Girls are better than Boys

We are more "bright"
I must admit that was pretty awesome, Stang.

In a real life discussion, that'd shut everyone up. x]

Stipulations, stipulations, stipulations. No non-body implements, tyvm.
Can't we just say, "boys have penises and girls have vaginas!"

Women do live longer than men, so I suppose they have something in their favor.

Can't we just say, "boys have penises and girls have vaginas!"

Women do live longer than men, so I suppose they have something in their favor.








I won't the women in my family don't live very long

Nor do the men actually, but more so the women
MORE ACTION! :awesome:
Men and women are equal. Neither can exist without the other.

oooow.... massive headache about talking about philoshpy. OK, ima go kill shit in the SB
kill shit?