Forum sites are where we all belong anyway!


New member
Dec 10, 2022
Vyxerah Tia
Hello everyone! My name is Avery, and it feels kind of good going back to forums again. Twitters on fire and its a cess pool anyways. I've started writing blog articles and through that found an active forum. I'm super stoked to be here, especially with Crisis Core Reunion around the corner!
Welcome to the FFForums, Avery! I'm excited for CC too! What would you say your favorite Final Fantasy is? :)

If you need any assistance feel free to reach out to myself or any member of staff, there's a few of us roaming around that enjoy helping in any way we can! We also have a small bunch of Christmas events running too if you're into that sort of thing, such as our writing event! Happy posting! :flower:
Welcome, Avery!

Yes, I have to admit I am not the biggest fan of social media. It has potential, but it doesn't offer the same thing as forums and doesn't really encourage longform content. At least, it hasn't really benefited me much yet. I've seen it work out well enough for others, so there must be a knack to it.

May I ask what sort of blog articles you've been writing?

It is, once again, an exciting time to love Final Fantasy. Crisis Core: Reunion is more or less here, but then we'll have FFXVI, FFVII: Rebirth, and there's always lots and lots of interest with FFXIV at the moment.

Feel free to share with us your favourite and discuss whatever you like with us. :argor:

Any questions about the site, go ahead and ask.
Welcome to the FFForums, Avery! I'm excited for CC too! What would you say your favorite Final Fantasy is? :)

If you need any assistance feel free to reach out to myself or any member of staff, there's a few of us roaming around that enjoy helping in any way we can! We also have a small bunch of Christmas events running too if you're into that sort of thing, such as our writing event! Happy posting! :flower:
That's awesome thanks! I've only played a few so far, but XV was my first FF that I actually finished and I'm very attached to the characters and really like writing fanfic for them! After that was when I played FF7 on my switch and the fixation took off from there. So probably XV for now, but that might change as I play more! I'm currently playing VIII on my switch and I really enjoy it so far!

Welcome, Avery!

Yes, I have to admit I am not the biggest fan of social media. It has potential, but it doesn't offer the same thing as forums and doesn't really encourage longform content. At least, it hasn't really benefited me much yet. I've seen it work out well enough for others, so there must be a knack to it.

May I ask what sort of blog articles you've been writing?

It is, once again, an exciting time to love Final Fantasy. Crisis Core: Reunion is more or less here, but then we'll have FFXVI, FFVII: Rebirth, and there's always lots and lots of interest with FFXIV at the moment.

Feel free to share with us your favourite and discuss whatever you like with us. :argor:

Any questions about the site, go ahead and ask.
I really enjoyed it for a while, but I was also big on using Myspace back in high school, to really age myself! I made some good friends on twitter bonding over kingdom hearts, but recently it's gotten a lot harder for me to curate my feed, and now I'm stuck with all the dumb takes I try and avoid!
I'm still a greenhorn when it comes to my writing, but I've started my own blog (only a couple of posts right now) just talking about video games and why i like them. I eventually want to write some well thought out think pieces about games and genres that I like. And I was recently brought on to write some guide articles for FF7:Remake, making listicles for the best armor, weapons, material, etc. I was a bit nervous on that one but I hope people like it. 😅

Thanks so much for the welcome! I'm so glad to find active forums again.
I'm still a greenhorn when it comes to my writing, but I've started my own blog (only a couple of posts right now) just talking about video games and why i like them. I eventually want to write some well thought out think pieces about games and genres that I like. And I was recently brought on to write some guide articles for FF7:Remake, making listicles for the best armor, weapons, material, etc. I was a bit nervous on that one but I hope people like it. 😅

That all sounds great! Any practice is worthwhile and everyone learns as they go along. I've been writing Final Fantasy mythology articles on this site now for close to eight years (and tried a few unrelated pieces on other sites), but I'm very much still learning how to relate that information to people in a way which actually hooks them enough to read it and actually enjoy it... :thehead:

Personally, silly as it sounds, I also struggle when it comes to writing about the actual gaming aspects of gaming. I'm all about the lore, story, characters, etc. Writing gaming guides is a particular area requiring a whole different sort of knowledge, so I take my hat off to you for grabbing the bull by the horns and doing that.

My advice on the 'think pieces about games' would be to give any ideas you have a passion for a go, and be patient with yourself. Feedback of any sort, if at all given, can be a blessing that can help people grow. Silence is the worst, I think.

If you like FFXV (and are interested in fiction for it) have you read the official novel (really a collection of short stories), The Dawn of the Future? I read that earlier this year.
Welcome to the forums! Let us know if you have any questions.
Personally, silly as it sounds, I also struggle when it comes to writing about the actual gaming aspects of gaming. I'm all about the lore, story, characters, etc. Writing gaming guides is a particular area requiring a whole different sort of knowledge, so I take my hat off to you for grabbing the bull by the horns and doing that.

My advice on the 'think pieces about games' would be to give any ideas you have a passion for a go, and be patient with yourself. Feedback of any sort, if at all given, can be a blessing that can help people grow. Silence is the worst, I think.

If you like FFXV (and are interested in fiction for it) have you read the official novel (really a collection of short stories), The Dawn of the Future? I read that earlier this year.
Thank you! That's very motivating for sure. Ultimately I want to focus on lore. (I want to start a multi-blog passion project discussing the Kingdom Hearts lore but that will be a beastly undertaking. 😅
I haven't read it yet, it came out at a weird time for me but I eventually want to get a copy so that I can give it a read, and add it to the small but growing square enix collection.
Good luck unpacking Kingdom Hearts lore! :O

That sounds like a challenge, but if you are a Kingdom Hearts fan it could be very rewarding. I've only played KH1, KH2 and KH3. So, naturally, when I started playing KH3 I was quite lost. If it wasn't for the recap/lore videos that you could watch from the menu screen, I wouldn't have had a clue. So I'd need people like you to keep me right on that!

Yeah, my Square Enix (or specifically Final Fantasy) shelf is growing all the time... I definitely recommend that FFXV novel then at some point.