Getting the Ultima Weapon


Blue Octahedron of Doom
Sep 30, 2008
The Ultima Weapon, although not as strong as each character's exclusive weapon, is very useful, because it can be equipped on any character, and it's very powerful.
First, you need to enter the following passwords:
531062973 (Pisces Recipe)
2748173856 (Ninja Friend Card - level 100 OK, carries Noah's Lute)
29432971 (FuSoYa Friend Card - level 100 Golbez carries Whisperweed)
The UW is made out of Pisces Recipe, Noah's Lute and Whisperweed.
Although you get P.R. just by entering the password, it's going to be tougher with the rest. Don't forget to buy Battlegen Rate Up and Item Drop Rate Up (IDRU is optional, but wouldn't it be awesome if OK or Golbez dropped some pwnage gear?)
Noah's Lute
To Battlegen it, you must perform a BRV Break on Onion Knight. Unfortunately, OK carries high-end gear and has very high AI. So... good luck. Odin works fine, so do Deathsguise and Atma Weapon. Again, good luck.
Something I heard from another site is that spamming Zidane's Shift Break will equal in you winning. I haven't tested this, but it might work.
To Battlegen it, you must ram Golbez into a wall. Cecil's Paladin Force and Radiant Wings work fine, so do Squall's Rough Divide and Heel Drop. It's up to you. A bit easier than OK, but! DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HIM! If you get hit, you might end up in a derivation attack that will probably 1 hit you. Just like Onion Knight.

Once you get the 3 items, go into the shop to claim your Ultima Weapon.
Want some better gear? Fight these friend cards until they drop something good!
3939258263 (Level 100 Warrior of Light, carries some good gear, watch out for derivation attacks)
20151231 (Level 100 Kefka, carries some good gear for mage-type characters)
3784227940 (Level 100 Kuja, same as above, but a bit harder than Kefka)
1298228499 (Level 100 Jecht, carries heavy gear, for all you Cloud fans. Use Guard Crushing abilities, Jecht likes to guard.)
And don't forget the 2 friend cards I mentioned earlier. And buy Item Drop Rate up!!!
Good luck gearing up your characters.

P.S. If you don't know how to enter passwords, then go into Friend Card Edit, edit the message in your FC, and enter the password there.

i liek +rep
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Shin, can these codes be entered into the English version? <.<
I tried to enter codes from, but they didn't work at all xD

I'll try them anyway. Hopefully I don't have to re-enter my phrase T-T

EDIT (Same day): Tried all codes. All work on ENG version. Cheers. Now I have a challenge!

2ndEDIT (few hours later): <.< Do you know what's the worst part about being Zidane? I can't beat Golbez... Not with the gear he's got on him in this ghost. It's totally imbalanced!!! Even Onion Knight was a breeze to handle. I've been trying to beat this Golbez for at least an hour now <.< There is NO way that Zidane can beat this guy as I am right now T-T I hate this... I really want to get Ultima Weapon for Zidane, but I know that I can't achieve it right now.

The easy part is creating the piece. 40% hell yeah. The hard part is going through with the kill <.< He's just too damn tank. Every time he dodges, his BRV goes up by 30% (Adamant Combo) as well as his BRV just being BOOSTED by everything he holds. It only takes him one set combo and the game is over <.<

By the way xD Longest battle I've had with this ghost: 20 minutes probably. Imagine a Saved Replay of that LOL!

Last EDIT (Next day): I've got Ultima Weapon xD It's not that great, but it's helpful. Stats are:
+68 DMG
Deals more DMG if you are with more HP. (I'm not sure whether it's more DMG with more HP or with more of your Max HP. Can someone verify?)
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Yeah I'm having more trouble with Onion Knight. Clouds brave attacks process just right for Golbez so it only took me a few tries. But Cloud is wayyy too slow for OK so I'm finding myself guarding A LOT.

* and for anyone else using Cloud on Golbez, If you chage him with Braver, he will dodge no matter what, then if you dodge, he'll use an attack where he says "theres no escape" (cant remember the name of it) then right when he finishes talking, he'll teleport right up to you, use slashing blow and Omni. version 5. this is how I beat him. Its consistant HP damage. I just kept spamming it. Figured if Golbez was allowed to be really cheap, so could I :D
*also, ill try and make a vid of this.
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Just watched the video, and noticed how slow your Cloud was xD Do you have Speed Boost ++ on? <.< By the way, your BRV is too low to do any serious damage at that point in the game. You might want a Hero's Seal (Ini. 50%+ BRV). I do like your pre-emptive fighting style in this battle, though. It really counters Golbez' moves well.

