General Final Fantasy Favorites/Worsts

Favourite FF Hero: Cloud :eek:
Favourite FF Villain: Sin 8D
Favourite FF title: VII, X, or XII

Favourite FF character: Too hard to choose :/
Favourite FF male character: dfhsklfjskfs Vincent, Cloud, Auron, or Balthier
Favourite FF female character: Hmm. Yuna.
Favourite Non-human FF character: Red XIII 8D

Favourite Non-human male FF character: Uhmm...
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Freya
Favourite Race: Chocobo!
Favourite Boss: Nemesis (X) or Ixion (XII). Well... the Black Waltzes were cool, too.
Favourite Enemy: TONBERRY 8D
Favourite Boss attack: Shadowflare. oOoOoOo :eek:

Favourite Enemy attack: BETA (VII) <33

Favourite Sidequest: Getting Vincent. Because then I can use him. yayyy. :x

Favourite minigame: CHOCOBO HOT&COLD <333333
Favourite Chocobo: CHOCOBO SAGE'S GREEN ONE.
Favourite Moogle: Stiltzkin :3
Favourite save system: X or XII, since they're practically the same :/

Favourite battle system: XII

Favourite levelling up system: VII
Favourite class: Anything that kills stuff, honestly o_o
Favourite Weapon: Ultima Weaponnnnnn
Favourite method of transportation: Airship (doesn't matter which :3)
Favourite Cid: Highwind

Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Ifrit

Favourite summon: Anima or Valefor
Favourite summon attack: I actually like Phoenix (VII) in that aspect because it deals fire damage AND revives everyone
Favourite "super" attack: OVERDRIVES <3
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: OMNISLASH. Derr.
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Errrr, I haven't played this in a while, so...
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Zidane
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Yuna/Grand Summon
Favourite world: Either Gaia (VII) or Spira. Well, Ivalice is pretty cool too. I dunno :s
Favourite place: Anywhere besides Midgar D:<
Favourite saying: "All right everyone, let's mosey!"
Favourite graphics: X. Good but not too good. :3

Worst FF Hero: VAAN :|

Worst FF villain: Seymour

Worst FF title: FFX-2. Ugh.

Worst FF character: HOJO D:<

Worst FF male character: Wakka
Worst FF female character: Eiko
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character: Cait Sith
Worst Non-human female FF character: Fran
Worst Race: Whatever Fran is. Too lazy to check.
Worst Enemy: Magic Pot. Them and their goddamn elixir cravings. Bitches.
Worst Boss attack: Everything Yunalesca does. Ugh.
Worst Enemy attack: Anything that causes Confuse
Worst Sidequest: Emerald/Ruby WEAPON
Worst Mini-game: All of the card games. Period.
Worst Chocobo: The "weak" and "poor" ones
Worst Moogle: Uh...
Worst save system: Everything before X, where it didn't automatically restore HP :/
Worst battle system: VIII
Worst levelling up system: X
Worst class: Anyone who relies on blue magic as their specialty. Just... no.
Worst Weapon: Staffs/rods/racquets
Worst method of transportation: Buggy D:<
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: I think Biggs and Wedge are actually pretty dumb names, to be honest >_>
Worst summon: Yojimbo

Worst summon attack: Carbuncle. :|

Worst "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: VIII limit breaks :/
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Barret's. All of them.
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: ...
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Eiko. Dagger ftw. 8D
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Wakka. IHATECHU WAKKA.
Worst world: VIII in general just sucks
Worst place: MIDGARRRRR
Worst saying: "This is my story" gets old after the first 40 times you have to hear it
Worst graphics: Anything pre-VII
Favourite Hero: Cloud Strife
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: FFXII
Favourite FF character: Vincent Valentine
Favourite FF male character: Vincent Valentine
Favourite FF female character: Ashe
Favourite Non-human FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race: Hume
Favourite Boss: Sin
Favourite Enemy: Dunno there are some good and bad ones
Favourite Boss attack: Pain
Favourite Enemy attack: possibley Dark
Sidequest: Mark Hunt
Favourite Mini-game: Chocobo Races VII
Favourite Chocobo: Red Lvl 99
Favourite Moogle: original (cant remember his name)
Favourite save system: sphere X
Favourite battle system: XII new
Favourite levelling up system: VII
Favourite class: Dark Knite
Favourite Weapon: Blood Sword
Favourite method of transportation: Chocobo
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: probably Biggs
Favourite summon: Bahumut
Favourite summon attack: Oblivion
Favourite "super" attack XII : feral Strike (mist)
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: i like em all
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: never played :'(
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: never Played :'(
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: original slice and dice lol
Favourite world: Ivalice
Favourite place: the slums in VII
Favourite saying: tell what you cherish most, give me the pleasure in taking it away
Favourite graphics: VII

Worst FF Hero: Yuna X-2Worst FF villain: Vayne SolidorWorst FF title: FF XI
Worst FF character: Wakka
Worst FF male character: Wakka
Worst FF female character: Aeris
Worst Non-human FF character: Cait Sith
Worst Non-human male FF character: Cait Sith
Worst Non-human female FF character: N/A
Worst Race: Hume
Worst Boss: Scorpion Guard
Worst Enemy: wolf
Worst Boss attack: heal
Worst Enemy attack: Lunge
Worst Sidequest: viera dating agency
Worst Chocobo: Yellow
Worst Moogle: Cartiographers guild moogles (I hate them so much theiving little sh!ts)
Worst save system: VII
Worst battle system: FFX
Worst class: Dancer
Worst Weapon: hands

