Games You "Own" At

All of the Mario Brothers & Mario Kart 64.<o:p></o:p>
Donkey Kong Country.<o:p></o:p>
Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!<o:p></o:p>
Super Punch Out!<o:p></o:p>
007 Goldeneye.<o:p></o:p>
Most of the Zelda’s.<o:p></o:p>
All of the Crash Bandicoot’s & Crash Team Racing.<o:p></o:p>
Soul Calibur II.<o:p></o:p>
All of the Grand Theft Autos.<o:p></o:p>
All of the FF’s that I’ve Played…<o:p></o:p>
Undimon, I'd love to challenge you in Tekken 3.

I wouldn't neccessarily say I "own" in a game, however these are fighting games that I used to play at the competetive lvls and yes, have owned quite alot of players, however I've myself gotten owned in return haahaha, ever heard of the Evolution Tournaments? Yep, I've been there...(I've retired now for over a year and a half).

Street Fighter II World Warriors - Lol, doing Guile's Invisible Throw's was mad fun to pawn people for free. Not only that, but if you played a good Guile in this game, almost no other character could beat you.

Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting - Probably the most years I've spent playing a fighting game, back in the early-mid 90's, there was tons of competetion, and the tournaments where 50x more crazier than today. I was top 5 within my local area in this game, but far from the best, guys like Tomo Ohira where just unreal. This is my most favorite fighting game of all time, and by far where I am at my best...definetly not as good as I used to be back in those days though.

Tekken Tag Tournament - My most played Tekken, I never put as much effort into this game like I did with SF. However I was top 8 usually in my local area.

Tekken 4 - Lol, I did extremely well here, however it had more to do with Jin being so strong, since he was my character, I had alot of advantages other's didn't. I placed top 3 numerous times in this game hahahaha.

SSBM - Yeah, I played it quite alot and heavily, however quit way early, it got boring after awhile. I played Link, and placed 5th in numerous tournaments...sadly that didn't work anymore after people mastered Foxes infinite...curse them. Switched over to Marth, did better, but got bored with the game.

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - I was very good in this game...however the gaps for the elite players is just ridiculous...they are just simply too good. I love this game a whole lot, really fast, intense, plus it gets the most trash talking at the high lvls, along with the gigantic Money Matches that can reach over 7k+!!! I love MvC2, most entertaining fighting game to watch at the competetive lvls.

There's more, but those come into mind right off the bat.
Umm... none. I don't really own at any games, but I don't really suck at any either. I guess you can say that I'm pretty good with RPGs though, since it doesn't really take me long to figure out the systems and stuff (I never got why people complained about junctioning in VIII or the new system in XII).
Well, Leki guesses she's pretty good at Legend of Zelda, especially Ocarina of Time. (favorite game and probably the most played)

Not exactly a gamer/competitor, but more of a collector. So if its versus, I'm more likely to fail. Like shooter games. Leki SUCKS at those. But they can be phone to try and splatter your enemies brains out. :)
Well I own on "Warhawk" online most games that I play online I end up being the Top Player think its cause I play alot of n00bs on it lol jk.
Games I'm good at:

Final Fantasy
Phantasy Star Online
Kingdom Hearts

... Mainly RPG and strategy games

Games I'm bad at:

Sports games
First person shooters, except for Timesplitters
I tend to put myself down, and maybe this post won't be an exception...

I'm quite good at a few of the Zelda games. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess mainly.

I've been fairly good at the Pokemon games, and I certainly own at Crystal. Haha. I was okay with Ruby/Sapphire and Fire Red too. :)

Anything else... Erm...

I'm somewhat good at games like Tekken. My ex got mad at me for beating him on that and Soul Calibur III.

Edit: Oh, racing games I am quite good at. I remember I owned at The Simpsons: Road Rage. Haha. :lol:
The only game I'm really good at is Resident Evil 4. God I've beated that game like 6-7 times. And lately I've been trying to make a knife run but I got pretty bored. I actually know how the AI in this game thinks....I can predict every move the enemy takes... my friends call me Leon sometimes and I think I know why(either it's my hair or my skill....but I think it's both). :lol:
Oh, this is easy.

Solitare -- No, seriously. I'm the Solitare legend. It isn't even a challenge for me. My record time is 42 seconds. Piece of cake.

Freecell -- My replacement for Solitare. :P I haven't totally mastered it yet, but I hardly lose a game anymore. I'll have to find another card game soon. *sigh*

Samurai Warriors 2 -- Yes, a video game this time :P. I ownz it. Only have the deadlocks to work on and some chars I just can't play they're so slow and lame. (Srsly, a fan??? Who the hell goes into battle with a fan????)

Diablo II: LoD -- Amazon, FTW! I'l a deadly player. Legit too. Don't mess with me. :D

D&D -- There are soooo many loopholes in the rules. I'm the one that finds them. ;)
I am good at rpg's ....but then who isn't. Cos I have to say that rpg's, at least FF ones are not exactly rocket science.

I am definitelly good when it comes to action/adventure puzzle games, stuff like Prince of Persia, GOW, Shadow of Colossus, DMC ...lots of actions and fighting but then lots of puzzling too...that is my kind of territory...find those kind of games far more interesting and exciting then the rpg's. I love rpg's, but then again rpg's can get draged out, monotone after a while.

Do not play sport games, and fighting games, I mean stuff like Tekken and so on...they do not interest me at all...

FPS, was not good at it at all at first, but I been gettinga hang of it latelly. Though I definitelly suck at Timesplitters :D
I guess the games I own in are Call of Duty and Pro Evolution Soccer. I still haven't met someone that can best me in PES, and I've played this game for 8 years maybe. As for CoD there are some that are better but only a handful maybe.
I'd like to say I'm good at Guilty Gear, but I think I have more to learn.
I'm good at pretty much any racing games (beat almost all Need For Speed games)...simulation games im pretty good at too...some RPG's depending (i like them all but some it takes me longer than a lot of other people to finish)
I'm a pro at FFX- I beat penance and almost completed the spheregrid.
I'm a pro at GTA:SA- with 96% in it.
I'm a pro at KH I/II- with lv100 and 99 and 100% in each.
I used to destroy everyone on Timesplitters 2 & to a lesser extent Tony Hawk 3 (going back a while I know) but I just used to love shooting the crap of of my (now ex - thankgod) bf, seeing as i couldnt get away with it in RL.
I got a little too addicted to it tho & refused to give up til all my arcade awards were Gold or Platinum.....I may have to dust that off actually, or more too the point get Future Perfect slippered.
Nothing beats beating a pig headed male on a computer game. NOTHING!