Guardian Forces


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 12, 2006
*Don't read on if you don't want to know about secret GF's*

I love this game, although the story isn't as good as 7, there are alot of aspects i loved.
One including collecting the GF's! I got every single one which took me alot of time to get. The hardest to get, and the most rewarding was "Eden", travelling down to the base of the secret island and then to fight Ultima Weapon was absolutely amazing.
Who your favourite, hardest to get etc?
My favourite one was Leviathan cuz his animation was awesome! But Eden is my second fave, his animation might be long but it's still awesome!
Agreed both were long, but at least we could get the boost to max on both of them now LOL. Leiviathan did prove to be very usefull though!
Favorite has to be Bahamut, most used probably Ifrit, and the hardest one was by far Tonberry just because you need ALOT of patience to get it. Eden isn't all to difficult to get IMO, Ultima Weapon fears me!:lol:

EDIT: Tho saying that, Moomba and Mog can't be summoned without cheat codes so maybe they are the hardest haha
*Shoot self*
Why have I not heard of Mog and Moomba!? Argh!
*Goes to play*
Hm, nah he wasn't hard to get to, but you also had to have patiance to get down all those levels! Tell you what i hated, the move Ultima Weapon did that takes 9999 ... lightning pillar or something?
I remember once i ent all the way down there, just to concentrate to much to beating him that i didn't draw Eden LMAO!
*Shudders at the thought of the mog post puzzle*
what i like most was.......... ummm quizactl??? (bleh!! blah!!0 sorry i couldnt spell it correctly:D the thunder bird thing!! i always pause the game whenever it releases his thunder from above:D i like the sound of its energy:D its like,, a true sound of power for me:D although it is the easiest summon to get:D
*Shoot self*
Why have I not heard of Mog and Moomba!? Argh!
*Goes to play*
Hm, nah he wasn't hard to get to, but you also had to have patiance to get down all those levels! Tell you what i hated, the move Ultima Weapon did that takes 9999 ... lightning pillar or something?
I remember once i ent all the way down there, just to concentrate to much to beating him that i didn't draw Eden LMAO!
*Shudders at the thought of the mog post puzzle*
Yeah you do need a fair bit of patience but going down the levels ain't to bad if you have Zell with you. He makes it easier :D
And ive done the whole beating Ultima weapon before drawing too! the fact that I was actually about to draw it as well made me abit pissed off, twasnt a simple 'I forgot' momnet haha.

Bahamut can be quite hard to get if you dont have the LV Down ability. The higher level Ruby Dragons tend to use Inferno or something that caues alot of damage regardless of your own levels and seeing as you have to fight a pair of them as well as Bahamut himself without healing inbetween can be anoying.
I whould go with Carbuncle...
In the first cd you have to fight Edea... I just used Carbuncle...
She was an ease.
Shiva was my favorite... she kicked some major butt, and she was always my strongest GF.
Well sometimes Eden and Shiva were actually my strongest GFs but i mostly liked Siren Bahamut and Shiva actually was tight but like i said before i like all of them....
Odin... you can't actually use him but he is really cool with that one hit KO.
Whats the name again... Zentatsuken... am I right?
DirgePortgaz said:
Whats the name again... Zentatsuken... am I right?

Zantetsuken, I think.

For my favorite GF, I'll go with Shiva. She was Junctioned on Quistis for pretty much the whole game, and I used her about every five seconds. I really liked the animation, and the attack was just so strong. I'm partial to icy attacks in FF games.

For the GF that gave me the best memories, it has to be Eden. I was on a three-way phone call with two friends who were also in the Deep Sea Research Center at the same time I was. We all did it together, only my Enc-None ability was working and theirs weren't. I think it was because I was on Disc 4.
Bahamut looks pretty cool, but Cerebus would have to be the most useful, along with eden's 255 (%?)boost.

So nobody likes Alexander?
Alexander wasn't all that useful, save his Med Level + which let you acquire Doomtrain. Now there's a GF you can be proud to have.

I never levelled (apart from one time I couldn't avoid) my people till Disk 3, when I had all the HP/Str/Vit/Mag/Spr Bonus'. So you could say Siren/Brothers/Carbuncle/Leviathan and of course, Cactuar were great too.

Oh, and Eden for pure carnage.
Diablo was my favorite because he took me ages to get i only learned after my 600th try that i could draw gravity from him >.<
Diablos and Odin were the best looking imo and there's nothing better than having Odin come in to destroy a Malboro with one hit.