Worst method of transportation: run/walk
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Wedge
Worst summon: Chocobo
Worst summon attack: energy ray
Worst "super" attack XII: Red Spiral (mist)
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Cait Sith
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: never played :'(
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: never played :'(
Worst Overdrive - FFX: shooting star
Worst world: Spira
Worst place: trials - FFX
Worst saying: "im so sorry" X 1000000 OMG Yuna we get it your sorry
Worst graphics: IX only seen vids nd it looks sh!t

that was fun
i think thats it lol
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Favourite Hero: Tidus
Favourite Villain:
Favourite FF title:
Final Fantasy X
Favourite FF character: Vivi
Favourite FF male character: Vivi, Auron, Zidane
Favourite FF female character:
Rikku, Lulu
Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human male FF character:Vivi
Favourite Non-human female FF character: --
Favourite Race: Black Mage
Favourite Boss: Ozma
Favourite Enemy: Grand Dragons from IX
Favourite Boss attack: Grand Cross
Favourite Enemy attack: Climhazzard ( Beatrix )
Favourite Sidequest: Chocobo Hot and Cold
Favourite Chocobo:
Gold Chocobo
Favourite Moogle: Stilzkin
Favourite save system: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite battle system:
Final Fantasy IX, VII, VIII
Favourite class: Black Mage
Favourite Weapon: Excalibur (For Tidus), and only cause it looked like the Brotherhood Favourite method of transportation: Invincible
Favourite reappearing name: Cid
Favourite summon:
Favourite summon attack:
Doublecast / Ultima !
Favourite "super" attack: Overdrives
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: -
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII:
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Vivi - Doublecast
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Bushido - Auron
Favourite world: Gaia
Favourite place: Lindblum
Favourite saying:
Enough! or Farewell! just as Auron was about to overkill something Favourite graphics: Final Fantasy X

Worst FF Hero: Yuna (X-2)
Worst FF villain: Kuja (Crossdresser)
Worst FF title: Final Fantasy X-2
Worst FF character: Quina, Amarant, Kimahri, Yuna
Worst FF male character:
Amarant/ Kimahri
Worst FF female character:
Yuna, Possibly Quina ?
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human female FF character: Quina
Worst Race: Hypello
Worst Boss: Necron (although i wish i could've had grand cross)
Worst Enemy: Any Machina enemy

Worst Boss attack: The thing the yu pagodas did to jecht all the time in the final fight. Worst Enemy attack: Roulette
Worst Sidequest: Tetra Master, Shere Break
Worst Chocobo: -
Worst Moogle: The one in Burmecia, stuck under the bell
Worst save system: --
Worst battle system: Final Fantasy X-2 or XII- i hate roam play. This does not mean that i think X-2 is roam play :) I was referring to the roam play in XII only ;)
Worst class: Alchemist or Gun mage from X-2
Worst Weapon: Rod
Worst method of transportation: Foot
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Giglamesh
Worst summon: Valefor
Worst summon attack: Valefor's, energy ray?
Worst"super" attack: Special dresspheres in X-2
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: --
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: --
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Dagger's
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Lulu's
Worst world: Terra, seemed quite useless and depended on other planets for survival
Worst place: Cleyra/FossilRoo/Any Cloister of Trials
Worst saying: Rally - Ho
Worst graphics: FFI im guessing
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Favourite Hero: Cloud Strife
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: FFVII
Favourite FF character: RED XIII
Favourite FF male character: Vincent
Favourite FF female character: Yuffi
Favourite Non-human FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Freya
Favourite Race: Hume
Favourite Boss: 'estuas interius ira vehemeti' SEPHIROTH!
Favourite Enemy: Any Dragon
Favourite Boss attack: the one of bizzarro sephiroth with math and planets
Favourite Enemy attack: White Wind
Favourite Mini-game: Chocobo Races
Favourite Chocobo: Black
Favourite Moogle: Montblank FFTA
Favourite save system: FFIX
Favourite battle system: FFX
Favourite levelling up system: VII
Favourite class: Thief, Ninja
Favourite Weapon: Gunblade
Favourite method of transportation: Chocobo
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Bahumut
Favourite summon attack: Giga Flare
Favourite "super" attack XII :
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash, Chaos
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: cant ecall
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Im playing FFIX, i havent seem them all
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Bushido
Favourite world: FFVII
Favourite place: Cosmo Canyon; Bugenhagen`s Obserbatory
Favourite saying: "your hope ends here, and your meaningless existence with it", Seymur FFX
Favourite graphics: FFX
Favourite Hero: Yunie. ^_^
Favourite Villain: Sephy. ^_^

Favourite FF title: X
Favourite FF character: Yunie. ^_^
Favourite FF male character: Sephy
Favourite FF female character: Yunie. ^_^
Favourite Non-human FF character: Red XIII. :P
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: N/A
Favourite Race: Human
Favourite Boss: Seymour Flux
Favourite Enemy: N/A
Favourite Boss attack: Lance of Atrophy
Favourite Enemy attack: N/A
Favourite Sidequest: Cactuar thingy in X
Favourite Mini-game: Calm Land games in X-2
Favourite Chocobo: Yellow
Favourite Moogle: Um...kupo?
Favourite save system: X
Favourite battle system: X
Favourite levelling up system: X
Favourite class: Songstress. :3
Favourite Weapon: Masamune
Favourite method of transportation: Airship
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Shiva
Favourite summon attack: Meteor Strike
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Mix, it's so fun. ^_^
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: N/A
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: N/A
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Zidane's. (can't remember)
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Mix
Favourite world: N/A
Favourite place: Zanarkand Ruins
Favourite saying: The homes we have lost, or the dreams that have faded...never forget them.
Favourite graphics: X, ftw. :P

Worst Hero: Tidus. >.<
Worst Villain: Seymour, he's a pompous idiot. :P
Worst FF title: None. ^_^
Worst FF character: Tidus.
Worst FF male character: Tidus.
Worst FF female character: None. :P
Worst Non-human FF character: None.
Worst Non-human male FF character: None.
Worst Non-human female FF character: None.
Worst Race: Idk.
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon. >_>
Worst Enemy: Lupine.
Worst Boss attack: Mega Death.
Worst Enemy attack: N/A
Worst Sidequest: N/A
Worst Mini-game: Blitzball
Worst Chocobo: Black. O.O
Worst Moogle: None. ^_^
Worst save system: VII.
Worst battle system: XII
Worst levelling up system: None.
Worst class: N/A
Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst method of transportation: Boat. >_>
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: None.
Worst summon: Ixion.
Worst summon attack: None.
Worst "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: N/A
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: N/A
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: N/A
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: N/A
Worst Overdrive - FFX: None.
Worst world: N/A
Worst place: Macalania
Worst saying: Y'know.
Worst graphics: I. lol
Favourite Hero: Squall FFVIII
Favourite Villain: N/A
Favourite FF title: VII
Favourite FF character: Vincent FF7
Favourite FF male character: Vincent FF7
Favourite FF female character: Garnet/Dagger FF9
Favourite Non-human FF character: vivi FF9 (technically he isnt human tho he has the heart of one)
Favourite Non-human male FF character: vivi FF9
Favourite Non-human female FF character: freya FF9
Favourite Race: MOOGLE!!! XD
Favourite Boss: N/A
Favourite Enemy: ones that i can get good enemy skills from
Favourite Boss attack: ...
Favourite Enemy attack: white wind
Favourite Sidequest: probs the hole yuffie thing on FF7, to do with her home, and your materia being stolen ect
Favourite Mini-game: blitzball, sure it was crap but good for a laugh FFX
Favourite Chocobo:boko from FFV
Favourite Moogle:MOG from FFVI
Favourite save system: um FFX
Favourite battle system: FFVII
Favourite levelling up system: um FFVII
Favourite class: knight
Favourite Weapon: Long sword
Favourite method of transportation: Highwind (unlike the modern rubbish where you select a destination and it takes u there automatically)
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: MOG
Favourite summon: Diablos
Favourite summon attack:
NEOBahamut Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Omnislash Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislask Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: lionheart Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: one of Zidanes Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Aurons, no particular one i just like pushing buttons XD Favourite world: FFVII Favourite place: Balamb garden, mobile bases rock Favourite saying: "i don't need a reason to help people" - Zidane Favourite graphics: FFVIII was good in the cut scenes

Worst Hero: Tidus FFX, too whiney
Worst Villain: Kuja FFIX, man or woman, you decide
Worst FF title: X-2
Worst FF character: Cait sith
Worst FF male character: Amarant FFIX Worst FF female character: N/A
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character: N/A
Worst Non-human female FF character: N/A
Worst Race: Quina's race
Worst Boss: zombie bosses as they die easily with phoenix down
Worst Enemy: behemoth (generally over powered at times)
Worst Boss attack: Omega/ultima weapon FFVIII
Worst Enemy attack: generally frog magic
Worst Sidequest: N/A
Worst Mini-game: triple triad
Worst Chocobo: N/A
Worst Moogle: N/A
Worst save system: N/A
Worst battle system: N/A
Worst levelling up system: FFVIII-too easy
Worst class: white mage, generally to weak, useless with no mp
Worst Weapon: cait sith microphone??????
Worst method of transportation: FFX airship
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: N/A
Which worst summon: fat chocobo, poor obese lil bird
Worst summon attack: knights of realm, it takes too long, sure its powerful but why wud i wana go through all tht
Worst "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: proberly the one where Aeris FFVII takes away enbemies mp
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: i hate cait siths as well
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: rhinoa's sorceress form
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Quina's
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Rikku
Worst world: FFX
Worst place: desert prison FFVIII
Worst saying: N/A
Worst graphics: N/A they all have there advantages
Favourite Hero: Bartz (V)
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth (VII)
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy V
Favourite FF character: Bartz (V)
Favourite FF male character: Bartz (V)
Favourite FF female character: Asche (XII)
Favourite Non-human FF character: Boko (V)
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Kimihari (X)
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran (XII)
Favourite Race: Hume
Favourite Boss: Gilgamesh (V)
Favourite Enemy: Grey Squirrel (V)
Favourite Boss attack: Omni-Slash (VII)
Favourite Enemy attack: Blizzaga
Favourite Sidequest: Gilgamesh Hunt
Favourite Mini-game: Chocobo Racing (VII)
Favourite Chocobo: Boko (V)
Favourite Moogle: all :D
Favourite save system: ???
Favourite battle system: V
Favourite levelling up system: II
Favourite class: Mystic Knight (V)
Favourite Weapon: Deathbringer (I)
Favourite method of transportation: Airship
Favourite reappearing name: Cid
Favourite summon: Chocobo
Favourite summon attack: Hellfire
Favourite "super" attack: Myst (XII)
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Sonic Blade
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: n/a
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: n/a
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Overdrive Summon
Favourite world: FFV world
Favourite place: Dimension Castle
Favourite saying: "You shall go together" Xemnas, KHII
Favourite graphics: Final Fantasy XII

Worst FF Hero: Zidane
Worst FF villain: Kuja
Worst FF title: Mystic Quest
Worst FF character: Kuja
Worst FF male character: Zidane
Worst FF female character: Kuja (lol)
Worst Non-human FF character: n/a
Worst Non-human male FF character: n/a
Worst Non-human female FF character: n/a
Worst Race: Fairy
Worst Boss: That turtle thing from FFIV
Worst Enemy: Mog Eater
Worst Boss attack: n/a
Worst Enemy attack: n/a
Worst Sidequest: n/a
Worst Mini-game: n/a
Worst Chocobo: Red Chocobo
Worst Moogle: they are all awesome
Worst save system: they are all the same
Worst battle system: XII Gambits (I do like the battle system ONLY when gmabits are turned off)
Worst levelling up system: they are all good
Worst class: n/a
Worst Weapon: rusty knife
Worst method of transportation: walking
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: ALL of them are good
Worst summon: Piranha (FFV)
Worst summon attack: Piranha (FFV)
Worst"super" attack: I've always liked the super attacks
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Tifa
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: n/a
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: n/a
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Lulu
Worst world: c'mon, all the FF worlds have been pretty cool
Worst place: n/a
Worst saying: n/a
Worst graphics: n/a
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Favourite Hero: Tidus
Favourite Villain: Kefka Palazzo

Favourite FF title: FFX and VIII - I have reasons behind both
Favourite FF character: Balthier
Favourite FF male character: Setzer Gabbiani
Favourite FF female character: Yuna
Favourite Non-human FF character: Kimhari
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Terra (ok, she's only half human though :P)
Favourite Race: Hume's
Favourite Boss: Gilgamesh

Favourite Enemy: so many to choose from
Favourite Boss attack: Nova

Favourite Enemy attack: Pharaoh's Curse
Sidequest: Treasure hunts
Favourite Mini-game:Blitzball

Favourite Chocobo: Red Lvl 99
Favourite Moogle: Stilzkin - his tiger like patterned fur

Favourite save system: The Sphere - FFX
Favourite battle system: X is great but so is the ATB gauge
Favourite levelling up system: VIII is the easiest but X is pretty unique
Favourite class: Dragoon Favourite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favourite method of transportation: Airship/submarine
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid

Favourite summon: Anima. Recurring summon would be Shiva

Favourite summon attack: Oblivion
Favourite "super" attack XII : Element of Treachery (mist)
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Clouds Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: most of them are cool. Selphie's "The End" is handy though Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Solution 9
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Blitz Ace
Favourite world: Ivalice

Favourite place: Zanarkand
Favourite saying: I am the leading man after all

Favourite graphics: X

Worst FF Hero: The dancer job class
Worst FF villain: Edea (she was possessed after all)
Worst FF title: FF XI Worst
FF character: Cait Sith

Worst FF male character: Barratt
Worst FF female character: Paine
Worst Non-human FF character: Cait Sith
Worst Non-human male FF character: Cait Sith
Worst Non-human female FF character: N/A
Worst Race: N/A

Worst Boss: Scorpion Guard

Worst Enemy: goblin Worst Boss attack: Curaja
Worst Enemy attack: bite Worst Sidequest: viera dating agency
Worst Chocobo: Yellow Worst Moogle: The idiots at mognet
Worst save system: FFI
Worst battle system: FFII
Worst class: Dancer
Worst Weapon: Megaphone
Worst method of transportation: Lunar Whale
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Wedge
Worst summon: Remora
Worst summon attack: Constrict

Worst "super" attack XII: REd Spiral
Worst Limit Break - FFVII:
Barretts gay gun thing
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Irvine - gun shot

Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Quina
Worst Overdrive - FFX: What do you mean by the worst?

Worst world: The Real World - It sucks

Worst place: Luca

Worst saying: Tidus' voice can get irritating
- when him and yuna are fake laughing. thats annoying when you can't skip it after playing through for the 30th time
Worst graphics: II - i don't like it
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Favourite Hero: Laguna
Favourite Villain: Seymour,
Favourite FF title: FFX
Favourite FF character: Laguna, zidane, tidus, vivi
Favourite FF male character: Laguna
Favourite FF female character: Garnet
Favourite Non-human FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race: human
Favourite Boss: Jecht
Favourite Enemy: Cactaurs
Favourite Enemy attack: when it misses
Favourite Sidequest: hunts in FFXII
Favourite Mini-game: tetra master
Favourite Chocobo: Green
Favourite Moogle: Stiltzkin
Favourite save system: moogles
Favourite battle system: FFX
Favourite levelling up system: FFX
Favourite class: swordsman
Favourite Weapon: the brotherhood
Favourite method of transportation: airship in FFX
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Shiva FFX
Favourite summon attack: Zanmato- yojimbo
Favourite "super" attack: renzokuken/lionheart
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: meteorain
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: desperado - laguna
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: steiners enhanced strength
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Blitz ace
Favourite world: FFIX:
Favourite place:
Lindblum FFIX
Favourite saying: Oh man julia looks hot tonight/ ahhh cramp. lol
Favourite graphics: FFX

Least favourite FF Hero: Vaan
Worst FF villain: Sephiroth
Worst FF title: FF1
Worst FF character:
Worst FF male character: Sephiroth,
Worst FF female character:
Worst Non-human FF character:
Worst Non-human male FF character:
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Worst Race:
Worst Boss:
Worst Enemy: Marlboro - FFXII
Worst Boss attack:
Worst Enemy attack: Bad breath VII
Worst Sidequest: Shumi stones
Worst Mini-game: Blitxball in X-2
Worst Chocobo:
Worst Moogle:
Worst save system:
Worst battle system: FFXII
Worst levelling up system: FFIX
Worst class: Blue mage
Worst Weapon: staff
Worst method of transportation: cars
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: bismark
Worst summon attack: Excalipoor
Worst"super" attack: aeris level 2 limits
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: aeris
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Rinoas
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Quina
Worst Overdrive - FFX:
Worst world:
Worst place: Nibelheim
Worst saying:
Worst graphics:
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Favourite FF Hero: Balthier or Squall
Favourite FF Villain: Sephiroth (yeah, yeah, I know.)
Favourite FF title: FFX
Favourite FF character: Reno
Favourite FF male character: Reno
Favourite FF female character: Rikku/ Cissnei

Favourite Non-human FF character: Freya
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran/Freya
Favourite Race: Burmecians, Viera, and, er, humans?
Favourite Boss: That giant forest dragon moss thing in XII (just for the sheer challenge) Most of the bosses in X.
Favourite Enemy: Cactuars for the win. =P
Favourite Boss attack: Sephiroth's 2 hour long meteor attack that helped me to learn the planets of the solar system. -_-
Favourite Enemy attack: Hmm...Bombs and their suicide attacks? I don't know.
Favourite Sidequest: Gah, too hard. Though I like monster quests in XII, Ultimate Weapon gathering in X, and just plain chocobo whatever-ing in VII.
Favourite Mini-game: As much as it sucked technilogically, I always loved riding that flimsy snowboard in VII.
Favourite Chocobo: Probably my super awesome gold (or should I say mustard yellow) one in VII which I fondly named Stupidface.
Favourite Moogle: Stiltzkin from IX.
Favourite save system: X's, just because it eliminated paying money for inns...though I did enjoy watching a moogle pull a giant book out of its butt for me.
Favourite battle system: X's is nice, just because it's easier to prepare because you can see who's turn is when and what attacks effect the order. Though, for the last time, I don't find FFXII to really be a "FF" game, I loved the battle system in that.
Favourite class: Dark Knight or Dragoon.
Favourite Weapon: Swords
Favourite method of transportation: Psh, always the airship. Or...when you flew around in your schol in FFVIII.
Favourite Cid: I kinda really hate them all...Though I think I least hate the Cid from X...
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Namingway! =D
Favourite summon: Bahamut in X, Ifrit and Quezacoatal in VIII, and Knights of the Round in VII.
Favourite summon attack: Probably Bahamut's in X. Everything went all color inverted. Woooooh.
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Quickenings from FFXII are pretty cool. Some of the later Limits in VII are awesome as well, especially if you can get "Yeah's!" on all of Tifa's in one go.
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Probably Chaos or Omnislash.
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Irvine's shotgun shooting, despite how disoriented it could be.
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Man I hate Trance's...but Zidane kinda takes the cake there.
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Auron's.
Favourite world: Ivalice or Spira.
Favourite place: Burmecia, FFIX and Ruined Zanarkand from X.
Favourite saying: Live and let live, the first thousand times I heard it. -_-
Favourite graphics: FFX.

Worst FF Hero: Vaan. ...He really had nothing to do with the ENTIRE game.
Worst FF villain: Seymour or Cid from XII.
Worst FF title: FFIII for DS.
Worst FF character: Selphie, Quina, and the Bard from IV.
Worst FF male character: Probably the bard from IV.
Worst FF female character: Selphie.
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina.
Worst Non-human male FF character: Khimari.
Worst Non-human female FF character: ...Is Quina a, uh...well, just forget it.
Worst Race: Those weird tiger/lion things in VIII, or the hippo race in IX.
Worst Boss: Cid from XII. ...Giant gun anyone? Or Palmer from VII.
Worst Enemy: Those little gnome things in the starting ice cave in IX.

Worst Boss attack: Reno's annoying confuse spell in the Sunken Gelnika (sp) sidequest.
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath (and all it's spin-offs)
Worst Sidequest: Hmmm...Probably finding all the Primer's to the Al Bhed language.
Worst Mini-game: That little Moogle story arcade in the Golden Saucer.
Worst Chocobo: Any of the losers who couldnt win the races for me.
Worst Moogle: That one who thought he knew everything at Quina's swamp in IX.
Worst save system: FFVII's. ...Save from the menu! ...The end.
Worst battle system: FFVIII's, everything you knew from past FF titles, save no limits until you had about 4 hp left, you either had to sacrifice casting magic, or using items, and it was all about juctioning. Grah....
Worst levelling up system: FFXII's. I need a license? What??
Worst class: Blue Mage for sure.
Worst Weapon: Um, I couldn't even tell what most of the Judge's weapons were in FFXII. It was just, hold this oddly adorned sharp metal thingy. It's pretty.
Worst method of transportation: Cars. You got like...2 seconds of gas.
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: I always hated Biggs. Just saying.
Worst summon: The one who casts "Silent Voice" in VIII.
Worst summon attack: Silent Voice.
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Any Trance from IX.
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Vincent's slasher killer with a Chainsaw Limit.
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Rinoa's flying lassie attacks. -_-
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Quina or Vivi.
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Wakka.
Worst world: Gaia.
Worst Place: Zell's Hometown in VIII
Worst saying: Anything Kuja says EVER.
Worst graphics: FFVII. or FFII. haha.

Re-doing this seeing as Im making fair few changes - more noticably in the worsts, and it was like a year a go I last did it and Ive played moar FF's since then

Favourite FF Hero: Auron
Favourite FF Villain: sephiroth
Favourite FF title: FFVII
Favourite FF character: Auron
Favourite FF male character: Auron
Favourite FF female character:Aeris/Rinoa
Favourite Non-human FF character: RedXIII
Favourite Non-human male FF character:RedXIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character:Quina - whatever sex it may be >_>
Favourite Race:Moogle
Favourite Boss:Yunalesca
Favourite Enemy:Ruby Dragon
Favourite Boss attack:Maelstrom
Favourite Enemy attack:erm....
Favourite Sidequest:the whole monster arena thing
Favourite Mini-game:triple triad/anything in the gold saucer
Favourite Chocobo:gold altho others like the brown ones in xii are pretty
Favourite Moogle: Artemecion
Favourite save system:FFX
Favourite battle system:FFX
Favourite class:warrior/knight
Favourite Weapon:swords
Favourite method of transportation:airship/ragnorak
Favourite Cid:defo XII-theres something oddly sexy about him
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:Cid (apart from FFVIII)
Favourite summon:Doomtrain/Anima
Favourite summon attack oblivion
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X:the ones in VIII
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: renzokuken/degenerator
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Shock - Steiner
Favourite Overdrive - FFX; attack reels
Favourite world: VII/VIII/X
Favourite place: forgotten city
Favourite saying:too much hope is the opposite of despair, an overpowering love wil consume you in the end
Favourite graphics: FFIX probably or X

Worst FF Hero: Vaan
Worst FF villain:Vayne
Worst FF title: FFV
Worst FF character: FuSoYa
Worst FF male character: Edward
Worst FF female character:Eiko
Worst Non-human FF character:cait sith - but only battle wise
Worst Non-human male FF character: as abovvvve
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Worst Race:shumi
Worst Boss: All the ones in FFV
Worst Enemy:marlboros
Worst Boss attack: airtanstorm, befrore I understood it :wacky:
Worst Enemy attack:bad breath
Worst Sidequest:shumi village
Worst Mini-game:blitzball too time consuming
Worst Chocobo:any that you are trying to catch in VII - they can be annoying... the wonderful ones!!
Worst Moogle:
Worst save system:FFIII - there were NO SAVE POINTS D:
Worst battle system:FFXII
Worst levelling up system: The shit skill system in FFII
Worst class: Bard or scholar or some shit
Worst Weapon:measures
Worst method of transportation:boats when you still encounter random fights
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon:carbuncle, there were some proper shit ones in VI though....
Worst summon attack that one tonberry does in viii
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives -choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: erm, anything before VII, did they even HAVE them?
Worst Limit Break - FFVII:cait sith
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII:selphie
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Eat
Worst Overdrive - FFX:lulu
Worst world:
Worst place: The great cunting crystal
Worst saying;quistis finishing squalls sentences annoyed me abit
Worst graphics: the characters in VIII were CRAP
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Favourite Hero: Squall
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: FFVIII
Favourite FF character: Paine
Favourite FF male character: Balthier/Basch/Zell
Favourite FF female character: Paine/Lulu/Penelo
Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Vivi/Red XIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Freya/Fran
Favourite Race: Viera
Favourite Boss: Jecht
Favourite Enemy: Sephiroth
Favourite Boss attack: None, they all hurt ;_;
Favourite Enemy attack: Ones that miss...alot
Favourite Sidequest: Monster Hunt; Treasure Hunt; Anything Chocobo related
Favourite Chocobo: Gold
Favourite Moogle: How can you just pick one?
Favourite save system: FFXII
Favourite battle system: FFVIII/FFXII
Favourite class: Warrior
Favourite Weapon: Gunblade
Favourite method of transportation: Chocobo
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid >_>
Favourite summon: Shiva FFX
Favourite summon attack: Diablos FVIII
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Limits from FFVIII
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Red XIII - Cosmo Memory
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Zell - Final Heaven
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Eat! for the win, lol
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Summon
Favourite world: Spira
Favourite place: The Moonflow FFX
Favourite saying: Squall: I dreamt I was a moron...
Favourite graphics:FFXII