Onion Knight, if you still haven't beaten him, is a simple case. Play the dodge game until he comes towards you for an actual attack, then just Slashing Blow or Aerial Fang (I think) and play the chase game. I've found that, with a good chase, you can inflict Break upon him, and win it easily. Also, a tip for these two battles: Change your Summonstone to Odin (Manual). This will help you out heaps. Magic Pot helps with Mimic, but the fact is, Breaking will never do you wrong. Be aware that Odin is a 50% chance. I'll try get Cloud to Lvl 100, and try fighting Onion Knight for you. Doubt I'll have the same gear as you, but it's the technique I'm more concerned about.

I've got Cloud near the 60s, so shouldn't take too long.
Yeah I know my BRV was low, I did it on purpose so the fight would last longer. And yes I sadly do have SB++ on. Cloud is just a slow character. Its more about tricking the CPU w/him. I already beat Onion Knight but I still have trouble with him. So any help would be awesome. And I did get the Ultima Weapon, as it is a better weapon, I still find myself wanting a better one. This only boosted me an extra 3 points in attack or so from the Royal Swordsman's sword. But I also never got the buster sword so i think im outa luck now.
If you ride the rails in Order Sanctuary/etc., your opponent will eventually go on them and start riding towards you. If you block right before your opponent touches you, it will act like
you blocked an attack of his, leaving you free to do Slashing Blow + Ov5 and most other HP and BRV attacks. Combine that with Riposte and you'll defeat most enemies. I've noticed this AI flaw on every enemy - they will ALL ride towards you, and you can ALWAYS block them. Very useful. Also works for when the enemy Air Dashes towards you - you can block it.
And the Ultima Weapon has an ATK+2 bonus when your HP is full.
Ultima Weapon actually has a +2 on EVERY Stat when you have Full HP in battle. That's the effect xD It's actually quite a boost on the 100th Lvl xD Think about it, 10 points is enough to make your opponent over-powered. Taking 2 away from that is taking 1/5 of that power away. That's 20% of their overpower-ness gone xD Get where I'm coming from? Good.

Keep it up!
I already got Whisperweed, but getting Noath's Lute is Freakin Hard you know... But i won't give up so easily xD I will post you back when i get Ultima Weapon
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thx a lot 4 the guide
do you know bye chance if i can get the genjiarmor in this game and how?
sry 4 doublepost

ok i tried your codes out but non of them worked. do i have to unlock something first?
a friend of mine tried it out yesterday too but it didn't worked 4 him either

could it be that it isn't working cuz we have the german version? or do we have to finish the whole storymodus first to get the ghostplayer?

could someone pls help me?
IIRC EU codes are different from the US and JP codes.
Sorry but gamefaqs is your friend =D

For Genji Equipment, you must first finish Inward Chaos and purchase the option in the PP catalog that allows you to buy Genji Equipment. Then you must go through a long and painful road to get all the items necessary for it.
Until then, use armor sets that can be found in the Duel Coliseum such as Imp Equipment and Force of the Resolute. They're easy to get.
But then again, to beat Inward Chaos, you WILL need some very good armor. =/
I finally have Ultima Weapon !!!
The best way to get easily noah lute is to use Zidane and at the beginning of the battle use Odin Manual (he have to break this onion knight) then just spam Tidal Flame (Shift Break is useless) And if you want to get Genji items, just fight with Exdeath CPU:9 lv 100 ! ;]
ahhh so thats where i can get that genji... is that a drop?? so i shall win him at quick battle?? golbez 100?
I got about 15 Whisperweeds ( I do wish I could do something else with these, since they're kinda useless now) from fighting Golbez over and over so I could get his Adamant Equipment, I finally got it after two days of mopping the floor with him. I beat Golbez with Jecht, Golbez is actually quite easy, when the fight starts just go up to him, he'll do an attack, just block it and punish, do that until you break him, you also gotta be cautious when he summons those little black orbs, dodge those, also when he's low on HP he'll start using HP attacks so be careful, and stop blocking his attack, just dodge and punish, kick his ass, break him as many times as you are able to, make sure you get all the EX-Cores, so you'll have less trouble with him, and use a character who's quick so you can dodge/block and then punish quickly.

And with Onion Knight, I suggest you use Squall, and keep distance from Onion Knight, block or dodge his Thunder crap (punish if you are able to), if you dodge it make sure you dodge + leap towards him and punish him then keep distance, don't bother in HP attacking him since he might punish back, just wait till you break him as many times as possible and then kill him, and then dodge his Blizzard attack, I would not risk in blocking it because he might use Quake so dodging it is best, and when he does physical attacks just dodge and punish, but you gotta do that quickly since he might punish you since he's literally a lot quicker than you, so make sure you use a fast character who's able to dodge and punish, also don't let him get close to the Ex Cores. I hope this helps. Also, as you practice kicking their asses they'll become quite easy.
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I used Bartz to get them both. I was lucky with golbez (so I don't know what tactic I can use) but the OK was hard. Use odin and if it breaks and you see a star with no letters pop up in the battlegen section, beat him and see whether it was noah's lute.