one but ruled in it with the GBA....Also when it came out(80s) You would constier it a very good looking game. And the creater didnt want to tarnish that so they made it look like it did in the 80s. They just gave it some tune ups but kept the oringanal look of the game. i loved it.
I first played FF 1 for the PS1 a couple years ago. I liked chosing my class and name, but besides that, I didn't get far into it.
I first played Final Fantasy I for the NES, it was really fun and a good game to play but at times it could get really hard due to lack of gil to buy the better weapons, armour and spells but a generally great game. The GBA/PSX remakes were just way to easy, it was fun for a while but it got boring because of the easy difficulty of the game, the graphics and music enhanced made it a bit better than the original but the NES version is simply legendary.
I've got the PSX version that comes in the Origins package and I thought it was ace. only problem I actually have with it is the silly amount of time you have to spend collecting up gil from battles cos the rewards recived seem rather low and the cost of weapons and armor, even near the beginning, are high.

I loved this game cos its so basic yet fun to play. tho it obviously cant be compared with any of the later FF's I feel its better that the follow up, FFII.