Girls are better than Boys

Judging by the responses in this thread i believe it is safe to say the human race is fucked
I can! Do you wanta shot-putt in your face, Hal?

Let's do it, Kelly:

Let's do it
Let's do it
Let's do it
Let's do it (Do it!)~

We can lapdance, AND do all the things that Ryan listed (except that spelling part).

We're aggresive because you made us, Sonny. lol ^_^
Going back onto the debate and to contrast basically girls have better communication, can grow offspring for 9 months, generally live longer and have stronger hearts. Boys are more academic seem, have advanced civilisation alot longer then girls, can reproduce alot faster, stronger gender. Weaknesses girls can get more emotional making them less able to fight, can only reproduce once if successful then have to wait 9 months, weaker physically. Boys are less likely to stay and protect the girl, less social skills, are more prone to mental disabilities, short life expectancy and are more prone to social problems such as smoking or drinking. Overall girls are better mentally boys are better physically.


i think I broke my foot coming down the stairs
Blow me girl better than boys? I think it is 50-50 but well there are more girls than boys in this world.
Women really hate men don't they? :ness:

It's not our fault. :monster:
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I can! Do you wanta shot-putt in your face, Hal?

Let's do it, Kelly:

Let's do it
Let's do it
Let's do it
Let's do it (Do it!)~

We can lapdance, AND do all the things that Ryan listed (except that spelling part).

We're aggresive because you made us, Sonny. lol ^_^
Fantastic! The first female who admitted her gender is unable to spell.
XD Us girls are complicated in case you didn't already know. XD

Women > Bucky balls > Choas Math > Quantum Theory > Rubik's Cube > Federal Tax Law > Causes of the American Civil War > British Parliament Sessions > Planting a Garden > String Cheese > Men