Worst FF Hero: Zidane
Worst FF villain:
Worst FF title: FFIX
Worst FF character: Kuja/Seymour
Worst FF male character:
Worst FF female character: Rinoa/Yuna/Garnet
Worst Non-human FF character:
Worst Non-human male FF character:
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Worst Race:Shumi
Worst Boss: Seymour
Worst Enemy:marlboros
Worst Boss attack:
Worst Enemy attack:bad breath
Worst Sidequest: Lightning Dodge
Worst Mini-game:Blitzball, only cause I sucked at it, lol
Worst Chocobo: Even the crappiest are awesome!
Worst Moogle: >_>
Worst save system:
Worst battle system:FFIX
Worst levelling up system:
Worst class:
Songstress, wtf!
Worst Weapon: Any weak ones
Worst method of transportation: Shoopuf, despite the awesomeness, they are slow.
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: Tonberry
Worst summon attack Tonberry
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives -choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: erm, anything before VII, did they even HAVE them?
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Cait sith
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Rinoa - Angelo Rush (loved changing his name to dirty words)
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Worst Overdrive - FFX:
Worst world:
Worst place: The Pharos in FFXII, it sucked like hell
Worst saying: Anything cheesy, FF has alot of them
Worst graphics: FFVII
Favourite Hero: Tidus
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy VIII
Favourite FF character: Beatrix, Steiner, Seipher, Auron
Favourite FF male character: Auron
Favourite FF female character: Rinoa, Yuna (in ffx)
Favourite Non-human FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Rikku (she's non human dammit!)
Favourite Race: Ronso
Favourite Boss: Diablos! he's so cool
Favourite Enemy: Cactuars (they're so rad, they always look afraid)
Favourite Boss attack: ummm
Favourite Enemy attack: N/A
Favourite Sidequest: Blitzball!
Favourite Chocobo: GOLD!
Favourite Moogle: Stiltzskin
Favourite save system: Final Fantas X's
Favourite battle system: Final Fantasy X's
Favourite class: Black Mage
Favourite Weapon: Lionheart
Favourite method of transportation: Ragnarok
Favourite reappearing name: Cid
Favourite summon: Bahamut
Favourite summon attack: Mega Flare
Favourite "super" attack: Overdrives
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Lionheart (it's the "YES!!" factor when it comes out)
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: can't remember...
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Blitz Ace - Tidus
Favourite world: Final Fantasy 7
Favourite place: Cosmo Canyon
Favourite saying: KWEH
Favourite graphics: Final Fantasy X

Worst FF Hero: Squall
Worst FF villain: Ultemecia
Worst FF title: FFCC
Worst FF character: Leblank
Worst FF male character: Irvine (for being such a wimp)
Worst FF female character: Leblank
Worst Non-human FF character: Vivi (whiner)
Worst Non-human male FF character: Vivi
Worst Non-human female FF character: Quinna?
Worst Race: Freya's race
Worst Boss: Demon gate
Worst Enemy: Malboro!!!! (As soon as it pops up, it's all "RUUUUN!")

Worst Boss attack: can't remember
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath GrRRrrrr
Worst Sidequest: FF9's Cards
Worst Chocobo: N/A
Worst Moogle: N/A
Worst save system: Final Fantasy VII (although its not bad)
Worst battle system: Final Fantasy VIII :\
Worst class: N/A

Worst Weapon: Staff
Worst method of transportation: lol Cars!!
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: ummWorst summon: Eden (hurry up!)
Worst summon attack: N/A
Worst"super" attack: N/A

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Grenade Bomb
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Selphies!
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: N/A
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Lulu's
Worst world: umm Final Fantasy 8

Worst place: FF8 - begining of disc 2 at the prisions
Worst saying: N/A
Worst graphics: N/A
Favourite Hero: Squall
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy VIII
Favourite FF character: Vincent, Cecil, Cid
Favourite FF male character: Kimari
Favourite FF female character: Rikku
Favourite Non-human FF character: Kimari
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Kimari
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race: Viera
Favourite Boss: Odin
Favourite Enemy: Behemoth
Favourite Boss attack: Nova
Favourite Enemy attack: Any magical one when I have reflect up!
Favourite Sidequest: Blitzball!
Favourite Chocobo: Black
Favourite Moogle: n/a
Favourite save system: Final Fantasy 7
Favourite battle system: Final Fantasy 7
Favourite class: Lancer
Favourite Weapon: Lionheart
Favourite method of transportation: Chocobo
Favourite reappearing name: Cid
Favourite summon: Knights of the Round
Favourite summon attack: KoR attack Favourite "super" attack: Limit Breaks
Favourite Limit Break - Vincents Last Form Favourite Limit Break - Omnislash cause takes so much damn work to get Favourite Trance Mode Attack - Zidane
Favourite Overdrive - Wakka's always made me laugh hittin things with a ball Favourite world: FF7
Favourite place: Balamb Garden
Favourite saying: Whatever....
Favourite graphics: Final Fantasy XII

Worst FF Hero: Zidane
Worst FF villain: Seymour
Worst FF title: FF X-2
Worst FF character: Brother
Worst FF male character: Brother
Worst FF female character: Leblanc
Worst Non-human FF character: Quinna
Worst Non-human male FF character: Zell (So annoying)
Worst Non-human female FF character: Freya
Worst Race: NORG's race
Worst Boss: Vayne
Worst Enemy: anything with petrify (bastards)

Worst Boss attack: Gravija
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Ruby Weapon
Worst Chocobo: N/A
Worst Moogle: N/A
Worst save system: n/a
Worst battle system: XII
Worst class: Dancer/Bard

Worst Weapon: Staff
Worst method of transportation: Car in FF8
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Biggs and Wedge tired of seein em every where
Worst summon: Diablos
Worst summon attack: N/A
Worst"super" attack: N/A

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Cait Sith
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Irvine
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Steiner
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Rikku
Worst world: FF9

Worst place: Necropolis of Nabudis
Worst saying:
SOLDIER First Class (like a broken record between FF7 and Crisis Core)
Worst graphics:
Anything under 7
Favourite FF Hero: Tidus (although Zack comes close)
Favourite FF Villain: Sin
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy X
Favourite FF character: Rikku
Favourite FF male character: Tidus
Favourite FF female character: Rikku

Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Quina (intriguing character)
Favourite Race: Al Bhed
Favourite Boss: Sephiroth (Crisis Core) to fight, Sin overall

Favourite Enemy: Tonberri
Favourite Boss attack: Have to go with the cinematic Super-Nova
Favourite Enemy attack: Chef Knife

Favourite Sidequest: The Aeon sidequests in Final Fantasy X, digs into a backstory that surprisingly deep
Favourite Mini-game: Either card game in VIII or IX
Favourite Chocobo: Choco (name might be wrong, but the chocobo in Final Fantasy IX sidequest
Favourite Moogle: Mog

Favourite save system: Final Fantasy IX, love the different style. Forza Moogles.
Favourite battle system: Final Fantasy X
Favourite class: Monk (if I remember correctly)
Favourite Weapon: Brotherhood or Caldabog
Favourite method of transportation: Any airship for speed, but for the music the chocobo in Final Fantasy IX

Favourite Cid: The Al Bhed from Final Fantasy X
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Odin or Ragnarok (love the Nordic mythology)
Favourite summon: Anima... love the dark hellish nature of the beast

Favourite summon attack: Odin (from Final Fantasy VII or VIII)
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Overdrives since they were not battle contstrained
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Highwind

Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: The End
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Any of Zidane's (didn't use them all that much)
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Rikku's Mix (varied and devestating)
Favourite world: Spira
Favourite place: Besaid or Macalania Woods
Favourite saying: "This is our story" or "Hold your chocobos"
Favourite graphics: Final Fantasy X

Worst FF Hero: Vaan
Worst FF villain: Take your pick from Final Fantasy XII, none of them were memorable

Worst FF title: Final Fantasy XII (not counding the MMO XI)
Worst FF character: Fran (something about her just bothers me)
Worst FF male character: Heidegger (stereotype much)
Worst FF female character: Fran
Worst Non-human FF character: Cait-Sith
Worst Non-human male FF character: Cait-Sith
Worst Non-human female FF character: Fran
Worst Race: None really, liked them all
Worst Boss: Choose an esper, any esper from Final Fantasy XII (although any of the sewer bosses in any of the games comes very close)

Worst Enemy: Bombs, just plain annoying
Worst Boss attack: Any of emerald weapon's attacks or Ruby weapon's attacks

Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Esper hunting in Final Fantasy XII

Worst Mini-game: That virtual fighter in Final Fantasy VII (completely luck based)
Worst Chocobo: No such thing
Worst Moogle: Stiltzkin was a bit annoying

Worst save system: Any save for Final Fantasy IX and X (IX for the uniqueness and X for the instant heal)
Worst battle system: Final Fantasy XII, at least if you deviate from the normal turn based battle system go with something that actually works and is fun to play

Worst levelling up system: Any Final Fantasy save for X or XII (some personlisation required)
Worst class: Any beast tamer or dancer
Worst Weapon: The fork... I mean come one, a fork
Worst method of transportation: The car in Final Fantasy VII, it didn't even stop random battles
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid gets a bit annoying (especially since it covers several major characters)
Worst summon: Carbuncle (ruby light summon)
Worst summon attack: Ruby Light
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Trance, I mean the fact that if you get it after chosing an action you lose half the trance...

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Any of Barret's or Cait-Sith's
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Quistis' attacks until aquiring the last few
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Vivi

Worst Overdrive - FFX: Lulu
Worst world: Ivalice (I am always so confused in which era or "version" I am playing)
Worst Place: The capital in Final Fantasy XII (reminds me too much of Paris and I really don't like Paris)

Worst saying: None really stick out as absolutely horrible
Worst graphics: FFVII. or FFII. For the time it was created in, Final Fantasy XII. Too many detail issues
Favourite Hero: Auron, Cecil, Locke
Favourite Villain: Kefka, Sephiroth, Hojo
Favourite FF title: FFVI, FFX, FFVII
Favourite FF character: Auron
Favourite FF male character: Barret, Balthier
Favourite FF female character: Aerith, Terra, Fran
Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi!
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race: Viera
Favourite Boss: Hojo (satisfying)
Favourite Enemy: Dark Aeons
Favourite Boss attack: Supernova, Light of Judgement
Favourite Enemy attack: ?
Favourite Sidequest: Chocobo breeding, hunts in FFXII
Favourite Mini-game: Chocobo racing, Blitzball
Favourite Chocobo: Black ones
Favourite Moogle: Montblanc <3
Favourite save system: FFX
Favourite battle system: FFVI
Favourite levelling up system: FFVI
Favourite class: White Mage, Black Mage, Thief
Favourite Weapon: Masamune (Auron's of course)
Favourite method of transportation: Airships
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Biggs + Wedge lol
Favourite summon: Anima, Shiva
Favourite summon attack: Diamond Dust, Oblivion
Favourite "super" attack: Overdrives
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash, Doom of the Living, Great Gospel, Meteor Strike
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: The end
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Shock
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Attack Reels, Blitz Ace
Favourite world: Spira
Favourite place: Aerith's Church, Macalania, Timber, Stilshrine of Miriam
Favourite saying: Run, Run, or you'll be well done...and about 50 of Kefka's other one liners
Favourite graphics: FFX, FFXII

