Flying the airships for no reason for hours...


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Jun 26, 2008
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Those of you that have played FF's 1-9 should know that the Final Fantasy series used to allow you to pilot airships on the world map, have complete control and fly to wherever you please.

This thread applies more to FF 6-9, as FF6 was the first to give a semi-3d look at the world as a globe as opposed to a flat map.

Anyway... Did anybody else, when you didn't feel like continuing the story and were just messing about, decide to take the airship for a ride for no reason whatsoever?

Me, I'd randomly just hop into the airship and fly around the world going "Weeeeee!!!!!" (in my head, not out loud, as that would be sad :ness:), going up and down, over mountains, then down to the sea and scraping the surface with the bottom of the ship, then going back up again.

I'd travel around all the towns and just fly over them, or try to crash into them and pull away and just keep flying, and flying and flying.

I'd sometimes pretend to lose control and shout "oh no, we're going down!" (in my head of course, for out loud would be really, REALLY sad :ness:), and then dive to the ground then pull up again.

I remember once I pretended that aliens were invading so I made up a little story in my head and just flew the airship around and pretended it was firing missiles at them. :awesome:

Flying the airships and having freedom in the skies of the FF worlds was one of my favourite features in an FF game. I think it is a shame that they haven't had this feature in an FF game since FF9.

Does anybody else feel the same way?

Do any of you also spend ages flying the airships around the planet when really all you needed to do was get from A to B?
That's strange...:ness:

Never played 6-9, though so it sounds like i'm missing out...

I'm jealous. :(
Same! I liked making up little stories while flying the Hilda Garde or the uhmm.. Pandemonium? Its really fun to do and you may find some different places while doing so.
Its a shame that 10 etc didnt allow you to fly around in Airships as the Graphics would be really interesting on how they would make the world map look.

Be warned! Flying around on the Balamb Garden and leaving it between two mountains then going for a stroll is a bad idea. I had to start again because I got lost and couldnt find where I parked it. :(
I've dont that a few times. I'd lose concentration and just start flying around for a few minutes until I remembered where it was I was trying to go.
Occasionally I would do a few laps around the world when I was bored, but that would only last a few minutes. I didn't make up any stories or anything but I did enjoy quick weaving and such. I think my favourite airship to pilot was the Ragnarok from FFVIII, but I also spent a fair bit of time just doing laps around the world in FFIV, FFVI and FFIX.
That's definitely odd, but hey, each to his own. I never really spent more than a couple of minutes, maybe three or four, flying around in the airships. Most of the time it was going from point A to point B, but I do remember getting lost quite a few times in Final Fantasy VI. Especially right after the game turned to the world of ruin. God it was so hard finding all of those characters. Haha, I remember wasting hours searching for Locke.
Occasionally I would do a few laps around the world when I was bored, but that would only last a few minutes. I didn't make up any stories or anything but I did enjoy quick weaving and such. I think my favourite airship to pilot was the Ragnarok from FFVIII, but I also spent a fair bit of time just doing laps around the world in FFIV, FFVI and FFIX.

Pretty much sums it up for me tbh

Although I only really did it in VII and VIII. The ragnorak was epic, and I liked the blue flames on the engines on the Highwind, so when I was about bored Id occasionally do a lap or 2

Was it VI that had the invisible boss flying around that you just had to fly around and hop for the best? that put me of airships forever
Was it VI that had the invisible boss flying around that you just had to fly around and hop for the best? that put me of airships forever

Yes it was. Deathgaze or Doom Gaze (in some versions) would appear at random spots and times while piloting the Falcon in the World of Ruin of FFVI.

I did find that bit quite annoying, but rewarding when I beat the thing.

Hmmmm.. From the majority of the responses it would appear that I am insane. :O

Or that not that many people fly around for ages, but that some did as well. :D
I could never just fly from point A to B in an airship like that.. The urge to keep flying and do a few laps before going to the place demanded was far too strong for me.
I have only played 7 up to the final battle and i haven't gotten far enough in the others to have a ship as i didn't play em long enough but whenever i hopped in a vehicle in general i always had to screw around in it.The buggy was fun to run around in as was the highwind.I might've spent about max 15 min screwing around.I think a game to just to fly around for the hell of it would be GTA:VC and on since you could really get guns and missles to launch(there you go Argor no more pretending just shoot the people of the city lawlz)but yea it was a nice touch to the earlier games to have to keep interest.
When I get the airship, I like to have a good fly round the world map, to investigate any curious places I might not have been to, or anything that strikes me out of the ordinary.

