did you allocate yours??

Hey welcome back Lisa!

Right the question?

Well I had my GF's junctioned in a very specific way and most of them had only some of there original skills available when junction.

Sqaull always has bahamut/cerberus Just because they are awesome and he is the leadr and needs the best to make the others better..........IMO?

Rinoa initially had diablos/doomtrain on her but she was replaced by Selphie as my main FFVIII chick and Selphie recieved Rinoas Junction set.

Irvine always had Cactuar/Ifrit/Brothers giving his sometimes fiery and playful nature.

Zell had Alexander/Siren/Cactuar eventually when I pissed Irvy of to oblivion, to try and balance his rash behaviour with some guidance and responsibility in the team as My/Sqaull 2nd.

Quistis had Leviathan and the tornado guy........Pandemonium, to me it seemed to go with her latent hippy image........IDK just my vision of her outlook.

Selphie to start with had all cuter FFVIII GF's y'know Carbuncle, Toneberry, Shiva(cute?) but when she was elevated to No.1 magic user she graduated so to speak and took some of the more powerful GF's that Rinoa was using.

In the end, at least on my version of FFVIII Rinoa/Irvine/Quistis some how disapeard
when I deleted there asses with my exploder ;)!
Squall - Ifrit, Doomtrain, Bahamut
Rinoa - Shiva, Alexander, Eden
Quistis - Siren, Leviathan
Zell - Brothers, Pandemona, Cactuar
Irvine - Diablos, Cerberus
Selphie - Quezacotl, Carbuncle, Tonberry
There is no real need to have all the GF's on 3 main characters. They are set up to balance the players out, or enhance each characters ability. for the FIRST GF's, I like to give them GF's that enhance their already great stats. like a strength based GF to squall, a magic based GF to Rinoa, Luck based to Selphie etc. then the 2nd and 3rd GF's I try balance out their stats. This works better becasue after awhile the GF's will perform faster for each character after awhile. Anything that doesn't work out, I mod the cards and give the GF's the right ability's to correctly max out their character.
Character 1 - Eden, Cactaur, Brothers, Doomtrain, Cerebrus
Character 2 - Tonberry, Leviathan, Bahamut, Siren, Quezacotl
Character 3 - Alexander, Pandemona, Diablos, Ifrit, Shiva, Carbuncle
It kind of differs on every playthroughs, but the one thing I can't seem to stop doing, is giving Siva to either Zell or Rinoa, never Squall (those 3 are usually my team) not even in the ifrit fight do I give Shiva to Squall. I have no idea why I do this, but it always comes to that.
I also always go for the whole package, go out of my way to get al GF's in every playthrough I do. So everyone has at least 2 equiped. And mostly I go for the Bonus in the GF learning things as well, because then when you start levelling up a bit, the characters get a lot of nice bonuses. Also I make sure I never put two opposite GF's junctioned to 1 character. Meaning Ifrit and Shiva, or Leviathan and Quezacotl.
I would always have this setup everytime.

Squall (badass)

Zell (Beatdown)

Irvine (Support)
I'm very very lazy in my GF junctionings, I just stick them on the people who I want that specific stat for really. Yet I don't go and plan so I get the best out of it. (Which I think I should do next game.)

I always have them all in my active party, I don't see the point in them being with someone who's not being used, and it only takes a minute to switch them out using the switch option in the menu.

I tend to only draw magic for my mains as well, and swap everything over in one big go, it saves a lot of time and hassle.

I generally share them out though and try spread them out depending on who needs what, but apart from that I don't plan it out any more.
I always put all the GFs on the main 3 party members who invariably turn out to be Squall, Quistis and Zell (maybe sometimes Rinoa replacing Q for her limit breaks). And I try to allocate the GFs accordingly so that each person has a fair amount of stats that can be junctioned with magic .

But early in the game it was extremely frustrating cos it was still a long way from learning all the important ones like HP-junction, Magic-junction and ESPECIALLY status defense/attack cos you only get Siren in the beginning.