Getting a new 'do


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
Do you change your hairstyle often? I will have a rather drastic change every so often, and I SHIT myself every time. Drastic changes to the barnet fill me with fear

I've not had a fringe since I was like, 6 years old and I'm totally off to the hairdressers tomorrow for a trim and a side fringe and I think part of me just expects to bottle it. Again. It's not the first time Ive gone with the intention of getting a fringe

Last drastic change was when I decided to get it cut to just shy of shoulder length, and I loved it, so I got it cut shorter next time to chin length, I kept that style for a while and now it's just gradually grown back from that and Im bored to death of it

Normally Id be satisfied with just dying it, but I need to buy 2 boxes of the stuff so Ive not done it for ages :gonk:

Wish me luck :gonk:

I might buy some dye tomorrow actually, my poor hairs been neglected for months.
I've had more or less the same hairdo for the last 6 years. The only reason it might have differed a bit over the years is when the hairdresser interpreted my increasingly vague instructions different from the one that cut my hair before. :P
I used to never change my hairstyle but if you do you often feel better about yourself. I got nervous the other day getting my haircut, I asked her to copy a picture and wasn't sure how it would turn out... It's always nice to have a change though! Good luck :monster:
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Well, I tend to be a creature of habit, especially when it comes to hairstyles. I've had my current hairstyle now for about 10 years. The biggest reason for that is because my hair is too wavy to keep it any longer than i have it now. I'm not a fan of the bald head look either, it doesn't look good on me (had it many years ago when I was young).

I did go from 1 extreme to the other though. Before my current look, I had long hair, a little beyond shoulder length. My hair was all curly in the back, which was really hard to maintain control of. Yeah, for those that have really straight hair and think its the worst kind of hair, I'd have to disagree with you, my hair was so damn hard to keep maintained. But then again, it may have just been the kind of hair I have, and it just doesn't work to grow it long.

But long story short, I don't have a lot of choices with my hair, so I kept it the same for a long time. But I hope all works out great Kels! I'm looking forward to seeing this new style. And for the record, I think you're hair is great the way it is, even though you don't think so. But I still look forward to seeing the new look!
Well I am currently trying to grow my hair out long again. I have only done it once before and that was in high school, and I was told I looked like Frodo. But that isn't going to stop me because I really want to grow it out just to see what else I can do with my hair.

And usually I dont go anywhere to cut my hair...I cut it myself. :wacky:
My hair style has been about the same since my freshman year in high school. Before i starts HS i had very long hair but i decided to cut it all off. Now its above my shoulder and i cut it myself every now and then. The most ill ever do to it is dye it. Usually blonde and red highlights. I sometimes style it when im not feeling lazy haha.
I've had the same hairstyle for about four years now.

I have the side fringe happening with the rest of my hair one length (very long) and the hair around my face is feathered in order to frame it.

I have never done anything drastic since I got a whole heap cut off at once when I was in year 5.

I love long hair, so I just straighten it and that's all I can be bothered to do when it's that long. XD
And usually I dont go anywhere to cut my hair...I cut it myself. :wacky:


I've had the same haircut for the most part since about.... 6th grade. I usually go with a No.1 all the way around. Sometimes a No.2, and occasionally I go with no guard, though it's been a long time since I've done that.

I have grown it out long in the past, and it looks ok. It's just really thick and a bastard to deal with in the morning. And I'm lazy and like to sleep. So cutting it short makes it easier to deal with. In fact, I'm probably due for a cut. Might do it this weekend.
I usually stick to the same one. Though, I had a different one when I was little.
But since certain age (can't reacall when) and until now I have the same haircut.
At least for 6 years or so.
Well, I won't be dying it midnight red again in a hurry

Midnight red my arse, it looks more black than anything and on the box its CLEARY a dark reddy brown -__-

I quite like the cut, but I cant see beyond the horrendous colour, pics for your amusemnt to follow in a few days, I'm sure -__-
Yeah, for those that have really straight hair and think its the worst kind of hair, I'd have to disagree with you, my hair was so damn hard to keep maintained. But then again, it may have just been the kind of hair I have, and it just doesn't work to grow it long.

I completely agree with you. My hair is very very curly and wild naturally. It's so hard to maintain and keep it looking decent when it's like that. Most of the time, I look like I'm trying to bring back the 80's hair band look.

I very rarely do anything different with my hair. Most of the time I just straighten it and that's it. If I'm feeling to lazy, I'll just leave it curly. I dyed my hair only once in my life. I was in high school and my cousin and I both decided to do it. Mine was some crazy bright red color. It really damaged my hair though so I never did it again.

