First time

I recall playing this on the NES a long time ago, though I couldn't really get into it. I enjoyed playing through the Playstation version though, as by then I had conquered many Final Fantasy games and this one wasn't really difficult at all. I must admit, it can be hard at times, but it's not impossible for the veteran gamer. I have yet to touch the 'Easy' mode, and I'll only give it a shot when I want to unlock some of the bonuses that you get for completing both modes.

I checked out the GBA version recently, and I'd have to say that it pales in comparison to the PSOne version. It's good for kids who actually own the handheld devices though, but besides a short demo I'll have nothing to do with it. I'm glad some other games will get a chance to play a more simplified version for themselves, though. The more the merrier.
I've played several different verions of it (though three of them were technically the same). I have played it for the original NES, an a NES emulator (first version of it I played), the Final Fantasy Origins version for PS, and the Dawn of Souls version for GBA. The only one I beat was the GBA version, and I definitely found it the most entertaining of the four (though only two actual different versions, since the NES, emulator, and PS version are all the exact same game).
My first time was on the NES. It was my first experience for an RPG at all (followed quickly by Dragon Warrior), and I must say that I loved every minute of it. I remember playing this game and having AC/DC playing in the background, staying up oh so late just to beat it.

I love this game even to this day.
First time I played FF1 was for the NES.
The game seemed alright that time, but the process was kinda slow, which irked me. So I stopped playing.
But when the GBA version came out, I loved it.
So yeah.
Well, I played this game about 3 or 4 years ago on PS. I was only 1/4 through the game when I quit. I don't know, maybe I was expecting something better. I just couldn't latch on with the storyline and characters. Maybe if I had played this game when I was wayyy younger, I'd probably have enjoyed it more. But I really don't see myself playing this game again. =/
I first played this game back in the summer of 2003 but only got about 4 or 5 hours into it. I couldn't stand the graphics, didn't play frequently enough to understand the story, and ended up getting stuck out in the middle of no where with no health, gil, or items.

I just bought the game off of Amazon brand new a few weeks ago, so I'll get into it again and start over soon as I beat FFIV.