Advent Children Funniest moment in the movie

~ The Cell phone ringtone
~ Marlene - "You don't have a cell phone?!?!"
~ Vincent - "Where can I buy a phone?"
~ Rude being hit in the face by reno
~ Reno breaking the sunglasses
~ the little kid sticking his fingers up Reno's nose

lol I love those parts...
For me it was just the little moment :

And when Vin saves Cloud in the forest
Anything with Reno and Rude in it! XD They are so funny togeather.
And, The fact the Vincent didn't have a call phone and later ask Tifa were he could buy one was pretty funny ^^
the cellphone ring was funny:D

reno and his partner was a comedian:) i think in almost scene they have in the movie.
hmmm, favourite scene... I'd have to say when rude gets hit on the head with a sign when rude and reno are fighting ani and loz.


When loz says 'You meanie!'
xD I have a few faves.

1) Loz falling through the church roof when his battle victory ringtone goes off. It's like it startles him XD And his face when he gets up...lmao!!

2) Reno and Rude, period.

3) Loz yelling "YOU MEANIE!!!"

4) The kid sticking his fingers up Reno's nose and the gross noise it makes

5) Tifa saying "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"...I don't know WHY, but it sets me off in giggles every time.

6) Vincent so eloquently showing Marlene that he doesn't have a phone, and then later asking Tifa where he could buy one. I think it would've been better if Marlene had been there when Vin said that, because she would've gotten the little 'joke' XD
hmm just about every spot w/ reno and rude, i love them liek anything. hilarious pair. the smack, the beam falling, reno getting door slamme don him via cloud, everything is just so great.
When the entire Final Fantasy VII gang where throwing Cloud up into the air to attack Bahamut...seriously, this was funny because it reminded me of something that the Power Rangers or what Sailor Moon would do...making a comment while your throwing the main character upwards...hahaha.
...seriously, this was funny because it reminded me of something that the Power Rangers or what Sailor Moon would do...making a comment while your throwing the main character upwards...hahaha.
Heh, you're completely right. I had thought it was corny, but I can definitely see them now that you mention it.
Towards the beginning in the Healin Lodge where Cloud instantly brings out his sword and Reno makes a desperate attempt to attack him but fails miserably. I think Reno had to be a huge comedy relief in this movie. It cracked me up when Cloud and Rufus are talking and Reno goes "I'm still out here!" and "Yeah Rude! Lookin' sharp!" Then we fast forward to where Reno slaps Rude across the face with his weapon, and when they're fighting Loz and Yazoo Reno says "Mother shmother, it's Jenova's friggin head!" Loz and Yazoo become all offended and Reno's like "You're mom's cool....what the hell am I saying!" That just made me laugh. So yeah definantly the scenes with Reno and Rude and of course when Cid arrived, you can't help but chuckle when you see Cid :P
Reno climbs like a monkey! That made me giggle and basically any humor-related part with Reno and even Rude in it was pretty funny. Reno's the comedian man.
one funny part is when renogets trown back by one attack from yazoo, and yazoo says- you having funny?
and reno answer -the time of my life, and punch yazoo freakin hard with his wep.
love the voice actor voice there.