For those who have beaten the game


Chocobo Breeder
Apr 29, 2007
Do you think its better to level up your selected main characters or give experience to all the characters? im trying to level up all my charcters during battles, but its a hasssle
Well, technically you don't level up in this game. You use spheres to power up your characters. And it really depends if you want to evely use everyone or not.
Yup yup.
Just be sure to keep fighting and obtaining spheres as you'll find the 'speed' ones run out just like that.
Plus it's a great accomplishment to actually complete a character grid in the first place.
Yeah it takes a lot of time to complete everyones sphere grid that´s for sure...i for one completed the sphere grid with Kimahri, Auron, Yuna and Tidus but made sure the other characters had also decent stats.;)

Because if you get in trouble you can always count with some backup!
you really need to lvl up every character.

Now I'm doin that , exept for kimahri.
It's hard to train all of your characters evenly because it's abvious that your going to use say Auron more than Rikku but that being said, it's a good idea to train all of your characters as much as you can (yes, even Kimahri) because you never know when you might need them
i just stuck to my main characters. then again i have a tendancy to do that with all my games and if its a game i need all the characters and i dont realise that i do then i jsut dont play that game again!!!! like with Magnacarta. got right to the end and i couldent do it becasue all my characters were like really weak!!
I actually got all my characters maxed out. I.e. doing exactly the same 9999 damage, the same 9999 HP, you get the point.
And that's 'cause I trained everyone evenly, well actually, I just kept switching them in and out fighting Marlboro. Omega Dungeon is the best place to train by the way.
i used the same 3 main characters throughout the game well when i got them
i used auron for power lulu for magic and tidus for his speed (and blitz ace)
but with break damage limit equipped you can do 99999 damage

Oh, I've never gotten that then.
I've never gotten Blitz Ace also.

But Bahamut sure can. So can Anima. xD
I wish I could get that break damage limit though.
what i try to do is find the best three characters like mine are auron wakka and tidus then just train them all the time
I always find it's best to train everyone of your characters because as you know they all have to be used in the game somehow, sometimes alone (Kimahri) and sometimes you need them for special occassions such as when you have to control only the adept swimmers (Rikku, Wakka and Tidus). To avoid any problems it's best to just power them all up; if not evenly then at least effectively.
I tried to level up all my characters once, but as you said it is a hassle. If I really want to talk the time I'd do it. The only person that's not in my regular party (Of Auron, Tidus, and Kimahri) that I try to keep leveled up is Yuna.

She has some handy healing abilities and her Aeons are good when your in a fix.
Well, technically if you just level your main characters you'll be able to beat the game. The game never puts you in a position when you'll need a character critically. Examples of this would be fighting Biran and Yenke with Kimahri. I didn't level Kimahri much and I was still able to defeat them easily. The same goes for Evrae Altana, with a very special trick even if Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku are your most underdeveloped characters, you'll still be able to beat him easily. However, if you want to get the most out of the game and like to complete everything maxing out your characters is a must. I didn't do it on my first playthrough, but right now, I'm playing an earlier save of my game, and I'm dedicating myself to the task. It's proven to be quite fun.
I kept everyone pretty fairly leveled up except Lulu and Rikku before I beat the game. I used a main party of 5 overall and then in the Monster Arena I souped up Tidus, Wakka, and Yuna to ultra-powerful overall so they jetted ahead of everyone else in terms of stats.