get FFIX & X or FFXIII

I would make a clever decision :griin: ............if I was in that position.......... I would get FFXIII.............complete that then sell it and buy IX and X...........I'm sure the price on XIII is enough to cover for X and IX!

P.S X is the best there though........
Hmmm, thats a tough choice. IX is the best of all the classic turn based FF's imo, great story, great characters that you can connect with and not find boring, excellent music as well. X is also an excellent game with a great story, good characters, music is excellent. It also has arguably imo the best side quest in any game, that being blitzball.

It really all comes down to what you like and don't like in a game. Even though I described these 2 games I still love XIII more even though it has some downfalls and negatives to it. XIII has really good characters, a story which I happened to like and find interesting, and the music was great even though alot of people will disagree and say it sucked, I really liked the Pardigm shifting in combat as it adds to making you being quicker and more decisive in combate. In the end though man it all comes down to you and what you prefer.

I'd say get IX and X, as you'd have 2 great games instead of 1.
I'd reccomend getting FFIX and FFX because they both have more depth as opposed to FFXIII, the storylines are better, and generally more interesting. XIII's downfall in my opinion is not the story, because I think it's rather good, but it's extremely linear, there are hardly, if any real sidequests to do, you can't explore like you can on FFIX or X, because you are set one path, and you MUST follow it whether you like it or not, X is linear too in some respect, but there's so much more to do compared to XIII.

Hope that helps you on your decision.
Each game is completely different. For Final Fantasy IX, the game goes back to Final Fantasy's classic roots and takes a turn into medevil, and you get to take a role of four players in battle using the ATB battle system. Each character has a specific role in battle, like Vivi is a black mage and uses magic in battle to deal heavy damage, while Garnet uses white magic to heal.
I really honestly haven't played much of Final Fantasy X, so I cannot really recommend the game, so nothing here.
Originally, Final Fantasy VIII would be the game in the Final Fantasy series to be either loved or hated. Final Fantasy XIII was very hyped and was the first game in the series to implent High definition. The battle system is REALLY fun, and sometimes can be really a good way. The game uses cyrstarium points to upgrade the roles that your characters may use. These roles are Commando, Ravanger, Saboteur, Medic, Sentinel, and Synergist. In the game you need to stagger enemies to really inflict damage on the enemy you plan to attack. The battle system like all other's are completely different from each game. The game is very linear with tons of cut scenes, battles..and that's it. The characters develop IMO (others will think otherwise) pretty well, and the plot isn't as bad as some make it to be. I reccomend it, but once again I haven't really touched X.
I hope you have fun.
I would get IX and X. Final Fantasy XIII Sucked horribly and all you do is grind in it. So yeah. Plus two games equal more value.
I am going to say IX and X. One of my favorite games in the whole series and another good game (imo), or a game that had some good points, but not much else: hard choice to make. :hmmm:
Get IX and X, definitely. I never tried XIII, but IX and X were made when Square was still SquareSoft, that says all. :sup:
X is one of my top favorites, I think it has the best storyline, it's not one worth passing up ^_^
Get those two, and by the time you finish them, you can find a real cheap version of XIII online somewhere ;)