Getting ready to complete FFVIII


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
But first i need the following things -

All the GFs
Good Magic for Stats (Except HP)
Final Weapons

The GFs i already have are -

Cerberus and

Someone told me that Death is the best spell for strength...but i have no idea where that is =/

Help very appreciated :D
Go to the deep sea research center fight ultima weapon and draw eden which is the best gf. You get get bahamut there too.
Dunno where to get death but you could try fighting death claws for death stones (if they drop them)
You can also draw 99 ultimas from Ultima weapon.
Things I know so far:
-You can get Bahamut and Ultima Weapon from the Deep Sea Reasarch Facility(or something like that) somewhere near Centra I think. These two are GFs.
-Since you have Diablos use his Encounter None ability and start searchinh The Island closest to Hell for invisible draw points( only good magic like ultima, meltdown and so on)
-Death I think you can refine it from curse spikes
-I say that Meteor, Ultima, Triple and Quake(the earthquake spell) are better than death when junctioned on Strenght.

Things I actually did:
- Find Cactuar...there is a small island somwhere in the's really small and it is full of can see cactuar appearing there from the ware....hard battle
- Odin is llocated on Centra....there is a thing...I dunno how to call it....but you can't miss's like a skycraper in the middle of the desert.
- Tonberry in the same place as Odin. But you have to fight like 18-20 tonnberrys then defeat Tonberry King.
- To get lionheart you need pulse ammo. It can be refined from Energy cristals. Those are very rare. But there is a place in Eshtar....there is a eshter soldier who'se colour is a bit darker than to him and he'll say like: Muhhauhwawawhha(or something like that. Then a battle will appear and if you win you'll get like two energy cristals.....repeat the process and you'll have shitloads of pulse ammo.

And I'll think of some more later. Hope it helps.
Last edited: do you get to the deep sea research center? :confused: i flew over the place the world map on gamefaqs said it was and found nothing...
It's around the corner of the map. Just fly over to any corner and search around.
Unless you are already on disc 4.
Deep sea research center is located on the bottom left of the map. You draw Eden from Ultima Weapon.

Best monsters to draw Death from:

Blue Dragon (Snowy area, forest)
Forbidden (On top of the cliffs near Esthar, Centra Ruins)
Tonberry (Centra Ruins)
Torama (Esthar)

Also you'll need a 100 deaths once you reach level 100 when you're ready to fight Omega weapon. First thing he cast is Level 5 death. If your planning on fighting Omega make sure you have the Laguna card. (Refines into 100 heros and Gilgamesh into 10 hero wars. Does matter use one.)

Over all getting 100 Pains will help your character against status.

Errrmmm if you want quick levels just fly over Island Cloest to hell. Get Quistis near death before you do and have her be junction to Pandemona. This GF has a junction called Initiative, which makes Quistis always have the first hit. So just have her keep using Degenerator.

Btw, once you enter Lunatic Pandora ermm you can't go back. (I think so if I remember correctly.) Disk 4 towns are close, so have fun around town while it last.
{Mark} Llama Llama Duck says:
Where do i get these spells? and i dont have Magic as a battle option anyway

-_- give Rinoa magic. she has a new Limit called angel Wing, which is like her going Berserk, only better. Instead of physical attacks, she uses magic.
dont bother getting death.

as everyone told you eden is the best gf you need.

here are the best spells for each attribute:

strength- ultima, triple, aura, meteor

hp- full-life, aura, pain, ultima, meteor

i dont feel like typing right now, but if you want the rest let me know.
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Well I'm using Curaga for health, Zell and Rinoa have 8600/9000 hp each (level 26 and 36) when i equip the HP 20% 40% and 80%

Where do i get these magics? Can i refine them? if so which Gf do i need to use?
Best Junctions
HP: Ultima / Full-Life / Meteor / Holy / Aura
Strenght: Ultima / Meteor / Triple & Aura / Flare / Holy
Vitality: Ultima / Meltdown & Full-Life / Regen / Curaga / Life
Magic: Ultima / Triple / Paine / Meteor / Flare
Spirit: Ultima / Full-Life / Reflect / Curaga / Dispell & Regen
Speed: Triple / Ultima / Haste / Stop / Slow
Evasion: Ultima / Triple / Tornado / Meteor / Stop
Hit: Triple / Ultima / Aura / Meteor & Double / Tornado
Luck: Ultima / Aura & Paine / Death / Triple / Meteor

My Suggestions
Hp: Holy
Strenght: Meteor
Vitality: Meltdown
Magic: Flare
Spirit: Full-Life
Speed: Triple
Evasion: Tornado
Hit: (To your heart content)
Luck: Aura

I didn’t use Ultima and Death for some reasons. When your party is LVL 100, you are rather vulnerable to LVL 5 Death… which is why I believe you should equip it to your Status Defense. I suggest you junction Ultima to your Elemental Defense. When you have 100 Ultima junctionned to it, ALL your Elemental Defense will be raised to a 100%.

Triple Trick
Make sure your party is at least level 50. When you go obtain Odin, equip the Encounter-None ability to one of your character, and rush your way trhough. You can draw Triple from Odin and since he doesn’t attack you, all you have to worry about is the time limit, but it’s not hard at all.

Specifications about Deep Sea Research Center
-When you reach the Deep Sea Center, don't run/walk when pillar is glowing, even if you have Enc-None, you will have a fight.
-Before fighting Bahamut, he will ask you questions, here are the answers:
"It is not our will to fight"
"Hidden answer below the second option"
Once you defeat Bahamut, you'll see a hole in the floor and a Save Sphere nearby, but you wont be able to go any furthur. Exit the Deep Sea Research Center and board the Ragnarok. Talk to everyone and i think you need to have Zell in your party. Now go back to the Deep Sea Research Center and you should see a vine that will allow you to reach the lower levels.
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Refine one of the Brother's cards (I can't remember which one) into whatever item that is. Then refine that item into Quake and junction that to health. You got 100 of the item, and by refining them all you get enough to give all three characters maximum health regardless of their level and you have a few left over too.
The only other magics you need are Aura, Full-Life, Curaga and Ultima. Junction Ultima to strength and your attacks should do a lot. The you just cast Aura all the time and use your Limit Breaks, or use GFs instead.
If you're already on disc four then you have to go through all that long boring shit to get back to the Ragnarok that I can't remember how to do, but it helps. :monster:
At that point of the game you shouldn't have much Ultima... You should EXP as much as you can and in the fight against Eden, Draw (one caracter at a time) Ultime from the boss, your level should allow you to have 9 per Draw.

I'm REALLY NOT SURE if this would work but, have at least 1 Ultima equipped to each of the caracters' strenght that you're using. Draw Ultima until you max it out with everyone and you should have a lot of Strenght. But i'm not sure if it works though...

Quake can be drawn in Tomb of the Unknown King. I don't remember the name of the monster but i think it is the one that sometimes flip over when you inflict a critical.