For those who have beaten the game

for every single battle i fought in, i subbed in each character and had them do something so that everyone gained experience. my entire party was stacked at the end of the game and it was a huge advantage when i fought enemies like nemesis and was able to sub in super-powerful character after super-powerful character.
Well it is true that only "leveling up" your favorite characters is a quick and easy way to get through the game. But that'll only get you so far, at some point in the game you'll be stuck useing all of the character. Some indiviually others create a unique group but through experience I think it's better to "level up" everyone equally. (There is no actual leveling up in the game but I understand what you mean anyway.)
I never concerned myself with everyone in the team, because it's not mandatory to have anyone in your party other than in the boss fight against Biran & Yenke. So naturally I'd put some stats on Kimahri for that fight, but otherwise I'd stick with my main three; whoever I choose them to be.

However through my more recent play-throughs, I've started working on everyone, and switching people out for their advantages (range, magic, piercing etc). Training everyone is the more useful tactic, but is by no means more efficient.
I kinda over trained my whole party lol. It was funny coz Tidus learnt Holy before Yuna and Yuna learnt Ultima before Lulu haha. Yuna ended up killing the final boss by just attacking it 3 times or something iono but i lol'd hard
you have to raise all there lvls coz you'll need Rikku and Wakka and Tidus in some places.
I usually work on Auron,Tidus,Kimarhi& Lulu first then the rest. The last file I had I got Auron & Tidus up to 9999 HP & MP up to 999 then get the rest atleast over 5000 Hp & HP atleast over 400.

Then like Auron,Yuna & Lulu try to achieve white magics like Holy,ect & some of the black magics like Flare,death,fbasically almost all of them. Make sure most of them has reflect,protect,cure,ect. The only character I probably dont do much with is Rikku cause the only time I use her is to steal things so her HP only gets as high as 4000-5000 since I'm not too fond of that character.

Too have high Hp & Mp comes in handy during the later battles w/ Seymour & the final battles.
I find it better to give exp. to all characters near the beggening, when your getting into the lingo of things, then I just start to break away from the pack with Yuna, Tidus, and Auron.
I know it's kind of a mission to lvl everyone up, but my suggestion is that you do it until the Airship becomes available to you. After that you can focus on the three main characters you use, as they will be the ones fighting the extra hard arena monsters that drop the better weapons. Eventually, as weapons with the super fast AP aquisition become available for everyone, you should level them all up as much as possible.

All my characters have walked the whole Sphere Grid, and I've customized around 300-350 nods on the Sphere grid.