Advent Children Funniest moment in the movie

Nearly every part of Reno and Rude's antics. Reno trapped outside the Healin Lodge, Reno stepping on Rude's glasses (the expression on Rude's face was priceless), Rude and Reno's shock at seeing Bahamut Sin...there were entirely too many to count. The glasses breaking was probably my favorite as the reaction of Rude is just ingrained in my memory. :lol:
when Lars stands on rudes glasses and he just pulles out a new pair. But yea i didnt laugh out loud or anything because its not really a funny movie, more a Action movie ya know
My favorite part is when Denzel wakes up after being possesed by Bahamut and sees Bahamut Attacking Tifa.. Denzel goes "Son of A BI***" his voice hilarious... also when Tifa and Loz are fighting and he gets called and it's the victory song as his ring tone!!! it wasn't that funny just kinda there you know... oh well I knew you wouldn't care anyways lol
Oh man. When Reno is being a total retard with Cloud in the Healinn lodge. ASGDASDJFDAS CLONO.

I didn't think the victory fanfair part was that funny, but it WAS a nice homage to the game.

Reno was just blame idiotic (in a good) way. His expressions were love.

But YUFFIE and Cid take the cake. And Barret. Especially Yuffie. <3 I swear, that little ninja always has the most kickass comedy lines. "SEXIST! SEXIIIIST!/Discrimination! Discrimination!" and just generally the way she acts all hyper 'n stuff. Awesome.

But another thing that I thought was hilarious was Cloud's expressions sometimes. He could look so retarded! And Zack and Aeris's asses at the end of the movie... and how Aeris turns around all robotic-like...
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the funniest part by far is when Reno smacks Rude iin the nose with his baton now that's funny
Everyone who was watching with me cracked up laughing at Loz's ringtone, probably because we only realized halfway through the battle that a piano version of the battle theme was playing. I didn't even hear the first part of his conversation until I bought the movie and watched it at home.

Vincent not having a cell phone was also funny. Come to think of it, just about any part of AC involving cell phones was funny.
My list of funny AC moments. : D

-Hearing Loz's cell phone ring and it being the FF Victory song.
-In Healin Lodge when Cloud first enters and he locks Reno out. That whole part was funny with Reno shouting things and Cloud banging on the door to tell him to shut up. xD
-When Denzel comes out of his "trance" and sees Tifa unconscious and yells, "SON OF A B*TCH!" I have a feeling he had been around Barrett too much. lol
-At the end when Reno starts running (his run alone is funny) and he grabs that kid and the kid sticks his fingers up Reno's nose. xDD
-When Reno and Rude are climbing up the wall and Rude falls.
-That part where Reno breaks Rude's glasses and Rude grabs another pair. It's like he's used to it so he always has extras. XD
-When Reno and Rude are on that highway and Rude has those bombs out. It looked and sounded like Reno was high on something. LOL
-In Healin Lodge when Shinra's talking to Cloud and Cloud says, "I'm a delivery boy now." Sounded like he was talking about delivering pizza or something. xD

And that's all I can think of right now.
The funniest moments from Advent Children is when Yuffie Kisaragi complians Cid Highwind or Barret Wallace is sexist. Also, when Yuffie Kisaragi openly criticizes Cloud Strife being troblesome in front of Tifa Lockheart.:lol:
The funniest moments from Advent Children is when Yuffie Kisaragi complians Cid Highwind or Barret Wallace is sexist. Also, when Yuffie Kisaragi openly criticizes Cloud Strife being troblesome in front of Tifa Lockheart.:lol:

QFT. And Yuffie's and Tifa's expressions there are just pure roffle. Yuffie gives Tifa this sly look as if she's... you know, as if she knows how much of a pain in the ass Cloud is, and that Tifa is the only one who can put up with it. It also reminded me of the Highwind scene in FFVII and the team's sly comments towards Cloud and Tifa.
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In the English ver.
"Your mom's cool.."
I'll admit. I laughed very hard then.
Also when Barret calls Cloud "Bitch" I do believe? "You're late, bitch!" I think thats in the Japanese one..

And excuse my use of language.

Oh, a members just reminded me, too. The way Cloud says.. "I'm a delivery boy, now." I liked his accent. Hah.
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When the sign falls on rude and he got knocked out lol i didnt expect that.
And the reno & rude bits were real funny to especialy when rude gets smacked and the kids fingers in reno's nose. Also when rude's glasses breaks he has another pair.
I <333 the part when Reno hit Rude with his wepon!I also <333 the part when Rude(i THINK it was rude) said "you...son...of...a-" and got smack with a big falling sighn!I also <333 the part when Reno runs after Cloud & runs outside and he tries to talk to cloud but you can barly hear him!LOL!RENO IS SOOOOOOOOO FUNNY! I <3 all the parts with him!

-When Reno and Rude are on that highway and Rude has those bombs out. It looked and sounded like Reno was high on something. LOL

That scene in the us vertsion is was totally sold me on the Reno/Rude fandom XD that isd NOT the bomb they're discussing. LOL.
Probably the ringtone
"I'm not crying!" -- Loz

Oh, that was just funny :]