While I've never flown on the airship for ages for no apparent reason, I like to take the longest route possible to get from A to B, since normally, viewing the world map from the airship is quite pretty. Particularly in FFIX xD
I do that a lot, I only really did it in 7 though. I'd just fly about everywhere and doing some kind of dance to myself feeling all majestic listening to the music that comes with the that's sad >.>
I tend to just fly around randomly looking for new places you wouldn't otherwise find. It was great fun tearing through the skies although I can't say I ever did it for hours at a time for no reason. I was always heading somewhere but I'd often take the long route.
Now that I think about it, yes! I did most of it in FF7 and FF8, but still once I got on an an airship my mind just started to spin. Like Argor, I'd dip as low as possible then watch my airship rise out of a basin or the ocean and up over the mountains. I didn't really fantasize about anything in particular but I did like to be a little explorer.

I was the captain of the ship, Yargh! Airship was fast, and that's what I wasn't use to. I loved how FFVII had the different types of ships, that was pretty awesome of them.

I miss them, bring them back! I hate selecting a zone and you are just.. there. I'd rather take the baby out for a cruise.
I still do it now. :awesome:

When there's a storyline going or a mission I should be doing and I can't be arsed, then I'll fly the airship around for ages, wondering what it'd be like if I'd crashed into Midgar on VII or Galbadia in VIII ...
I tend to take longer routes and explore around a bit after first getting an airship :awesome: Especially after completing FF6, Twas pretty all I did from that point on, just go up and, backwards, forwards, sidewords etc whilst appreciating the world map theme.

I tend to prefer travelling on airships using that weird day where you can go sidewards, forwards, and backwards with turning, dunno why, just preferred it :gasp:
Sorry to derail but I havent played past X in the series yet. Are all of the games following IX not a free roaming world map? If so thats really lame :(
Sorry to derail but I havent played past X in the series yet. Are all of the games following IX not a free roaming world map? If so thats really lame :(

sadly that's the case ;[
X onwards are ones where you have to select a place from a menu. It sucks ass man
Sorry to derail but I havent played past X in the series yet. Are all of the games following IX not a free roaming world map? If so thats really lame :(

Sadly, that is the case. :sad2:

FFXI you could only rely on public transport and hop on airships that arrived in ports at scheduled times, and departed according to a fixed timetable.

In FFXII there is also no world map, and I think the airship works similar to the airship in FFX. I haven't got the the airship yet in FFXII, but I have been told it is pretty much similar. I think I've seen that the anchor falls down to save crystals while you are different places,a nd you can climb the anchor up to the airship and pick where next to go, but you don't fly it... Or something.

So yeah, it is a shame, but no Final Fantasy following FFIX has an airship that you can pilot.

EDIT - ha ha ha. How weird, I had no idea jasminepotts had just posted then and we pretty much started our posts with the same words. :awesome:
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Yeah did the same. In Final Fantasy VI just loved to zoom around Kefka's castle many many times until it got really insane or got a headache.

Think in FF8- FF9 used to pretend that the Airship was driving by real-life speeds and used to drive really slowly and pretend that it took a day for the heroes to get to Lindblum or the characters got to Edea's orphanage late in the afternoon...

And used to tease the Timber Train. land right in the middle so it would stop, or hover right in front of the Train so would kept on halting/ get confused. Bwa Ha !!

Hope that somebody who works for SE and understands English and randomly stalks/ looks at online Forums reads this, so SE will know that we miss controlling Airships.... ;___:
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I was a sucker in FFVIII.... EVERY time I got into the airship, I'd have to go zooming around like I was high on sugar, trying to crash into the mountains.>_> I'd often find myself landing in the weirdest places just to see what was there. <_< Also, because I'd never playing FF before, it was through doing this that
I found the Deep sea research center and ultimately, Bahamut
so randomly going around the World Map like a bat out of hell is sometimes a good thing. >_>

/trying to find a valid reason so she doesn't look insane >_>

In VI I was the same... just random roaming around. It's just fun xD

Also, I love the Airship music, especially in VIII >_>

Though I didn't do it much in VII cos I wanted to just get that game over with as soon as possible >.>

I currently keep flying around the world map in FFI... >_> Just cos... Well, I can. :gonk: