Serious Got a problem.


Jun 17, 2008
In a house XD
Omg. My parents drive me insane. I am taking this class for school that I had been pressured into by my friend and my parents. Now I am taking the class and it was good for the first day. Now after just TWO classes I have discovered that this is not the class for me. You see I am a person who CANNOT public speak. I am very shy when it comes to that AND I have a writing problem. Like I am very good at writing on the computer and things like that but I am crap when it comes to writing on paper with a pencil or pen. So I am in this class that involves alot of public speaking and writing and I did not know that. So here I am, I kind of want to quit the class because it is way to much pressure on me. My parents are refusing to let me quit though and are making a big deal about it saying things like: "You cant live like a hermet your whole life" and: "If you dont face this you will be like it for your whole life" Well thats what they think. They were all we will be okay if you dont want to do the class before I decided to take it but now they are all no backing out we will help you through this blah blah blah. I mean who says I cant overcome this fear in the future? my own way? Why do I have to do it the way they say?.

They dont know the future and they dont know I cant figure things out by myself.

What do I do!?
Ah, this seems more suited to Temple of the Ancients, so I'll move it there for you. ;)

-Thread Moved-
If you can quit without your parents consent, then do it. Pick a better class for you. It's you that's doing the course. Not them. If I was doing a course I hated and my parents told me they "wouldn't let me" quit, I'd laugh in their faces and change it anyway.

If you do a course you don't like, you won't do as good in it. While if you do a course you DID like, you should do better.
Sadly I am in a position where I cant quit on my own. So I dont know what to do. It's not the type of class where you can just go to the teacher and be like, I quit without your parents being involved.
Hmm, I suggest talking more with your parents about this. Let them know that it truly doesn't appeal to you and there might even be the possibility of you failing the class if you're heart's not really into it. Of course, hopefully you won't fail if you do continue on with this, but maybe give them that possibility...ya'know, scare them a little. Let them know that you're really worried about this and is stressing yourself over it. Perhaps they can be more understanding.
That could work...but probably not sense my parents seem to believe that they can help me through anything. I mean I could outright just refuse to go to class but I cant see that ending well.
Isn't there like, a higher up in the school you can go to, to switch classes? It might depend on your level of education though, like, in my secondary school you couldn't switch unless you got a parent in, but in college, we can just go see the senior tutor, and she sorts out the switch.

It must suck to be stuck in a class you hate =/ Is there one you'd prefer to do instead? Perhaps you can push your parents into accepting that class instead?
I think your parents have got the right idea. You admit to not being able to speak in public, but public speaking is a great skill to have. You will have to be able to speak people, and this class seems the best way to do it. If you can't speak to people how are you going to ask boys/girls out? Order food even? I had a friend a bit like you, and whenever we went to get food I had to order for him because he wouldn't/couldn't speak to the people working there.
Also most jobs, if not all jobs have an oral interview, and giving a good impression by being able to speak well is a must.
I'm not sure how old you are, but when you get higher up in school, the classes you choose influence your grades and that influences your ability to get into a good university. If you are at that stage of school, fail purposely, so that your parents are forced to let you change. Otherwise keep doing it.
You see I am a person who CANNOT public speak. I am very shy when it comes to that AND I have a writing problem. Like I am very good at writing on the computer and things like that but I am crap when it comes to writing on paper with a pencil or pen. So I am in this class that involves alot of public speaking and writing and I did not know that.

As said above, Public speaking is an important skill to learn. Writing by hand is also important.

I used to be scared of public speaking as well but I got over it through practice, try to do it in a way you feel comfortable doing it, for example when I had to give a presentation on Martin Luther King I presented it in a similar style to his "I have a dream" speech. Now I actually get kind of excited when I have to give public speeches and I used to absolutely dread them.

I mean who says I cant overcome this fear in the future? my own way? Why do I have to do it the way they say?.

They dont know the future and they dont know I cant figure things out by myself.

True, but why bother waiting to overcome this fear in the future when you can do it now? Besides its only one subject just do it and it will be over before you know it anyway. I've had my fair share of bad subjects but at the end of the day it's no big deal!
I say go with what feel right but i have a feeling you want the decision made for you

Dump the class. do it without your parents permission or fake their permission if you have to. Forget about what everyone says at the end of the day they'll forgive you AND it's you thats actually doing the subject
Tough luck, sorry. Although I know what you mean I HATE speaking to a group but I've been forced to do it so many times it kind of (note:kind of) gets easier after a while. I'm glad my parents didn't force me to do anything like that. Anyway I suggest you talk with your parents about it more. If they don't understand then that their problem. Remember it's YOUR life not theirs don't let them take control.
Man just do the class, It's a good way to practice Public Speaking. Nobody will laugh at you, most of the people are there because they're horrible public speakers and want to learn. Just listen to the teacher and you'll be good. Plus, there is always the option of dropping the class, sometimes it's the right thing to do.
I'd just not go. Full stop.
If they have to pay then, after a while, they'll just quit you. Even if they don't pay they'll probably quit you. You have to do things your own way.