Crisis Core Frozen Emerald WEAPON is in Crisis Core

The fact that we can find it there is so weird. In FFVII all the WEAPONs come out of the North Crater. And when you're inside of the crater the walls are all covered in Materia and what's under the Materia? WEAPON, so I just find it a little weird but then again it could be just for camio purposes.

wow i've never knew that i've beaten the game but i didn't notice the emerald weapon
That's pretty awesome they included Emerald in Crisis Core. Was this one of the optional areas? Because I think I took the easier way around since I wanted to see the end of the game. Ha. =P
That's pretty awesome they included Emerald in Crisis Core. Was this one of the optional areas? Because I think I took the easier way around since I wanted to see the end of the game. Ha. =P

I can't remember the exact name of the room (Rinoa said it on page 1), but it isn't an optional area. Once you're in the room, scale it until you find a pathway that seems to lead to a dead end. It takes you up a hill, and at the end of the hill, there is nothing but a small open space. Look into the background, and you'll see a large crystal, and behind that, you'll see the shoulderblades of Emerald.
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lol It's called the Depths of Judgement. I think you have to climb up onto the tallest cliff or something but if you look straight back you'll see one side of it. Turn keep turning your screen and eventually you'll see all of it. It's a neat find!
Oooh you can se all of it? I was stood on that little pokey outy cliff, if that was the right one, and I could see like either side of its body (the bits with the parts that change colour >_>)

I'm there now so I guess I can do some camera wiggling

Im impressed that people notice these things, I remember being stood on that ledge looking to see if I could get over there and I just didnt notice it AT ALL on my first playthrough
Woah, I never knew that, I must go check when I get back my PSP.

But why is it there? I thought Emerald WEAPON is in Northern Crater?
Just like everyone else said; nice discovery. And for the people who're asking "What's Emerald Weapon doing there?!", it's simply an easter egg, nothing more, nothing less. Fan service for us FF nerds, not an answer to life.
Just like everyone else said; nice discovery. And for the people who're asking "What's Emerald Weapon doing there?!", it's simply an easter egg, nothing more, nothing less. Fan service for us FF nerds, not an answer to life.

this is the truth. however due to the fact that Square put it there for other reasons than that, i will shed some light on it:

Square and FF programmers put Emerald Weapon there for a reason. it was to show the fact that the weapons were once called before in a different time and were put to sleep once the threat was contained (being Jenova's arrival). Emerald Weapon was placed in the Banora underground caves because it is directly connected to the fact that there was so much materia there and that the life stream was connected with Banora, that a massive monster like Weapon could be stored there.

Emerald Weapon was taken to North Crater by the life stream some time between Crisis Core and the original FF7, to be accompanied by Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Ultima, and Weapon. Also if you were to follow the inaccuracies in Crisis Core that effects the story of the original FF7, you would understand that Emerald was placed in Banora, for no real reason that is part of the story, but as an easter egg and a testament to the power of the lifestream and it being able to transport massive amounts of spiritual energy.

But other than what ive said, it is purely an easter egg as Archideas said.
I actually noticed this when I was finishing the game the first time, but didn;t take much notice of it! XD

Thanks for the find :-)