GBA version, PS version, NES version, or PSP version?

I haven't played the PSP version but I'm certain I'd like it.

The GBA version is my favourite...until I play the PSP version.
*cough* The original wasn't an SNES game, it was an NES game.
And here's what the original looked like. *now this is old school*

thanx its been so long i always get the two systems confused but i did play the original none the less that picture brings me back....... thanks anywayz
I wasn't just talking to you, a few people said SNES... thats the whole reason I said that... but yeah... that picture really does take you back, huh? I'll never forget the first time I played through that game... good times.
There are many reasons why I prefer the PSP version. It has the gameplay of the GBA version and the soundtrack of the Origins version. I do not really like the original at all. The original version is too buggy, while the GBA and PSP versions are bugfree. The PSP version has gameplay that is consistent with the modern Final Fantasy games, and so does the GBA version. I got bothered by the original version's gameplay, such as having to keep on pressing the Confirm button so many times to get a large quantity of an item. You can save the game anywhere on the GBA or PSP version. Also, the PSP version's graphics give a much brighter atmosphere than the NES version would. The black background in the NES battle screen is dull, causing a lack of atmosphre. Also, the PSP version has aerial effects, which the previous versions lack. The GBA and PSP versions may appear to be easier than the NES version. However, Chaos is more difficult in the GBA and PSP versions than he was in the original version. The original version has spells that do not work at all, but that was fixed in the remakes. It takes a Warrior, Thief, Black Belt, and Red Mage to beat the original version, while it takes a Warrior, Thief, White Mage, and Black Mage to beat the GBA and PSP versions easily without having to level up extensively. The PSP version is based on the GBA version. The PSP script is identical to the GBA script for both Japanese and English.

Update: On March 17, 2008, I beat the PSP version of Final Fantasy I. I used the same party as I did on the original version. I beat the original version six years ago.
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thats ok kakurine surprisingly a lot of ppl who play it find it hard and confusing excluding me 3/10 ppl that i no that have played it have finished it i guess and out of those 3 all 3 have played the original wile the others didnt i guess its more of a game for the original players :)
I'm currently playing it again on the PSP. I played it before on the PSX, though that was quite some time ago. So it's the second time I bought it, but oh well ... :)
I think the big problem with the FFI remake (which in all reality is essentially the same whether you're playing it on the PSX, GBA, or PSP) is that its not always explicitly clear where you need to go and what your next objective is, which is why, I think, people who played the original don't find it confusing, while people who haven't do.
I think the big problem with the FFI remake (which in all reality is essentially the same whether you're playing it on the PSX, GBA, or PSP) is that its not always explicitly clear where you need to go and what your next objective is, which is why, I think, people who played the original don't find it confusing, while people who haven't do.

thats a bit true with all Final Fantasy games, but you're right, i had to buy the guide for FF1 because it's so unclear where to go next. The storyline isn't exactly strong either unlike FFVI onwards, so it seems abit pointless doing certain things in the game. Hopefully it'll make some sense as i go on
thats ok kakurine surprisingly a lot of ppl who play it find it hard and confusing excluding me 3/10 ppl that i no that have played it have finished it i guess and out of those 3 all 3 have played the original wile the others didnt i guess its more of a game for the original players :)

Well, to be fair, I haven't tried on GBA yet XD I wanna beat two more games before I play it :)

I think the only PSX remake I actually bothered with was Chrono Trigger... I just can't stand the load times :/
I've played it on gba, psp, and nes.. i haven't played the ps1 version. The psp version is the only one i finished, so maybe I liked it more. And a previous post holds true with me as well, If i were to play the nes version when it came out, the game wouldn't be that good to me to want to try out all the other ports, the reason ive played so many was convenience to my situation at the time.
I first played it on PS1. But then later (this year) i bought it on PSP. I've played it on NES (NES Emulator FTW).
GBA, definately.. Why? The control layout is perfect. VERY close to the original NES controller layout too.

Graphics, pfft, who cares, the GBA is better designed to play it hands down.
I have the GBA one and like it alot. I'm thinking about getting the PSP one eventually. In my opinion, Kyle Marsh, Final Fantasy II does not suck, but this is the wrong section to discuss it in. (if it's because it was too hard that's sad, II was way too easy)
I bought the psp version but after awhile i just got plain stuck and all i was doing was fighting monsters and lvling up and eventually i got tired and sort of just stopped playing it....