Fury...good or bad?

if you want you limit break to go up faster then use fury personally i used as much as i could
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I usually kept my characters in a neutral status. It just wasn't worth it, in my opinion, to miss a lot just for a small boost in getting limits quicker.
I absolutely love the fury status effect, it is one of the easiest ways to level up your limit breaks. If I remember right by the time I hit Cosmo Canyon Aerith had her level 3 limit breaks and almost everybody else was at level 2. So I would say that the fury status effect is an awesome thing, it does kinda suck in a boss battle when the boss uses a big attack but other than that I would say I love it.
I always thought Fury was good whenever I had it, but I never gave it to my characters purposely. They took a little more damage, but I don't remember a situation when they were taking so much damage it was dangerous.

I never did it on purpose until today... on this playthrough I'm trying to level everyone's Limit Breaks evenly, so I camped out in the forest around Mideel and started throwing Hypers at people.
idk why, but I've always kept Fury on my dudes even since first playing this game... Suppose I did it 'cause I thought it sounded badass.

After observing results multiple times though, I'd have to say that it really is totally worth it... Hit me harder, faster, stronger... Just don't kill me so I can kill you plz :monster:

I don't think I ever had a problem with accuracy though.... You will notice that your damage intake will increase by about maybe somewhere near 10% and that your damage output also decreases by an equal amount.

I think that with Fury, I have actually managed to actually acquire Blade Beam before even leaving Midgar.
Both good and bad I think.

I've never noticed you take more damage, but I have noticed you miss alot more with attacking. For example.

Tifa always has Deathblow equiped in my game, without Fury there's a 20% change she misses on my game. =/

With Fury, she misses like 80% of the time. That's what I have noticed about it.

It's good in a way to though, 'cause I always use it on them and go on a rampage on the worldmap, and go crazy on their limit-building :gasp: It's really good for that. Only a few hits of your enemies, and you're smashing them with limits. Wooooo!!

Same with me, Tifa always gets the Deathblow and Steal materias equipped. It is so much more difficult to successfully steal or hit an enemy while in fury status.
I only have my characters be furious whenever I boost their limit learning.