
As you said, contacts require a lot of maintenance--much more than glasses do. I have to take the things out before bed each night and put 'em back in after I wake up.

Yep, it's fun putting them back on in the moring and one of them slips off your hand. Then your spending the next half hour find it.

Contacts need replacing each and every month, with solution needing replacing roughly every two or so months. It's not a horrible pain, but it's something else to weigh on your mind.

Yes it is. Daily ones are over priced as well.

Contact lenses do not hurt at all...unless you get one caught behind your eye (painful and difficult to correct); in fact, you won't feel a thing save for some minor burning the very first time you use contact lenses. They do become uncomfortable during late hours, however. They dry up, making your eyes water and itch.

Ugh yes, I hate putting in eye drops.

I have to get new glasses soon. I ran out of contacts today so I'm wearing my old pair of glasses. Which sucks because these are a old subscription. >_< Also it's not good for my eyes. Main reason why I wear contacts is I guess to look better.
I've grown comfortable of the fact already.
Glasses make you look quite refined, really.
I'd only ever get contacts if I absolutely had to.
Yes ahhh!! I know. I was an angsty teen back in High school. So of course I was pressured. I started wearing contacts and just stuck to them. Also, I often go to Six flags. With glasses I always have to set them down before getting on a ride. I'm worried that someone might take them. I want to wear glasses more often though. Problem is I have to get new glasses. :/
Glasses hahah. I wear them sometimes but I want contacts but my mom told me to wear my glasses for some time. Oh also my glasses are so loose they fall off my face when am typing all the time. I think contacts are better.
It's not a surprise what people say in Elementary/High School - it's the age when people have the chance to pick on other people to make themselves feel superior.
Anyhow, wearing glasses doesn't really denote anything to me, it's clearly obvious if someone is a nerd and it has nothing to do with glasses, some people just pull off a better look in glasses than others, but at the end of the day people shouldn't mention them because if you need them, you need them. Period.
I refuse to wear contacts anymore. -__-

So I'm constantly stuck wearing my glasses. I don't think they make me look any smarter, and I hate them, but I need em to see properly, so I just make do with them. I'd rather have glasses and be able to see than not have them and be squinting all the time. :gasp:
I refuse to wear contacts anymore. -__-

So I'm constantly stuck wearing my glasses. I don't think they make me look any smarter, and I hate them, but I need em to see properly, so I just make do with them. I'd rather have glasses and be able to see than not have them and be squinting all the time. :gasp:

Same XDD

I prefer to see than not. -__- I can't see someone face without glasses if they are like 6 meters far away from me. >.> and my eyes can't stand contacts it burns it for some reason. :gasp:
I have a routine with my glasses, because I've had such a horrible record at wearing my contacts in the past. I hate, I mean absolutely hate taking out my contacts out at night when I'm dead tired. It's just another thing to do before I hit the sack.. but I gotta... so here's the routine.

I wear contacts from the moment I wake up till the moment I go to bed usually. My day consists of either walking on campus which is tuesdays and thursdays or sitting in front of a CPU all day at my job. My eyes get heavily strained on the days I work, so I usually get home cook a quick meal on the grill and throw my glasses on for the rest of the night. Not to mention on my lunch breaks I usually run to the gym, glasses on a treadmill don't work, nor does it work when doing dips or elevated military crunches. Also on weekends I play soccer, and when I'm doing my running at top speeds using footwork to control the ball, the glasses pop right off unless I wore Scotty Pippen type sport glasses.

Also I have to admit I've had the same glasses since I was 14, so all I do is renew the perscription of the lenses. The girlfriend hates the way I look with glasses, but most people say I look like the brainy type when I wear them into work. My glasses as of current are under perscribed by 1 grade, so I tend to only wear them around the house.

My god I want lazer surgery, so I can quit wearing both. But that would be years down the road for me.
I only used them before to just read, now i have to have them on all the time since my vision is getting worse. But anyway, the people i've talked to said i looked smart or some shit :hmmm:

Mostly all comments have been postive which surprised me to say the least.
Considering how often I see glasses these days, I never really defined a person based on them. I mean, it's probably like 40% of the people I see wear them.

Being around as long as I have (aka VERY long), I've seen all walks of life wearing glasses. I've seen the bookworm types with them, but I've also seen some real morons wearing them too. So I can't really stereotype a person wearing glasses as being this or that. One thing that I do tend to notice is that people who wear glasses either have larger eyes or smaller eyes than the average size. It's like the glasses correct the size of the eye, so someone with really big eyes has normal sized eyes as a result of the glasses, and vice versa. :lew:

I'll say another thing, I sort of have a glasses fetish for girls. Yeah, there's something about girls with glasses that I really like. My theory behind why is basically from some of those cheesy romance type movies. The ones where a girl who is considered ugly because she has glasses on, then she takes them off and it blows people away. I guess I always feel like there is a beautiful girl behind the glasses that nobody notices because they get so hung up on the glasses. But glasses very much does it for me.

