Gaming Wishlist 2010

If all goes well next year when I'm officially enrolled in Fairleigh Dickinson, then these will be apart of my wishlist. Whoo.

1. Final Fantasy Versus XIII
This is a big, big, big one. I really adore the Shakespearean theme and the usage of a quote from Hamlet which is a pretty badass play. So props to the development team for that and the whole modern setting being infused with the usage of arcane magic just . . . wow. Then you have Prince Noctis who seems like he'll be a joy to play, with the way Nomura is describing him as NOT being like Cloud, but having a light hearted side too. Not your typical angst-ridden character? I'm game.

2. Legend of Zelda: The Skyward Sword

Okay . . . one sentence: Link . . . falling out of the freaking sky with a freaking awesome sword that houses his companion. Double U. Tee. Eff. That is bloody awesome. That small premise alone makes me want to hug Miyamoto, the dude has his A-Game cap on. It's amazing that you can keep breathing new life into a decade-old (maybe even two decades actually) franchise and still attract a horde of new fans. I'm saving up for a Wii just so I can get this come X-mas time. For myself. Just because . . .

3. The Last Guardian

Haven't played ICO, looked beautiful, heard great things about it.
Haven't played SotC, looked beautiful, and also heard great things about it.
My parents don't like rewarding me with things unless I, in their words, "really, really, really deserve it" so yeah . . . 'till I get blessed with a job, I won't be getting these amazing titles. Sad, I know.

Anywho, I figured that I'll start with this when it comes out and the prices goes down considerably after it's release. I've always been a stickler for a young kid and their nearly inseparable bond with their pet and this game will make me and a whole lot of other people (manly men included) teary eyed. I mean look at that wittle griffin, it's so fucking CUTE! Big, yes, but also furry and large-eyed and just GAAAAAAAAH! I want that game.
Want. It.

4. Kid Icarus: Uprising

. . . because ya' know sometimes I wake up wondering what it'd be like to sprout a pair of angelic wings, don a laurel wreath around my head, and fire arrows imbued with the almighty power of the Gods themselves, like a badass mo'fo. But this is real life and real life as we all know sucks harder than a wench around 2 am in the morning, doing God knows what to God knows who so . . . we have this wonderful upcoming Wii-exclusive title.

I'll get to shoot arrows and hover over those puny bitches, like a badass mo'fo. Buying? Oh hell yes. Renting this would be like selling your soul to Disney and never getting it back. Ever.

5. Starcraft II

this . . . also just 'cause I'm a base-building nerd. I facking loved Warcraft III and so BLIZZARD can suck it for ruining my vision of seeing a massive online base-building/base-destroying MMO-version of this type of game . . . they can suck it hard but not for long. See, Starcraft II is going to be amazing. The visuals look amazing, the CG cutscenes are amazing, the bloody voice acting is amazing. I loved the original Starcraft games so I'm pretty damn sure that I'll love a revamped direct sequel to the original. If I trust BLIZZARD with anything, it's with the development of a damn good game, they know how to keep fans salivating for more: CASE IN POINT: Freaking Starcraft II. Duh.
Fallout: New Vegas
Arcania: Gothic 4 (maybe)
Nintendo 3DS
Kid Icarus Uprising 3DS
Any N64 3DS remakes that may be released.

While I own Fable and Fable II, I'm tired of disappointment, so, unless my mind in changed, no way Fable III is on my list.

As for Starcraft II, I'm still pissed that they're releasing the campaign in three parts with each being the price of a full game. Blizzard has lost all my respect.
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Killzone 3- I haven't purchased Killzone or Killzone 2, but I have played the demo of Killzone 2 and I got to say that it's a great game to play. I enjoyed playing the Killzone 2 demo after playing it a few times. I'm looking foward to purchase this great game when it's released.

Mortal Kombat- This is another game that I want to purchase for it's great graphics and new features. I am a fan of the Mortal Kombat series, so I find this game quite entertaining and enjoyable to play with.

Those are the two games that I am interested on purchasing at this moment. I will post some more game titles to my list when I find other interesting games.
Games coming out (hopefully) in 2010 that I'm looking forward to:

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (PC)
Fable 3 (Xbox 360)
Xenoblade (Wii)
Dragonquest IX (DS)
Epic Mickey (Wii)

Stuff that's probably a bit further off:

Mass Effect 3 (Xbox 360)
Dragon Age 2 (Xbox 360)
The Last Story (Wii)

I am also cautiously looking forward to Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Final Fantasy Versus XIII. I'm prepared to be disappointed by both though :P
Wish List

1. Skies of Arcadia Legends This RPG came out for the dreamcast years ago then revamped for the gamecube. I'll be buying this game when i have the extra money.
2. Resonance of Fate This is a newer one for the ps3. Can't wait to get my hands on this one. It looks realy good and came with great revews. Dont know too much about this one but it does seem to be like an gun/rpg. I try not to look to much into good looking games.
3. Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Bringing back the gamecube. I use to have this rpg/card game and played much of it. I just rebought the thing and can't wait to finish up on it.
4. Dead Space This game has been out for a min for the ps3 and xbox360. Ive seen my friends play it and it looks good. Kind of has a shooter/horror/scifi/thing going on. Good enough for a second.
5. White Knight Chronicles Ive heard good and bad things of the ps3 rpg game. However it does look good to me. White Knight Chronicles is an epic fantasy tale about two kingdoms in midst of a longstanding war. The King of Balandor, wishing to put an end to the war, invites the duke of Faria to his castle to celebrate his daughter's coming of age. But this celebration is sabotaged by the Magi, a rogue sect seeking to steal the White Knight, an ancient weapon of war sealed beneath Balandor castle, in order to take over the world. During the chaos, a young man named Leonard accidentally unlocks the power of the White Knight as he attempts to save the princess. With the kingdoms in chaos and the princess in peril, Leonard is entrusted with the mission to find the Magi and rescue the princess. Sounds okayish
6. Valkyria Chronicles just bought a copy of this ps3 game. The game is set in a reminiscent of 1930s, Europe divided in two and ruled by the Empire and the Federation. The Empire has set its sights on invading a small neutral country called Gallia, which is situated in the middle of the two great empires. The game follows a hero named Welkin and his fellow soldiers of the Federation's 7th Platoon that are fighting against the Empire, who is intent on unifying the continent under its power. They say "Built upon the new "CANVAS" engine, Valkyria Chronicles' ground-breaking 3D graphics resemble a watercolor painting in motion. Gameplay is centered around a new type of tactical battle concept. Known as "BLiTZ," this battle concept gives players unique freedom to strategically move around the environment and attack enemies using real-time controls.

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