Ginger Discrimination

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
Since we've had an "Aeris Gainsborough" series on discrimination in the Final Fantasy series, I want to know if you guys think there is discrimination against "gingers". Gingers, of course, refering to redheads. Now there's no real stereotypes for redheads but they always seem to get screwed over in the serires. Blank got stuck in the petrified forest for the majority of the game. Amarant didn't really have a big backstory, except for him getting screwed over by Zidane. Wakka and Reno are portrayed as a dimwitted. Red chocobos weren't even included in Final Fantasy VII. I call racism on red hair for Squeenix!

Actual Ginger

Ginger = Redhead
Wakka and Reno are some of my favorite characters, so "yay" for gingers. I'm not sure I'd call either of 'em particularly "dimwitted," but I see what you mean.

I'd say there isn't much--if any--discrimination against the gingers of the Final Fantasy series.
Since we've had an "Aeris Gainsborough" series on discrimination in the Final Fantasy series,

say What?

And i cant belive you actually made the thread :lol:

but Yeah Ginger characters are discriminated - Reno was made to look like a comedian in FFVII AC, THere are NO red heads in FFVIII O_O FFIX - Amarant sucks and blank gets turned to stone - FFX - Wakka is slighlty slow - and has that stupid accent :dry:


i preidct its only a matter of time before Gingers - smart or otherwise - are completly removed from FF.
LOL It's cool AG. I'm liking your "series" on discrimination. lol

And Wakka is pretty dim in the game. I love the character but they always put him in situations like these:

"It's tough when your father's famous."


"Wakka's...a bit lacking in the imagination department."
"Thank, Lulu. I'll keep that in mind."
I'd never thought about it. I always just thought of Wakka as a bit slow. I thought he'd make a better blonde xD
Wasn't Rufus ginger in FFVII though? It's either when you see him normally, or when you fight him. I can't remember. He's a pretty cool guy, so it's not all bad for gingers :P
No Rufus is strawberry blond :P Not Ginger.

Selpihe could aslo be ocnsidered as Ginger...and Irvine.....but anyone who knows me well knows what i think about FFVIII :P

in FF1 - The warrior was ginger - and his intelligence stat was low
FFII - The Princess Hilda is ginger - and she gets captured twice i think

Noone in FFIII IV And V are ginger - Very Discriminating

VI - Kefka could be considered as ginger (as suggested by rydia wehn we were talking about this thread -
Rydia says:
Kefka? Does he count? XD) and well....He's a maniac XD
Yeah, but in FFVII he was ginger at one point. I can't remember if it's when you fight him or not. I think it might be not, and he's blonde when you fight him
The original warrior in I was a red head and he never got to say anything. And then in later releases he became a blond. So much for the first FF hero being a redhead.

Does Kuja's trance form count?
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I'd consider Trance Kuja's hair to be more of an auburn than ginger. Plus he destroys an entire planet, which is just amazing.
If irvine counts as Ginger - then he's being discriminated against too - they show him as being weak minded and scared - when he fails to shoot Edea - and he falls in love with Selphie O_O

Btw who deleted my post of Rufus and wakka? o_O because now it looks like Pooley has doubleposted
Probably a hacker... Someone edited a post I made and put some negative language in it.

And I like gingers... But I always thought Irvine was brunette?