And also, I don't wear glasses myself, so I don't know what kind of experience one faces as a result. But admittedly, my eye sight has gotten a lot worse in time and I may really have to consider getting glasses.
What do glasses suggest to me? That whoever is wearing them does not have perfect vision. Nothing less, nothing more. Granted, the number of glasses wearing idiots I encountered was slim but glasses =/= studious or intellectual. Not necessarily.

Did anyone bring this up? How in western culture geeks and the "uncool" are seen as these glasses wearing bookworms in a stereotypical sense. And in Japan "cool" kids are seen as these smart glasses wearing dude with a pocket shirt. At least that's what I see from select manga and anime. It's always " you see that kid?" *Dude wearing glasses* "he scored the highest in our class" "woah he's really cool =O"
Your 19 and you fear beong tuanted, by who random people, Friends Coworkers if that applies to you I understand your fear in some workplaces people in these situations make fun of people,

But this is usually Sexual Harassment type of stuff or poor performance comments but not Glasses, in high school you may get picked on but the this occurence gets higher the lower as go down in the grades, not higher.

Your friends may have a dig at you in jest but the will just be playing....If some fuck in the dtreet just starts blurting out "Hey 4 eyes" or "you dumbass cant see clearly idiot"
that would sayt more about the person doing this than it does youself.Making it easier to ignore.

Those thing dont sound like a normal regular type of person would say them right, just socially immature people.....or your enemies.
People who wear glasses just have imperfect vision - that's it. Any other kinds of connotations out of that are just stereotypes molded by society. In some ways that is kind of true. Many intellectual and studious people do wear glasses, but not all of them. In fact, I've seen plenty of people who I consider to be very intelligent, but do not wear glasses or contacts. Also I have quite a few people who do wear glasses but are not considered straight A-grade achievers. People are different, so it's not always a right thing to do to base conclusions off a pair of spectacles.

I'm starting to fit into the stereotype myself actually. People do know me as being rather studious (although less and less recently). Before I have never needed to wear glasses or contacts. Now, I have a pair of prescription glasses to use in class whenever I feel myself squinting at anything. Most of the time I don't wear it - only occasionally in classes and at home. I really don't mind at all. No one has said anything negative about me, and why should they? It's no shame to wear glasses.
I wear glasses and I feel fine with it now, but I did feel slightly awkward in the first couple of years wearing them, sometimes being made fun of because of them. I'm sure most people have indifferent views on people with glasses now that they have become a bit of a fashion item, like some women in Japan listing 'black-framed glasses' as something they want with a man.

On that topic, what do people make of non-prescription glasses? I never wanted to wear glasses before finding out I was short-sighted, which is why it frustrates me to see people wearing glasses as a fashion accessory; they don't know what it's like to not be able to see without the aid of specs, and personally it feels like taking a mockery of badly-sighted people.
I have glasses and im fine with it,nothing bothers me. Though im one of the only ones that has it in my school,still,doesnt bother me. If you wear big weird funky glasses like white glasses then you will surely get commented.Some say i look suspicious with my glasses and beard lol.
I wear glasses and I feel fine with it now, but I did feel slightly awkward in the first couple of years wearing them, sometimes being made fun of because of them.
This is about how it was for me when I first got them. I was in a school where anyone would harass/bully you over anything, and the teachers wouldn't do anything unless someone bled. Not a fun environment to start wearing glasses in.

Nowadays I'm just fine with them.
I have glasses, and I hate them. Absolutely HATE them. Though.. that might have something to do with the fact that when I was younger, I got hit in the face a lot (gym class and such, plus just being a klutz), and while wearing glasses, sometimes it scratches up your face and eyes. :ness: I can also never find them, but that's a personal issue :wacky:

I really would like to get contact lenses, but haven't got around to it, plus my contacts would be more expensive because of an astigmatism or something like that... not entirely sure. I feel that I look better without the glasses as well, so I hate them on myself.

On others, though, sometimes it looks good and other times it just looks awful. XD The shape of the glasses alters the way they look, and sometimes it seems that certain people just don't have the proper shape of a face for glasses, you know? I don't think it makes you look smarter or anything, although many people say that... and all of the people I know who read a lot wear glasses or contact lenses, which is so not helping that lovely stereotype.

Glasses wearers are just people, like the rest of us. We get judged on everything we do, so why not get judged about imperfect vision as well? :monster:
I've been wearing glasses ever since I was in the 3rd grade, and I've never been bullied because of it. Maybe because I was fat, had bad acne, and was really timid, but never because I wore glasses. In fact, the only person who ever laughed at me because I was wearing glasses was myself. Right after getting my first pair of glasses, I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed.

How do I feel about other people wearing glasses? Girls in glasses are hot, but then again, I'm into geeky girls. :awesome:
I wear Glasses for the simple fact my eyesight is shit I dont think it implies anything beyond that.
When I see others with glasses on I just think they have shitty eyesight to...I dont think they make people look any smarter or wiser...