Gameplay Hours

248 hours I think. give or take a few. I spend waaaaaaaay too much time on this game. It's unhealthy but addicting. Zodiark and Ultima have yet to be obtained. I power level like crazy, so what'd you expect?

134=) and still going strong. (Well when i'm not playing tactics or FF7DOC)
But I got all the Espers and my parties around level 60.
I havn't played through it again, but I guess i really should. But anyway, on my save, I completed the game at 102 hours, and I did some of sidequests, but most of it was just from levelling up.
I finally beat it (after leveling up my secondary party from 24 to 50, and obtaining the Zodiac Spear for Vaan) and my final save file's gameplay time was 63:26:58... so I figured I beat it around 64 hours and 30 minutes, because The Undying took forever during that full immunity phase... god that sucked..
well right now, this is my first time playing the game. just got it for christmas 07'. i have 70 hours so far and i'm on the part after you defeat judge... i forgot his name. but then that's after you are done with mariam of stilshrine i think? when you get the sword of something. haha bad memory. well i am enjoying the game so far, but am confused and is having a hard time leveling up! >____<
6 and a half hours so far.

i dont really like the game but im just completing it because i always try and complete FF games
i got to 131 hours 22 minutes but then i have had to start again because i purchased a PS3 and can't get my game data onto it *crys* but it's all good now i know what to do and what levels to be it should be a piece of cake
I spent about 104 hours on this game, most of the time I was leveling up and looking for items so that I could create the Tournesol and other strong weapons. Though, what I took on most time was the hunts, some of them took me a while to beat.
i got to 131 hours 22 minutes but then i have had to start again because i purchased a PS3 and can't get my game data onto it *crys* but it's all good now i know what to do and what levels to be it should be a piece of cake

you can buy an adaptor , so you dont need to start again
you can buy an adaptor , so you dont need to start again

Indeed there is :monster:

I clocked around 150 hours on it after a hard fought 20 hours of leveling up. However, I have absolutely no intention of making that 150 hours go up any further :dry:
well i have now 112 hours, but first i played 55 in a first file to apretiated the game, now im playin to have 100%, in total i have 160 and counting

Love spers designs!!
i've only managed 150 something hours, i'm only halfway through the hunts, three quarters through getting the espers...i'm proud:D
I was at about 115 hours when I beat the game, and I still have to do all of those high-tier missions. I was going to do it before I beat the game, but my little brother was watching and said, "Just go to the last boss already!"