Updates Gil and Bank Updates


Dec 14, 2006
Chocobo Egg
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Hey guys, just letting you know beforehand that there will be a few updates/changes regarding Gil and Bank once the shop opens up next week.

Bank will be permanently closed down. This feature is not necessary now that Interest is no longer functional. We also want to make use of the Gil leaderboard in the vBCredits page, but for the time being it doesn't reflect the Top 10 richest users accurately because there's still Gil in the Bank.

With that said, we are giving members one week (from the time the shop opens) to pull out some of that Gil from the Bank, as long as it meets one condition: the maximum Gil that members should have in their 'wallet' is 5,000 Gil. From there, users can start earn their way up again. These changes will take effect on August 1st. Anyone with over 6k will receive a manual adjustment.

Now, we know this doesn't seem like a reasonable amount, but after doing some major changes in the shop, having 10k-100k in our banks is an overkill. We did a manual reset a few years ago with members who had over 500,000 Gil and brought down to 50,000 Gil... but with prices now dropping and members who still used the interest feature for a year before it was disabled, the Gil system needs some sort of reset in order to make our shop work as intended. We are also keeping our weekly contests (SOTW/GSC) in mind and make everything (from prizes right down to participation) worth it again. We need a fresh start.

For those who are not on board with the reset, we deeply apologize. We are willing to compensate in some way and members can choose between two options: a colored username (30 days) or additional 500 Gil.

We hope that with these changes, there will be better features and incentive for new and old members alike.
You guys need a designated CFO! :gasp: I jest.

Anyway, this is a grand plan so far. There is/was some clear inflation happening. From what I've read (so far) regarding this "financial overhaul", it looks to be promising. Of course, though, there are likely those that don't/won't agree with the changes, as is the norm for most large changes. In the end, I'm sure it'll be for the better.

As far as my gil goes, I currently have nothing in the bank. Took it out some time ago, after the bank became pretty much pointless. So if you guys need to knock the amount down to 5k (or whatever), it's all good. ^_^
You guys need a designated CFO! :gasp: I jest.

Anyway, this is a grand plan so far. There is/was some clear inflation happening. From what I've read (so far) regarding this "financial overhaul", it looks to be promising. Of course, though, there are likely those that don't/won't agree with the changes, as is the norm for most large changes. In the end, I'm sure it'll be for the better.

As far as my gil goes, I currently have nothing in the bank. Took it out some time ago, after the bank became pretty much pointless. So if you guys need to knock the amount down to 5k (or whatever), it's all good. ^_^

Thank you for understanding. :) If you want you can actually transfer some of the Gil in the Bank so that we won't have to adjust it later. :P

Feel free to request a username or additional 500 Gil as well.
Done. ;) Left 4K in my wallet and put the rest in the Bank to be disabled soon.
I told myself I wasn't gonna pull out Gil from my Bank (I have 33k there) but after much consideration... I just have to. :sad3: Too many items I will want for later.
Was gonna try and buy one last colored username but I just saw that shop was empty, shows how much I pay attention half the time xD. I probably overdrew but if you want I can donate the 100k some to the FFFbank atleast that is sitting in my bank.
@Soulcorruptor - Nah no need to donate that. System won't let you anyway due to the cap limit. If you still want that colored username, we can offer it as an incentive. Colored usernames won't cost Gil anymore. Or you can ask for that 500 bonus Gil (so total of 5,500 Gil in your wallet). Again we understand that members may have a hard time accepting this change.

Forgot to mention that we still have to hand out Birthweek Gil prizes (some of you already received them, so you might be slightly over 5,000 Gil which is fine). We are planning to hand them out after the reset.
Well if the colored username won't cost gil and instead the community points for events I won't be able to take part in more then likely, sign me up for the colored username please.
@Soulcorruptor - earning CT will be easier than you think. Not as straight-forward as Gil, but it's not hard. I'll jot you down for the colored username once shop opens.

Anyway guys, just a reminder, changes are in effect tomorrow. Please make sure you help us out here by adjusting your wallet to reflect the necessary changes. Less technical work on our side. :)

Thank you for complying.
Done and done!

I, too, will take a colored username, if it's not too much trouble. ^_^