Game that started it all

i first played ff10-2,but it didn't make me such a big impression.
then i saw the movie AC and i wanted the game too,ff7 totally changed my opinion about the ff games.
I may have to buy a Nintendo DS just to play FF3, although I could play it on emulator. The improved graphics look great on the trailers I have seen.
Well I will be the old guy here, mine was FF I on the Nintendo, then was FFIII on the super Nintendo (which I think was six in the series in Japan). My favorite is FF VII, but I love VIII, X, and XII so much it is hard to decide which would be second to VII. Tactics was also a great game if you like the chess style play.

A winner and TRUE Final Fantasy fan!

You life noobs (read: those of you wearing diapers or not even born when FFI came to North Amercia) don't know what you missed when the NES was the state of the art gaming system. I'll take the classics over the newer games any day! :)
I think there are a few of us that started with FF I. I played it when I was a bit younger when the NES was still really big but I was still just a kid who didn't know how to play it. I played it again when I was an adolescent. The series didn't have much impact until FF6. That's when I really took off. Played FFVII then FFVIII, FFIX, and FFX. The last FF game I played was the FFXII demo.

But the game that really started me off was Kung Fu on the original NES. LOL. When I really stop to think about it, each FF game was fun and interesting on its own. Too bad they share the same name but it makes things easier to remember LOL.
A winner and TRUE Final Fantasy fan!

You life noobs (read: those of you wearing diapers or not even born when FFI came to North Amercia) don't know what you missed when the NES was the state of the art gaming system. I'll take the classics over the newer games any day! :)

Thanks for the compliment!! :cool:
The first one I played was FFIV on the SNES. This game got me hooked and I got all of the FF's that came out after that.
VII, but i only really played the first bombing then...
My first full FF was IX, which is probably why i like the old ones so much.