I've also only had my hair professionally cut and styled once (I know, I'm such a risk-taker). I got it layered but left it pretty long. I really liked it though. Plus the salon was great. They served tea while you were waiting and they had nice, soothing music. Plus a neck-massage before they washed your hair. xD
Mine is naturally straight, but I might change it if I was in the mood for curly etc. and it's not straight straight, so I opt to fuss about to see what is right for me :monster: I prefer it to be cut by someone else who's professiona; so I can rely on them if things go wrong. lol ^_^
I rarely ever change my hairstyle. I need that feeling that things are in order really.

It normally takes me a lot of courage and a lot of nagging from other people to change my hair, even if I know myself that it looks stupid. When I was younger it just existed and my hair just rode on my head and had a peaceful life and I never thought anything of it...

When my mom convinced me to start using gel I tended to plaster my fringe down on to my forehead, and it looked absolutely ridiculous... I mean it didn't just look like a bowl had been placed on my head and cut round, but it looked like the bowl had been filled with grease etc etc and baked in an oven, and it had turned it hard. But that was the way I'd got used to so I left it for ages.

Eventually I was convinced to flick it up a little bit, and it took about a year of pursuading for me to have the courage to go out the door looking different. I never quite flicked it up like all the cool people did at the time, but I did it in my own (fail) way. I guess you can't even say it is flicked up, it's just not touching my forehead anymore and is sticking out I guess, but it doesn't go upwards. I guess you could say it hovers a bit like a cap, but it isn't very big or anything.

Again though, it became a habbit, and I still do this to myself today even though it looks stupid at times (most times, only the occassional side angle does it look kick-assingly awesome to the right people).

That said, aside from my fringe, my hair is like a fluffy chicken. It isn't long enough to look right, and I don't like having it too short. I guess I should really let it grow longer but I don't like that feeling either. It just looks weird I guess... I am weird I guess...

I always order a 3 (sides) and a 4 and a little bit off the fringe whenever I go to the hairdressers and luckily she always gets it right.

Yeah... I fail at plucking up the courage to change stuff like that, so getting a new "do" is often a life changing event for me and has only ever happened a few times in my entire life.
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I never really have my hair cut into a style as such. I grew my hair long then cut it a year ago and since it's just been growing back the same way. Though I have recently been thinking about doing something new slightly....

Suggestions on a post card pls :monster:
I change my hair quite a lot.. never colour, just style. It used to be really long and then I got it all cut off to above shoulder-length at the start of 2007.. and then I just let it grow, occasionally re-styling it with layers or side-fringers or whatever. I used to wear it different every day too, curly or straight or different updos or whatever. But then I got fed up of it not long ago and cut it off to shoulder-length and cut a fringe too.. and I hate it at the moment because it looks stupid when it's down so the only thing I can do with it is a boring ponytail. ¬_¬ I need to get it cut properly at a hairdresser's.. I was thinking about chin length :hmmm:
I mess with my hair all the time :gasp: My grandmother is convinced that I'll be bald by the time I'm thirty :wacky:

I've dyed it probably seven-ten times by now, all different colors. Icy blonde (dear god did that look bad), light red, a cherry red, orange-y red, light brown, dark-almost-black brown, actual black, purple, and I think that's it. I have nearly a rainbow :gasp:

I don't cut it as often... it's been long and straight (because I get up 30 minutes early to make it manageable :gonk:) for about two years, and before that, I had the sideswept fringe thingie going on :gasp: I'm about due for another cut, actually >.> Chin length :D

I've seen your new hair, Kels, and I love it :L
love long theres not much cutting for me...
have had long-medium hair for last 10 years..., kinda always the same = however it wants to grow.
my girlfriend has really crazy hair....been thinking about letting her cut sure ill regret it...but atleast will have some fun xD
Short hair. :) I cut it myself, and it looks good, which I guess is a surprise for most people. I want a mohawk, badly. I've always wanted to shave my head or do something of that nature just for the hell of it.

I like to dye my hair outrageous colors all the time.

Purple, Blue, Green, Cherry-Red, Dark-Red, Light-Pink, Magenta, Orange, White, Blond, Yellow, Black, Brunette.

I'm naturally a dark brunette auburnish haired person. :3
I've not had a fringe since I was like, 6 years old and I'm totally off to the hairdressers tomorrow for a trim and a side fringe and I think part of me just expects to bottle it. Again. It's not the first time Ive gone with the intention of getting a fringe


I found a fiver yesterday so I decided to stop being a wimp and use my ill gotten gains to go get this fringe Ive said Im getting for fuck knows how long

It's taking some getting used to, can't decide if it's more hassle than it's worth OR if I like it all that much, time I get uysed to it, it'll of grown out and I won't go for a trim, then Il end up back as I was with no fringe. We shall see how this pans out

Not half fucking annoying though, getting in my eyes all the time :rage:

Either way, fact is, I finally did it xD
Mine is straight and quite long
I don't think it's ever been different really...