Guardian Forces

Shiva's got to be my constant favourite through all of the FFs. Though her animation in IX makes her look more like a stripper than in others. ^_^

She's friggin awesome! And everybody needs to cool down once in a while.
My Favorite is probably Diablos, as far as attacks go, Bu Shiva is my favorite in every game. The hardest was definately Eden
Diablos, Ifrit, Shiva and Quezacotl are the ones I perfered so made sure I always had them Eden was cool but it was way too long though I guess the amount of damage it does makes it worth while
I actually found Ultima Weapon quite easy. All you really had to do is stock up on Hero and Holy War items and before you use them cast Aura on party members, bath them in Holy War to make them invisible and then pound him with limit break after limit break. Trust me it works a treat and makes him a lot easier than you think.

The longest would have to be Tonberry King because you had to have a lot of patience to get him; although it was rewarding when he finally showed.

The hardest was Diablos. This was simply because I thought him roughly at the same time as I got the lamp so he was shockingly hard for me. He is a great GF.
Favorite GF's

My favorites would have to be Bahamut & Eden, Once leveled up to the Max, both where devastating to enemies.

Also, aside from the
Sorceress assassination mission & the Esthar Space Station
, the Deep Sea Research center is among my favorite parts of the game.
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yah i don't know, cerberus is really good too because he cause triple on all characters but id have to say eden all the way. You can't beat the power
I haven't seen all the GFs, but I like Quazecotol, or however you spell the big lightening bird's name. I've always loved Ifrit, and Carbunkle looks so cute! (I've only seen pictures, but he's still adorable!)
My fav was bahamut. eden was cool because the animation was long enough to get your boost up too 255. :)
Heh, Eden for me as well. But it was definitely worth it.
The Phoenix was pretty neat i liked it animation, and of coarse Odin is awesome, especially on the islands closest to heaven and hell
diablos because who i fould him with was on a high enough level except for squall who had his ultimate weapon already(made it as soon as i got the issue) (i had alot...ALOT of items)

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Quezecotle - I used very regulary, one of my 3 most used along with Shiva and Ifrit.

Shiva - Like Quezecotle its one of my most used because of the power.

Ifrit - See Quezecotle and Shiva

Siren - I don't use Siren, I always found her damage weak and the Silence effect not worth using half the time.

Diablos - I use when up against enemies with high HP like Sealion etc. Very usefull for gaining Tonberry too.

Brothers - Don't use too often but they do make apperences.

Carbuncle - I never use.

Leviathan - Another GF I use quite alot for similar reasons to the first 3. Plus great for taking down Jumbo Cactuar. And one of the few GF's that can easily be Boosted to the max.

Pandemonium - Makes a few apparences but not all too often.

Cerberus - I barely use magic in the game as means of damaging foes, so this GF doesn't really come out ever.

Alexander - Unlike most FF games, Alexander ain't all too great except against a few enemies so not too often.

Bahamut - Great, I tend to use alot for the bigger bosses.

Doomtrain - An absolutly great GF to use, especially against later bosses because his attack also adds the same effect as Meltdown. Omega WEAPON is quaking in his boots when that bugger comes out I tell thee.

Cactuar - Rubbish at first but level it up and its a monster. However I tend not to bother.

Tonberry - Shit GF tbh, great for abilitys so still worth gettign regardless.

Eden - We all know. but because of the LONG animation I tend to only summon it for the big later bosses.

Odin - Great and helps out alot in situations. However I do get pissed off when he comes up when not needed and prevents me from gaining certain items ¬¬

Gilgamesh - See Odin, but his extra skills make him less good.

Chocobo - Summoned by using a Gyshal Green in battle. OK summon if I remember right.

Phoenix - Summoned by using a Phoenix Pinion in battle. Does ok fire damage and revives party members as per usual. But I tend not to use it.

Moomba - A cool summon to use, but can only be used if you use cheat codes to get a certain item. Nothing paticulary great in terms of damage mind.

Mog - I've never used. Can only be summoned by the Mog command got from an item from a cheat code again. Never seems to come for me tho so no idea what the GF itself actaully does....

I think thats all of them :D