Worst FF Hero: Vaan, Zack
Worst FF villain: Seymour, Genesis *cough*
Worst FF title: FFXII
Worst FF character: VINCENT!
Worst FF male character: See above >_>
Worst FF female character: Tifa, ASHE, FFXIII girls are annoying me already
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character: Mog
Worst Non-human female FF character: Quina
Worst Race: Weird rat thingies
Worst Boss: Kefka when he kept running away!
Worst Enemy: Malboros....ugh

Worst Boss attack: Banish (Kill my aeons you &£$%&!)
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Never liked cards and Sphere Break sucked
Worst Chocobo: ?
Worst Moogle: Yuna in a moogle suit!
Worst save system: FFVII
Worst battle system: FFXII....but I still liked it.
Worst class: Bard

Worst Weapon: Any kind of gun, they are cheap
Worst method of transportation: Walking
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: I wish the name "FFVII" would stop reappearing!
Worst summon: Carbuncle, Espers from FFXII
Worst summon attack: Any of Carbuncles
Worst "super" attack: Quickenings were boring

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Yuffie's All Creation (letdown much?) Breath of the Earth, Any of Tifa's where a Miss was scored >_>
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Quistis (love her, but meh)
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Eat
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Kimahri's, Auron's were not useful later in the game
Worst world: Ivalice

Worst place: Nibelheim, Corel, Gagazet
Worst saying: ....Whatever, ".......", Let's Mosey, I like Trains, anything from AC
Worst graphics: FFVII's in game graphics sucked
Favourite Hero: Squall... oh man, if he were real D::tighthug:
Favourite Villain: It has to be Sephiroth, really. Sorry if it's overdone -_-
Favourite FF title: XII
Favourite FF character: Rikku
Favourite FF male character: Balthier

Favourite FF female character: Fran
Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Zidane
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race: Viera
Favourite Boss: Diablos
Favourite Enemy: Raijin & Fujin
Favourite Boss attack: Vayne's one with all the swords! Can't remember name :\

Favourite Enemy attack: 1000 Needles - classic!
Favourite Sidequest: Chocobo Breeding ^_^
Favourite Mini-game: Chocobo Racing!
Favourite Chocobo: FFXII Yellow
Favourite Moogle: Montblanc XII
Favourite save system: Uh
Favourite battle system: FFXII
Favourite levelling up system: Materia, FFVII
Favourite class: Warrioooor >=|
Favourite Weapon: Gunblade
Favourite method of transportation: Teleport Crystals -_-
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Bahamut
Favourite summon: Shiva
Favourite summon attack: Mega Flare
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Elemental Treachery

Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Knights of the Round
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Lionheart
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Uh...
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Mix (Rikku)
Favourite world: Ivalice
Favourite place: Midgar
Favourite saying: Kupo!
Favourite graphics: FFXII, Rabanastre or Salikawood

Worst FF Hero: Zidane
Worst FF villain: Kuja
Worst FF title: FFX
Worst FF character: Jecht

Worst FF male character: Er, Jecht.
Worst FF female character: Selphie

Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character: Cait-Sith
Worst Non-human female FF character: Quina
Worst Race: Dwarves
Worst Boss: Kuja

Worst Enemy: Malboros
Worst Boss attack: Ummm...
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Blitzball >_< I can't play it!
Worst Chocobo: Uh, brown? 'Cause it's the colour of poo? I like them all ;_;
Worst Moogle: The save moogle in Ring of Fates >_> WHY IS HE ALWAYS THERE?
Worst save system: ???
Worst battle system: I - VI... snore.
Worst class: Dancer :\

Worst Weapon: Any kind of staff. Don't take all my MP ;_;
Worst method of transportation: Cars in VIII... I ain't spending on no fuel!
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Hmm, Cactuar?
Worst summon: Pretty much all the Aeons... except Anima. And Shiva.
Worst summon attack: Er...
Worst "super" attack: Quickenings, I can only get like 9. Fail.

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Dice/Slots - Cait Sith

Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Quistis'
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Eat
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Um., dunno.

Worst world: Spira
Worst place: Osmone Plains. YAWN.
Worst saying: Kupo >_>

Worst graphics: Er, FFI? I have a feeling I'm underanalysing this question.
Favourite Hero: Squall
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: FFX
Favourite FF character: Balthier
Favourite FF male character: Balthier, Auron
Favourite FF female character: Aeris, Lulu
Favourite Non-human FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race: Hume
Favourite Boss: Yunalesca
Favourite Enemy: Dark Aeons
Favourite Boss attack: Maelstorm
Favourite Enemy attack: Don't rmb
Favourite Sidequest: Chocobo racing
Favourite Mini-game: Chocobo racing, Blitzball
Favourite Chocobo: Gold
Favourite Moogle: Don't rmb
Favourite save system: FFX
Favourite battle system: FFX-2
Favourite levelling up system: FFX
Favourite class: Thief
Favourite Weapon: Lionheart
Favourite method of transportation: Airships
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Anima
Favourite summon attack: Oblivion
Favourite "super" attack: Overdrives
Favourite Limit Break - Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: The end
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Shock
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Attack Reels, Blitz Ace
Favourite world: Spira
Favourite place: Gold Saucer
Favourite saying: This is my story
Favourite graphics: FFX

Worst FF Hero: Vaan
Worst FF villain: Kuja
Worst FF title: FFIX
Worst FF character: Zidane
Worst FF male character: Zidane
Worst FF female character: LeBlanc
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human female FF character: Quina
Worst Race: The weird looking grotesque race in FFXII
Worst Boss: Sin
Worst Enemy: Malboro

Worst Boss attack: Can't rmb
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Sphere Break
Worst Chocobo: N/A
Worst Moogle: N/A
Worst save system: FFVII
Worst battle system: FFIX
Worst class: Bard

Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst method of transportation: Walking
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: N/A
Worst summon: Carbuncle
Worst summon attack: Carbuncle's
Worst "super" attack: Trance

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Yuffie's All Creation
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Quistis
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Eat
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Kimahri's
Worst world: Ivalice

Worst place: The desert below Gold Saucer
Worst saying: N/A
Worst graphics: FFVII
