

Apr 15, 2007
What do glasses suggest to you?

I've heard 2 major arguments.
One that glasses denote someone who reads a lot, i.e. a geek, bookworm. In the negative sense.

The other is the same but with a more positive connotation, as in you're smart. As I'm wearing glasses full-time now, I'm scared of the possibility that they'll taunt me or whatever. But so far so good .:|*but with glasses*
If you want to wear glasses, then do so. Don't listen to what other people say. If you like wearing glasses, don't let them convince you otherwise. If you get rid of them just because your begin picked on, that will give them a sense of satisfaction, and ti will only get worse. Put your foot down and tell them that you like wearing them and don't care what they think about them. If you let them annoy you, it will only get worse.

Jsut be brave and keep your head high.
Back in high school, I was an avid chess player and led our squad to several victories. Of course, everyone was nerdy to an extent (i was one of the social introverts =p), and most all of them were bright. Glasses were a common sight in the club and at tournaments.

Even though I don't wear them, in one round of a tournament I sat down across from my opponent with glasses on. I got the really really crappy cheap ones, but I made good use of them and had a little fun..

As I sat down, I looked over at my opponent with an unwavering look and scooted my chair into place. Then, I carefully sat my notation pad to the side of the board, and placed my pen nearby. We both waited patiently, quietly for the round to start. And when it did, we followed the custom of shaking hands and beginning the game. But before I made my first move, I sighed, took the glasses off the bridge of my nose, folded them up, and placed them gently at my side and turned back towards the board.

"I don't need to see in order to beat you," was what I am guessing my opponent took from my gesture, and that's what I was trying to get across. It was a lot of fun to do so, and he was quivering as his position collapsed.

The game was one that I would have won regardless, but being able to try out this psychological tool was a rather fun opportunity.
Hmm, that reminds me of when we lost an academic team competition.
I took my glasses off about 5 minutes into the match, and I guess it worked 'cause the other team seemed kinda intimidated by it.

And yeah, I don't think I'm about to take any junk from anyone. I'm proud that I have glasses *i.e. it makes me look way smarter, though I wish I had those round ones like the ones in my avy pic* =/
I used to actually wear glasses, but I don't think I needed to. I had bifocals, which were kinda wierd.They may have been corrective lenses or something, but the last time I got my eyes checked they said I have 20/15 vision, which means my right eye can focus very well (I think I accidently sprayed some bleach on that eye at work, so I have a superhuman transformation. It wasn't alot of bleach, just a stray mist).

But glasses were fun, I still wish I wore them just because they can be intelligent, confident, sexy, strong, and just about anything else. It's like putting on a new personality.
I have glasses and i'm extremely attractive.

i cried when i got them, but after a while, you look fine in them.
they become part of you. your sometimes gonna think.
Hey! Where are they, Oh! There on my Fuck'n Face!
Hey, that's what I thought too.
Though now I'm thinking contacts, but they look like they hurt.

They don't, obviously, but I don't think I'm ever getting some.
I think glasses look attractive, well not all the time but in some cases. I don't really care if they're on your face or not. Infact I was thinking of getting glasses not only because I think they look hawt, I have bad vision. I just never got around to getting them. -_-
I guess that's a factor too.
And yes, glasses do look rather good on some people.
Not intellectually but erm...I dunno.
I just got contacts, so I don't have to wear my glasses anymore. But when I was wearing my glasses, I don't think I've ever been taunted for it. Some people even thought I looked cute in them. But, I think some people look extremely attractive in glasses and it's a real turn on for me if a guy wears glasses.
Glasses suggest vision problems--nothing more.

I wore glasses for close to a decade before switching to contact lenses roughly 5 years ago. I'm ready to go back to glasses, as contact lenses are becoming a bother.
How are they being a bother?
Are my fears right?

Just kidding, I'm sure they're more high maintenance than glasses anyway, so I'm guessing you have to buy the cleaner liquid thing that the optometrist or some other gives you.
I always think of people with glasses as being very smart.

I actually should be wearing them... but I'm too lazy to go to the doctor and get my eyes checked.
That reminds me of when I first got my set.
I thought that going to the optometrist was gonna hurt in some way or won't believe the penchant clinics have for causing kids discomfort. :rolleyes:

But anyways, it didn't really hurt. In fact, I thought it was cool.
And seeing better, best plus about that trip, yes sireee....
As you said, contacts require a lot of maintenance--much more than glasses do. I have to take the things out before bed each night and put 'em back in after I wake up.

There's two basic solutions needed for contact lenses: saline solution for storing/disinfecting lenses, and one used solely for cleaning the lense before inserting.

Contacts need replacing each and every month, with solution needing replacing roughly every two or so months. It's not a horrible pain, but it's something else to weigh on your mind.

Contact lenses do not hurt at all...unless you get one caught behind your eye (painful and difficult to correct); in fact, you won't feel a thing save for some minor burning the very first time you use contact lenses. They do become uncomfortable during late hours, however. They dry up, making your eyes water and itch.

So yeah, I'm ready to go back to glasses. haha
All right then!
Good for you!
I never really even hated glasses, what was I talking abou'!

No, I don't think I'll ever convert to contacts.
Plus, like you guys said, it makes a person look more intellectual....even though he/she isn't. =P
Just kidding.

Oi, but they're easier to break, as contacts are made of more flexible material. But then again, contacts are kinda easy to lose if you're not careful.
Yes, sir. Definitely true.

I've broken many pairs of glasses, and lost many contact lenses. Main causes of losing contacts: water (swimming pools, showering), and rubbing of the eyes. Those stinkers will pop right on out. Once you lose track of 'em, they're near impossible to locate.
All they suggest to me is that the person wearing them can't see. :confused:

Seriously though, I don't really think about them. I have glasses but I only wear them when driving and walking around as my eyes aren't quite bad enough for me to have to wear them for more than that. I don't mind them at all, I actually quite like them. I'd never get contacts...not that I could, anyways. I have a sneaking suspicion that, after that eye drop fiasco at the eye doctor's, I wouldn't be able to wear them without hitting the floor in a cold faint.
I think glasses are quite attractive on some people. It makes you look sophisticated. ^__^
The only judgment I make when I spy someone with glasses is that they don't see as well without them.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe