Gears of War Movie

GFX Guilder

TI Vice-Captain
Aug 11, 2008
Thats right, you heard me. At Comic Con 2008, A Gears of War movie was announced. It will have the chainsaw action and all that crazy stuff.As of July 24, 2008, Chris Morgan has hinted on G4's televised coverage of Comic Con 2008 that the film would be a prequel to the first game, "it could explain how Marcus (Fenix) got his scar." More updates on the way
If it goes by anything the game had to offer then it should be a great film, it would have great character, great storyline and amazing depth to is going to be CGI though isn't it? I can't stand when they try to make Anime/Games into films using real people. =[
If it goes by anything the game had to offer then it should be a great film, it would have great character, great storyline and amazing depth to is going to be CGI though isn't it? I can't stand when they try to make Anime/Games into films using real people. =[
They ARE going to make this into a film with real people. The person who directed the movie Wanted is directing this, so it sounds like it will be good.
Ahhh, it that case I have low expectations for this movie now. Films that are being adapted from games should not made with real people, it just completely limits them to what they can do D:
Ahhh, it that case I have low expectations for this movie now. Films that are being adapted from games should not made with real people, it just completely limits them to what they can do D:
Have you seen the movie Wanted? If you see that, then you will know that this movie has great potential
I'm with Mistwalker. My interest plummeted when I learned the movie would be live action. If the casting's done well, then I won't mind.

Go ahead and cast everyone from Predator. Darn, they're all old.
I was wondering when it was going to happen. Sigh, Im 50/50 with this. Movies adapted from games are wearing thin for me, its frustrating.
Movies have the potential to do more damage, to a franchise, than good. Advent children got Square some more fans, but The spirits within, dealt the company a huge blow.

I am not convinced until I have a taste of the acting.
Video Game/Movie adaptations tend to blow chunks.
I agree with Maximillion that they can do more harm
to a franchise than good.

I'm skeptical about live action, but
I'll be open about it until I've perhaps seen
a theatrical trailer.

I think the best adaptation (which was from book to film)
was Sin City.
Then again Frank Miller (whom created Sin City)
directed it with two very reputable guest directors.

I'll admit that I like Wanted, but it wasn't

When the movie first began I thought...
"Wow, this movie is going to blow some serious chunks.",
but by the end I was mildly intrigued.

I'm not sure what to think.
We'll see I guess.


Ok I saw this was talked about in 2008 and I heard about it at this time too but ive never actually seen it, or heard anything about it being out so if it is do you know where I could find it?
Concrete plans has never been made as far as I know...I have read tidbits about this plan... and everytime it seems they are having issues resolving this movie adaptation..

Wether its script issues, director issues etc.. I have no idea.

Gears of War being scaled back, delayed. Len Wiseman unlikely to direct. July 30th, 2010

The Gears of War movie adap*ta*tion has been pretty quiet of recent. In April this year rumors that pro*duc*tion on a Gears of War movie had slowed down kicked up again–this time from New Line stu*dio sources (as reported by LATimes). Reports sug*gested the sto*ry*line and bud*get were being dra*mat*i*cally scaled back and that Len Wise*man would be focussing on other projects, namely Noc*ture. The orig*i*nal bud*get was expected to be around $100m, it is now thought to be con*sid*er*ably less.
Ok I guess my question is answered then, thought I would have seen or heard about it if it actually got released, but at the time I probably wouldnt have noticed idk but thanks for clearing that up.