Frog catching!!!

it IS Quan and are you positive about your answer on the " also, you can only fight Ozma once youve beaten Quan"....I challenge that statement/quote for it is untrue. As long as you have the Golden Chocobo, you have a shot at defeating Ozma at anytime at the CHOCOBO AIRGARDEN. and False information is not allowed. I saved you from a possible warning. Occasionally i help people out... your welcome.

False information isnt allowed? Maybe he made a mistake, I doubt he'd pass on "false information" on purpose. How would he get a warning for it?

Anyway, I enjoyed frog catching! I love the mini games in the FF series, the frog catching and skipping rope from 9 are top favourites.
man the frog catching was fun, but after i got 99 and was that auina's master comes, and so happy hes gonna give me the ultimate for, but I gota fight him WTF? i was unprepared :(
it IS Quan and are you positive about your answer on the " also, you can only fight Ozma once youve beaten Quan"....I challenge that statement/quote for it is untrue. As long as you have the Golden Chocobo, you have a shot at defeating Ozma at anytime at the CHOCOBO AIRGARDEN. and False information is not allowed. I saved you from a possible warning. Occasionally i help people out... your welcome.

A bit cocky, aren't we? :P I really doubt that was "false information." I think he just stated his opinion and maybe he really does believe it his way. Doesn't necessarily make it as if he's intentionally giving out false information because what would be the purpose?

Haha, take me for instance. I sometimes post some stuff that I'm not even sure about, myself. I just give in to the hope that I'm correct in one way or another. ^_^ Er, yeah I know I should get my facts straight first...but the thing is, I mostly post opinions in such matters. And then when I see other members post a different opinion, I'm immediately open to their idea and sometimes admit that perhaps I'm wrong and they're right. Ahhhhh, I don't know where I'm going with this anymore! :blink:

Anyway, frog catching is probably one of the funnest mini-game I've played in IX. Well, besides hunting for treasures using chocobos. :)
whoa, how the hell did you get THAT many? I gotta know. is it time? and how much time do I need?thanks in advance.masterX

whoa, how the hell did you get THAT many? I gotta know. is it time? and how much time do I need?

thanks in advance.

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Frog catching was totally worth my time, and boy did I know it.

From the time I got my first item, I knew I'd probably spend ages getting the 'final' reward. Didn't quite expect the fight with Quale though... eesh.

Any fan of it has to admit though... there were times where you just couldn't stomach another marsh.
Oh, i was so bored out of those marshes in the end that i was about to puke. But at the same time i loved hunting for thos frogs! ^___^ i need to play the game again...
Ohhhhh yeahhhhh! I feel the same way when it comes to perfecting that particular technique. I began that quest as soon as I recieved Quina. I was damn stubborn when it came to the collection of at least 99 frogs. When i got through to fighting Quale, i sorta lost the first time, but WATER defense and status defense sorta cleared that up. Also, tip #2, you may wanna steal the Robe of Lords from him. Obvious reward's the game's greatest robe. That's my two cents. Peace out.
No, it rocked. I remember leaving my game on all day and night at the very begining of when it becomes available, just to get 9999 from Frog Drop. Made the majority of the game. Quina is possibly the best character, with her LV5 Death / Grand Dragon techniques.
How many frogs do you actally need to get 9999 on frog drop?

Oh, and I like your sig MasterX, its cute. xD
I like Quina in battle indeed Frog Drop is one of the best atacks in the game if you collect enough frogs:D

Plus frog catching is a nice mini-game!
I like frog catching, I just wish they bred faster, I still need loads more and I like the extra items you get for catching them aswel

It gets abit frustrating when I keep running around and missing them though, I feel mocked

Still not sure what that gold frog is all about
Ah shit, I went on a mission to catch it aswel because it was shiny....I hope I get another one..... >_<

I can go on another frog mission as soon as I get a sodding air ship, then I can get back to chocographing aswel :ninja: