
Abstract Debauchery

High Mage of Loathing
Oct 5, 2009
I know that at times my grammar is often less than perfect. No matter who you are everyone seems to make a grammatical error now and then. However, am I the only person that rages every time I see sometime type like this: "hay, i think u r a gr8 person!1!1!!1"?

Seriously, it annoys the living hell out of me. Is it that hard to type in full, complete, grammatically correct sentences? Back in the day, I could have understood people having mispelled words and such. I'm a terrible speller myself, but now with Firefox having spell check... There really is no excuse anymore.

Words such as, "they're, there, and their," are understandable as well. Yet I still can't help but rage when I see someone posting like they're a fucking 12 year old using AIM. Am I the only one that gets like that?
You're certainly not the only person to get annoyed by something like that. It really irritates me also. I've see it so much on Facebook that I have stopped using it regularly, or maybe I should just stop being friends with these people?

You're right about having no excuse because of Firefox's spell check. In fact most other browsers have it. I know for sure that Safari and Chrome also have it and I'm quite positive that Opera does too. I'm not all that sure about IE though (being a Mac user).

Despite that there is still no excuse for people to type like that anyway. I have dyslexia and it would be much easier for me to type that way and disregard all spelling and grammar. But instead I try quite hard to be as correct as I possibly can. Maybe taht is why I get so riled up over such a matter.
I don't mind people typing like that all that much, as long as I can understand them its fine with me, but one thing, though:

Once they type like that, I can never take them seriously. I don't feel anything for them, they're nothing, they're simply just....not worth taking seriously. It might be kinda harsh and everything but eh, I won't tell them to change it or anything, they'll just not have my respect or serious tone. Tis all, nothing short of poetry. xD

Some simple mistakes don't bother me at all neither does spelling no matter what browser they're using. ♥ As long as I can understand what they're trying to tell me then I don't mind. ♥
I'm sure there was a thread for this somewhere, maybe in the meeting room, but yeah I do tend to get annoyed when you have to squint and try to work out what the hell they're trying to say.

If its the random text talk like 'gtg' then that's fine with me. But if they're writing every word the wrong way, then it makes me wonder what the world is going to be like in years to come. :gonk:

Soon they'll forget the right way and then the future generations will suffer because of it.

I mean we've already started changing the meanings of words.

i.e: Sick, wicked, mad = Awesome, good, cool etc.

It may not seem like a big thing now, but one day it will be that what we were mucking around with, will be the actual meanings and spellings in the near future. =0
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Well, look at my signature. It says a lot about what I think, seriously.

Not that I exactly detest them that much, but I thought since they were speaking the language, they might as well speak it well. That, and the fact it just looks ugly and glaring to me whenever I come across one. I do not bother to point it out though.

It's just a gauge of the person's language capability to me.
I'm sure there was a thread for this somewhere, maybe in the meeting room
I'm sure I've seen one too.

Anyways, it all depends in the context, say on MSN, like mentioned above if someone uses common abbreviations such as "lol" "gtg" and such like it doesn't bother me, though when people start typing out whole sentences like that it annoys me, even on MSN I prefer to use proper grammar other than those types of words above. It annoys me more when people start typing posts left, right and centre with awful grammar. I can live with less that brilliant spelling and punctuation, as it's understandable with it being the internet not everyone prefers that way, some mistakes may be common, or some people prefer to type that way. But it's the really bad ones that annoy me that you can hardly understand or just jas n00b written all over it :ffs:
I agree with Oerba. I think using things like MSN, there are common abbreviations everybody uses. lol, brb, gtg. They're so common and quick, its hardly even worth mentioning. But the crazy internetz talk in forums bugs the crap out of me. I may be more anal about grammar than most though. Being an RPer for awhile, its common things like capitalization and punctuation that have irritated me in the past. If your not very good with English that's fine, it doesn't hurt to write in Microsoft Word and spell check before you post, its a quick copy and paste regardless. So, in my opinion at least, not capitalizing the first letter of a sentence has no excuse.

Of course, forgetting a couple things here and there is common and expected. It's capitalization, common punctuation (you know, like...periods? Maybe a comma, God forbid) and also...please, please double space every once in awhile. The horrid wall of text.

The leet speak (I don't even know how to say it, what numbers am I supposed to use?) is just annoying, even in IM. Personally, I think it makes the person sound more like an idiot than they really are. Of course, in select circumstances they really are that dumb. But that's rare...usually. But who knows, maybe I'm just weird. I speak/type the same way in MSN as I do on a forum.
I truly despise it when people unnecessarily use such ridiculous abbreviations and ellisions when it comes to occasions such as forum posts. Facebook and Twitter are acceptable for those kind of indecipherable language.

I'm not the type of person who wishes to spend my time reading immature comments from the many immature users who lack profound understandings of the language. I'm not the type of person who wishes to see "words" such as "gtg", "imo", "ttyl", "bbl" or "ftw" on forums such as this in sentences. Usually I have no clue what is being said.

Typing in coherant sentence structures and words only take a few more seconds on a keyboard. I hope that this isn't the lazy minimalist attitude that teenagers are adopting because I fear slightly of how much the language may devolve in society.
I'm... quite obsessive about grammar. I want to be either an English teacher or a writer (most likely teacher, as being a writer isn't exactly a steady job until you've gotten at least one book published.) and therefore, grammar is really important to me. I type in full sentences when texting, and usually while IMing too. The only exception is if I've done something stupid and I can't type with both hands... which does happen. >.>

Like others have said, the odd "lol," "rofl," or "brb" doesn't bother me, and I'm not too fussed about spelling, especially in IM where there's no spell checker. In threads though, on FFF or otherwise, when you see "lol tht iz a gr8 post" and you have to THINK to read it, well... that gets a little bit annoying. I don't expect people to use perfect grammar all the time, and I know some people just cannot spell things. (I have trouble with certain words, myself.) A learning disability is another valid reason, such as dyslexia and the like, but just being lazy, or because you think it looks cool? No. Don't do it if you want people to actually take you seriously. It looks quite immature and childish if you can't properly express what you mean.
What really is starting to aggravate me, and is quickly becoming one of "the most annoying things that I've ever heard", are the people that are using terms such as "OMG" in everyday real conversations.

I had a friend that kept doing it, and I asked them very nicely to stop. They never did, in fact, it just got worse after that. They kept doing it, and kept releasing bombardments of "OMG" to the point where I quit talking to them. I alienated them under the pretense of their general idiocy.

It's seriously becoming a idiot pandemic out there...
Course you're not the only one who gets ticked off by that shit. I'm bloody russian, and I got better grammar and spelling than most americans I come across on message boards, ffs.

Admittedly I'm fine with the occasional abbreviation. There are just two that get to me A LOT. 'r' and 'u'. For crying out loud, how hard can it be to type two extra letters, so that your speech doesn't look and sound castrated? >_<
I am a member of the "I don't mind the occasional 'lol', 'brb', or 'gtg,' but I hate everything else" camp.

The ubiquity of chatspeak, as I call it, puts me in great fear for the future of the English language. Will we end up with some sort of lame alphanumeric Newspeak, a la Orwell's 1984, only even more idiotic? People type so fast these days that there's really no excuse whatsoever for taking such grammatical shortcuts.

What really drives me nuts, though, is when someone claims to be literate, builds a "Literacy is Cool" room or whatnot, then proceeds to use chatspeak, terrible grammar, or poor spelling. Aargh. Where are the purists these days? We're a dying breed, my friends.
My typing and grammar is appalling I'm fully aware of this :wacky:

But it's not intentional ¬_¬ Some things piss even ME off, like with FB specifically, I swear everyone spells can't carnt, and it really fucking winds me up xD WHY ADD THE EXTRA LETTER?! I thin with me, as long as I can understand what your typing then I couldnt give a sdhit about grammar and spelling. It's text talk that fucks me off. If I have to struggle to read wtf you are trying to type then I just end u pgetting my hair off. Th use of number as well, 2nite or 4got...shit like that, Id rather spell a word wrong than do that <_< It probably requires MORE bloody effort than trying to type the word normally :rage:

But, we all know my typing sucks so, I don't really have a leg to stand on :wacky: But in my defense, I try :sad:
It doesn't bother long as I can interpret what they have written. People bother me enough as it is without me getting annoyed by their writting/texting/blogging/whatever habits. Do I wonder why someone would want to present themselves in a way that makes them look completely moronic? Sure. Do I lose sleep over it? No.
I take grammar fairly seriously, so it is a bit annoying when someone types something like "i r teh bezt spelar!!1!111!!!!1!11!!!1!" (they wouldn't use those words, but you get the point), even minor typoes will catch my attention, I really have to respect anybody that uses proper grammar, since there are an awful lot of people out there with just horrendous spelling ability. X_x

I hope others think my grammar is pretty good, I really don't bother with any spell checker often unless I want to use some trickier words to show off that I have a larger vocabulary than just simple words. :P
I don't mind something like lol, or g2g or brb. I don't even mind the accidental teh, when playing around with online buddies. But, quite honestly, it's annoying when people speak 1337. It's dumb, I mean, how hard is it too type normally? To me, it's seems even harder to put in the effort of replacing letters with symbols and numbers. Typos, and forgetting to make a letter capital, I don't mind. But, please, for the sake of every grammer freak, type your thoughts out. It's much healthier for the soul.
When people do 1337 language all the time, that's what ticks me off the most. I'd love it if everyone had perfect grammar, but surely we all know that's not possible. My tutor was reading over an assignment I'd submitted a while ago and she was saying how brilliant my grammar was, but I kept thinking about all those people in the other class whose aren't so good at all. I generally don't say anything half the time as to not offend them, but it annoys me to see the type of people that don't even bother to put effort behind their grammar.
Honestly, I can't even understand most of that "internet language". I even have issues when people use a random array of characters to represent some sort of random smilie (yes Brittania). The basic smilies I can understand, then 3's start getting used and I have no idea what it's supposed to be (I lack imagination I guess).

So yes, long story short, I promote good grammar. I'm aware that I'm not perfect when it comes to grammar, but using fewer characters because it sounds like the same word is not an acceptable replacement in my opinion. I honestly thought I was one of very few people who felt this way. Relatively speaking, I'm older than most people on any forum I'm a part of and I'm somewhat of a forum rookie as well, so most of that internet talk isn't understandable to me. I'm always asking my friends on the internet what something means because I just don't get it. But I think the I have a tougher time with the smilies though. They're just way to exotic for my understanding.
I don't mind something like lol, or g2g or brb. I don't even mind the accidental teh, when playing around with online buddies. But, quite honestly, it's annoying when people speak 1337. It's dumb, I mean, how hard is it too type normally? To me, it's seems even harder to put in the effort of replacing letters with symbols and numbers. Typos, and forgetting to make a letter capital, I don't mind. But, please, for the sake of every grammer freak, type your thoughts out. It's much healthier for the soul.

Okay, I couldn't help it, I had to do it, the timing was just so ironic...XD Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not trying to be annoying with it, I just think it's funny.

Referring to grammar freaks, you typed in grammer. :P Guess you could consider me a bit of a grammar freak. <.<
I'm sure there was a thread for this somewhere, maybe in the meeting room, but yeah I do tend to get annoyed when you have to squint and try to work out what the hell they're trying to say.

I think that thread was called I Hate Grammar Nazis? Though the direction of that thread is the opposite of this one. :wacky:

It doesn't bother me too much, because once I see it, I usually don't read it. I agree with Ryuuki too. It sort of makes that person less credible for me. Acronyms like LOL, GTG, BRB are fine I think because it's quick to type and it's applicable to almost all conversations. But to type out a whole sentence in shortened words and acronyms makes it seem lazy and not serious.