Good characters in bad games


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
Are there any FF characters that you really like but the game that they are in you don't particularly care for?

I can think of three.

Payne: I liked her character. She was different from many FF girls and she was tough but didn't come off as bitchy. However, FFX-2 I did not think was a good game. It was silly and felt like a terrible fanfic. Too bad she had to be in FFX-2

Lightning: She is one of my favorite FF characters. Unfortunantly she was in XIII, which I did not think was a great game. I wanted to like the game but I just found myself bored. I wish Lightning was in a better game. (In fact, if I imagine her in FF7 taking Cloud's place, I like the game much better. (Love triangle remaining intact ;) )

Fang: Another character I really enjoyed from FFXIII. Shame that she couldn't be in a more memorable FF game. She and Lightning are the reason I finished FFXIII.

Final Fantasy 2 is rather bland and has a confusing battle system but it has Firion, Minwu and maybe Final Fantasy first bunch of strong female characters. Hilda, Maria and Leila.

Final Fantasy 12 is too slow and yeah rather dull for me personally but it has Larsa in it. One of the best youngest Final Fantasy males.

Final Fantasy 13 has Sazh. A Father who just wants his son back and is a loveable and yet sadly underated character.

Crisis Core. I can't handle to this game due it changing FF VII canon and Genesis just being there. Though I do like Zack.
Obvious spoilers ahead:

+ Zack Fair (Crisis Core) - he doesn't score very highly on the originality metre, being so shounen and all, but he is a very likeable and endearing protagonist, even if the "TO BECOME A HERO!" schtick grew tiresome (and even more so by the time I reached FFXIII). It's nice here and then to have an optimistic main character, who despite all the trials he goes through, isn't going to walk out any moment from the room and have a long sob in the hallway. And by the ending? Yup, sad to see him go. We all knew that he would have to go, but I was there at the end biting my lip thinking to myself "CISSNEI, TURKS - WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS? SAVE HIM!" And yes, I didn't like Crisis Core. Not necessarily because it took a pickaxe to the canon, but because the game itself was lacking and I'm hard pressed to figure out why people rate it so highly.

+ Cid Raines (FFXIII) - it's just too bad that like everything else it does, FFXIII fails in the proper execution of this character, but I liked what the scenario writers were trying to go with this character. He's essentially the Vayne Solidor of the game, only not as much of an arse. The Fal'Cie hold too much sway over the people and in governing their lives and destiny. Let's overthrow them so the people can be their own masters, and not these repressive (demi)gods. But damn, the Fal'Cie already got to him, poor guy. It's just too bad that the game doesn't bother to explore much of him. We're just mainly told what he stands for and what happens to him, and halfway through he's only there to give out the one actual big exposition to the plot that the game bothers to give you instead of hiding in the Datalog. But, I did feel for him at the very end. It's alright, Cid. If I were trapped in the clutches of the Fal'Cie and in the FFXIII universe, I would want someone to shoot me in the head too.

+ Sazh Katzroy (FFXIII) - the party member in the game that is relatable and likeable. I felt for him and I wanted him to succeed. He's just a father that wants to bring back a kid that fell victim to your bullshit Fal'Cie and becomes enough of a wreck later on when he reaches an impasse whereby he loses Dajh and could very well lose himself as well. Seriously, the 8th chapter in the game is the best because it was the one time in the game that I was actually emotionally invested. No other chapter did that to me, even though we all knew damn well that he was never going to kill myself with a round to the head. Can you ever see me getting this similarly emotionally invested in the second chapter when Lightning seemingly loses Serah? Nope.

For the record, the FF games I'm really not fond of are 1, 2, 5, Crisis Core, 13, 13-2. The first game has no characters. I have never got far enough in FFII, nor do I remember any of that crap game. I suppose there's Galuf in FFV, but I can't really describe much of him without diving into the obvious spoiler. As for FFXIII-2, I guess I could include Caius in here, but I've never properly played the game so he would only be a "good" character out of badassery. And I don't like judging characters based on badassery alone, otherwise I would have no reason to dislike Lightning...
Final Fantasy 2 is rather bland and has a confusing battle system but it has Firion, Minwu and maybe Final Fantasy first bunch of strong female characters. Hilda, Maria and Leila.

I completely agree there. I loved Princess Hilda, Leila and Minwu. I think Leila ended up being Faris from FFV, though. Another character who was just too awesome for the game she was in.


Selphie from FFVIII. She was pretty funny and happy snd stuff like that. She's like that one friend that we all have that just can never stay still and is always wanting to do something. So I guess that makes her kinda relatable. Not only that, but she was a pretty good fighter as well. It just sucks she got stuck in FFVIII.
Sazh and Hope from XIII. How I hate that game, and it does have good characters, their development just sucks though, along with everything else about XIII. Thankfully I gave XIII-2 a chance (I'm almost at the end) and am loving it. You don't see enough of Sazh or his little chick but that's okay, you see quite a lot of Hope who's character is even better than in XIII - probably because he's no longer in a terrible game.
I love Vincent, Tifa, and Nanaki, but I loathe FF7. These three were so cool and so much fun, but 7 drives me up a wall. Same with Balthier and Ashe from 12. Love these two, but 12 makes me want cram a rail road spike into my skull.
Are there any FF characters that you really like but the game that they are in you don't particularly care for? I can think of three.Payne: I liked her character. She was different from many FF girls and she was tough but didn't come off as bitchy. However, FFX-2 I did not think was a good game. It was silly and felt like a terrible fanfic. Too bad she had to be in FFX-2Lightning: She is one of my favorite FF characters. Unfortunantly she was in XIII, which I did not think was a great game. I wanted to like the game but I just found myself bored. I wish Lightning was in a better game. (In fact, if I imagine her in FF7 taking Cloud's place, I like the game much better. (Love triangle remaining intact ;) )Fang: Another character I really enjoyed from FFXIII. Shame that she couldn't be in a more memorable FF game. She and Lightning are the reason I finished FFXIII.
i disagree with lightning, shes the main protagonist and in every game she appears shes always lacking. shes not a character ruined by a game, shes a character who has no real potential other trying to be badass and give huge immense of attitude Fang wasnt really a character that stuck with me. She seemed like the Vincent Valentine of ff13. not having any particular interest in specific characters.Hope on the other hand was a very weak character with several issues. he had potential to be protagonist and actually save XIII's story if the plot focused on him. But with XIII, her stick to the mission attitude was over excessive that we didnt see her ask any tough questions. She sucks...when you try to dig deep into this character you get nothing but tough attitude. She's that girl in highschool that no one wants to be her friend becuz she gives too much attitude.
Razberry Knight

Your post is pretty off-topic since this isn't really a debate thread. Please stick to the topic.

Are there any FF characters that you really like but the game that they are in you don't particularly care for?
:hmmm: This is a good question. :lew: I have generally enjoyed the games.

I am, unfortunately, less keen on VII. :/ I'm not sure why, either. The story just did not capture me in the same way as IV, VIII, IX, X and XIII-2. More importantly, I suppose, I did not connect with the majority of the characters. But I absolutely adore Red XIII and Vincent.

I don't mind XII, but the cast leave much to be desired! Lord Larsa, however, is utterly fantastic!

Then there's X-2, which is too cutesy and hyperactive...I can accept and enjoy the game, but I would never call it a masterpiece, nor does it make my list of top FF games. Nevertheless, Lenne and Payne are both very good characters. :)
Hmmm nope! Great characters make a great game for me. Besides I don't really hate any FF.