[Gmod] How Aeris REALLY died

Don't call people twats, Zexion. I have little tolerance for name-callers just because people have opinions.
I loled too :D... Cloud in GTA style, the location could be San Andreas too lol :D
for the record, i wasnt taking it seriously. i waz just simply saying that whenever someone posts something they consider funny, theres bound to b people who find it stupid and offensive. so he shouldnt have been suprised when he got some negative comments
I find this thread incredibly hilarious.

*saves pictures*
I absolutely love Aerith, but I actually giggled a little.
AH! There's no blood! :wacky:

I actually was kinda pissed was killed. Not because I liked her, but that I never got her last Limit Break!
wow for 30 min its not bad and as for offending "her" fans and notice the quotation marks because "she" is a made up protaganist...let them hate expres your self how ever you want and if thats making fun of her so be it
People were too hard on this. The actual game models that everyone loves looked like poo to begin with. Hard work goes into modeling . I respect, and applaud these attempts. I am an FF 7 fan and these models are way better than what we originally saw anyways.

They appear to be modeled off of the movie. Good job.
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I pissed my self on that first picture.

But, hey, no reason to get up set about her getting hit by a car, right? But... if you did something like this about Lulu, I'd find you.
Oh my god.....the reaction from you people is bloody pathetic, how on earth is this offensive.

It's a Half Life Photoshop, the guy in the background is G Man.

Pretty good shoop if you ask me, good work, I lol'd
dude thats an awsome pic^^! i like aeris, but thats just plain fucking hilarious! sephiroth has some competition when it comes to wanting to kill aeris. i love aeris by the way, but hey, even i can get a laugh out of stuff like this! people used to bash my fave character locke from ff6 but i laughed right along with them, learn to have a sense of humor once in a while, even if its your fave character.