Good Old Cids?


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 5, 2006
Bevelle, Spira
For all you long time FF fans, which game has the best "Cid" character and why?

As for me...I am going to have to go with Cid from FFVII. He was such a bad ass and a great fighter. He had a cool character background with the crashing of the Shinra No. 26 (or whatever its called), and he was a great airship pilot!

Cid from FFIV was super funny though.:lol:
i would ahve to agree with the version fomr VII as opposed to the others. great personality and plus (hes playable!!!!!!!)
yes the more playable cids the merrier :) but then again i highly doubt that we will ever see another playable cid again. then again maybe down the line in ff24 we can see him playable. and yes sr balamb garden cid is entertaining. but my sec fav cid is prob from tactics
Nearly true, except for Sephiroth.
Sephiroth can be playable :P ....

As for my fav Cid, mine too is VII's. Cool dragoon syle character, the funniest and he's got attitude. Take him along with you to the temple of the Ancients and he'll insist on having a smoke because they'ers nothing like having a smoke 'in a place like this'! guys awesome.

Followed by IV's and X's incarnations.
FFIV Cid, beating people with hammers and jumping from airships with a bomb... how cool.
FFVII Cid is awesome. He's my favorite character to use in that game. A close second is FFT Cid (Cidolfas Orlandu, or "Thundergod Cid"), who would be more fun to use if he didn't mean an automatic win every time he goes into battle.
Yeah, teh FFVII One. : D He had such an attiude, he insulted anyone and anywhere. Also, lighting a dynamite with a cigar? Woah, badass. : D
Cid from FFVII hands down was just awesome! I loved his personality and there's just something a trash-talking, chain smoking pilot that makes you smile ^_^

Cid from FFX was cool too. He had a real "let's go get 'em" personality and he was somewhat humorous.
They're all old cranky cusses. At least in 7 you could play him. In 10 I get a chuckle outta him being an Al-Bhed with a cowboy accent.
I vote banana Cid.

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I like Cid the First (from FFII). He saved your sorry behind, sacrificed himself and then gave you his frigging airship! You even get to meet him again in the "afterlife" in Dawn of Souls.
the FFIX and FFIV cid's were the best both inventers of airships one a ruler of a cool city and the other jumps on airships with bombs gotta love them