Frog catching!!!

Unlimited Ultima

Blue Mage
Feb 25, 2007
I love Quina!
In own words, i thought frog catching very useful.
How about you. was it a waste of your time to try and get 130 to deal 9999 damage? Explain
or those of u who feel the same way i do...tell!
i loved quina it was amazing, and i do think it was worth catching the frogs for her to take off 9999. sure it was hard work and took alot of time but she helped me with alot of bosses after i caught all those frogs. especially Necros, the final boss
I never really bothered with Quina at the start after I seen what s/he attack was like but when I finally started using "its" blue magic I had to go collect the frogs and its not that hard I had actually a little bit of fun doing it too ^_^
I haven't really used Quina too much in my first playthrough but I'm playing it over again and I'm using Quina all the time. Blue magic is quite useful early in the game. I remember Mighty Guard helping me to survive Beatrix's attack in Burmecia when you first fight her.
Eh, I could live without it, but it was interesting trying to get all 99. I went back and tried to max it out the other night and got up to 97 after rampaging all the swamps.
I got a little addicted to frog catching on my first play through. I don't think I maxed it out though. It was a fun little side quest.
By the time I meet back up with Dagger and Steiner in Alexandria on Disc 2, I already have anywhere from 70-80 frogs caught already.
i suppose it is fun at first but gets boring after a while waiting for them to respawn
i only did it for fighting quale and completion puposes
It wasn't a waste of time. I had to catch 154 frogs to deal 9999 damage. By the way, ALWAYS LEAVE THE GOLD FROGS AND BABY FROGS. Then the frogs will come back quicker.;)
you do realize that 100 is not the max right????
So there a maximum number you can catch, or is there no cap on it? I always jsut figured 99 was teh msot since I think that is the point you can receive Quina's Ultimate...fork...right?
You need to catch 99 frogs to get Quina's ultimate fork but you can carry on catching frogs afterwards. The most i ever caught was around 50 before i started to get bored. Personally i think catching frogs just to raise the power of the Frog Drop move is pointless when several other characters can inflict close to 9999 damage when leveled high enough.
Frog catching was quite fun! A bit frustrating, but that's the point of it all, aside from it being fun. ^_^ Hmm, I don't think I maxed it out either...mainly because I wanted to move on with the storyline since I was so excited about the game.
Golden Frogs add power to Frog Drop.
Adult frogs add power to Frog Drop just not as much as the Golden Frogs.
Baby frogs add power to Frog Drop just not as much as the Golden or Adult frogs. I dont know if anyone else has noticed that,but i have and Golden Frogs are so rare to find. they only come when the swamp has reached its limit of frogs i think. yeah that does make more sense.
the Golden frog is the oldest one thats how it becomes Golden.....
I wonder how many Golden Frogs you can get into a swamp total....
Frogging was great fun. Quina was useful at times, but the attacks ranging between powerful and rubbish at random, kinda prevented me from overusing him/her.
And oh, how is it supposed to be pronounced? Is it Like Kweena, or Keena?
I always pronounced his name Keena Ken/Quina Quen!
I have to agree with alot of you, though Kain...Quinas abilities come in great use. He is my BEST and Favorite character.
And i do think there is a limit...200 maybe.
His attacks did suck. He could hit 7000 damage for me, then hit in the 2000s...yeah i could definately agree there.
Back on topic....
Frog Drop was his best physical damage causer. so i completed the task along with the entire Blue Magic list
I used to think quina was just plain wierd but then I started using "it" a lot and found it fun devouring monsters, I did'nt really bother with the frogging though, way too annoying for me.>_<
I did the frog catching every time I played. IT gets you some good items, and if you're a perfectionist, then you need to to it to get Quina's ultimate weapon. Also, you can only fight Ozma once you've beaten Quan/Quale (I forget which is which)
I did the frog catching every time I played. IT gets you some good items, and if you're a perfectionist, then you need to to it to get Quina's ultimate weapon. Also, you can only fight Ozma once you've beaten Quan/Quale (I forget which is which)

it IS Quan and are you positive about your answer on the " also, you can only fight Ozma once youve beaten Quan"....I challenge that statement/quote for it is untrue. As long as you have the Golden Chocobo, you have a shot at defeating Ozma at anytime at the CHOCOBO AIRGARDEN. and False information is not allowed. I saved you from a possible warning. Occasionally i help people out... your welcome.