Gallery Now Online


Jun 6, 2006
Gallery is a streamlined, vBulletin specific photo gallery that lets the members share and discuss photos on the forums. Built around vBulletin, the Gallery contains the most popular features found while offering an ultra tight vBulletin integration and an optimized lightweight featureset for maximum performance and usability. Supports user uploads, favorites, subscriptions, comments, ratings, automatic image resizing, multimedia video, and much more so be sure to check it out today...

> Click here to visit the gallery now!
The way Db describes it being lightweight and having maximum performance, makes it sound like a car.

Still should be interesting to see.
Vincent said:
I don't get it.
You see, that's the main reason why I have gave a brief description on the gallery. I mean what the HELL that you do not get it? I have said and explained it briefly in English and in a proper way. There was no reason to spam, Vincent, and I know you're doing it everywhere on the forums now then. Just watch yourself there!

Anyway, yeah you're right Tethar. After the post that I've made and read it again, I was starting to think of having that as well. :lol:
Well I have checked it out and put up a few Sephiroth pics. It seems to work fine and I think makes a fine addition to our forum.

Nice move Darkblade.
errr vincent read darkblades first post it says GALLERY IS NOW ONLINE got it memorized?
* Darkblade sighs...

I don't know why it's that much hard to read my first post. I mean it's not like my posts are invisible to the naked eye. :stare:

Also keep on posting images and comments to the gallery! Just don't forget to submit your Final Fantasy fanart works, too!
Yes but before you post up that image, be sure to have the author's full permission. I woudn't think it's a good idea just to take their images and post them up in the gallery without giving them a credit.
well i dunno i didn't see any thing else to do with any other game?
Vincent said:
Just a question. Does the pictures have to be FF related?
Well as you can see, there are sections for Final Fantasy related and non-Final Fantasy so the answer is no. It can be miscellaneous images like buttons, avatars, signatures, etc. Just make sure to post it in the appropiate section.