Funny Final Fantasy VII Pics.

This is wrong but funny.


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Well no thats not true, and quite frankly your just showing ignorance there, because the entirety of the Shinra personnel army is categorized as SOLDIER, 3rd Class(regular infantry?), 2nd class, 1st Class.

Besides its WRONG is the point!

Cloud is a 3rd Class as far as I know.

The members of SOLDIER were specially trained, elite fighters divided into Third, Second, and First Class branches, SOLDIERs are not only infused with Mako, however. They are also injected with Jenova cells. Jenova's cells together with Mako gives them far greater strength and cognitive ability than ordinary humans possess

taken out of crisis core:
Zack: Tifa is okay; so don't worry.
Cloud: If only I was a SOLDIER too---Zack?
Zack: SOLDIERs are like monsters. So forget about it.

Cloud was only Shinra gaurd/regual soldier...not memeber of SOLDIER
feel free to correct my "ignorance"
The members of SOLDIER were specially trained, elite fighters divided into Third, Second, and First Class branches, SOLDIERs are not only infused with Mako, however. They are also injected with Jenova cells. Jenova's cells together with Mako gives them far greater strength and cognitive ability than ordinary humans possess

taken out of crisis core:
Zack: Tifa is okay; so don't worry.
Cloud: If only I was a SOLDIER too---Zack?
Zack: SOLDIERs are like monsters. So forget about it.

Cloud was only Shinra gaurd/regual soldier...not memeber of SOLDIER
feel free to correct my "ignorance"

Cloud was infused with the jenova cells so he is physically built like soldier 1st class but I can't remember whether regular infantry was apart of 3rd class it's been a while since I played crisis core I don't think cloud ever joined soldier as when he had the breakdown he said when did I join soldier.
It looks like someone put Cloud, Barrett and Cid into that machine from the movie Fly and merged all 3 of them together into 1 person.