Guess what I just did.

Big Boss

Punished Snake
Mar 25, 2007
Hamilton, Ontario
I was sick today, so I stayed home from school and I started new game in FFVII, and I got Barret and Cloud to level 20 before the fight with Guard Scorpion. Brap!
Thats funny i already posted a reply and it did not appear hmm thats happened twice tonight. Anyway i said " Cool maybe i'll try that sometime ^_^"

But yeah. =]
I hate that scorpion.
I actually did that, theres a way to get to one of the islands near Mideel with the Tiny Bronco to fight the guys who give mass amounts of EXP.
I'm way too impatient to level up that much at the beginning of the game. I don't usually really level up until I get to the Shinra Headquarters, or at least the world map. But congrats, midgar should be a breeze for you then!
Once I start leveling up, I just can't stop >_> In fact I just started a new game on FFVII myself, and I wasn't anywhere near level 20 when I fought the scorpion cause I just didn't think about it tbh xD. Although now I'm trying to get to at least level 80 before the end of disc one, cause I'm bored and have a lot of time on my hands at the moment.
That would be cool but i would get bored upto to level 10 it would take just too long im always egar to get on with the story and always get stuck at places because of underlevelling. but you should breeze through migar and the game now being 10 12 levels more than you should be at each stage of the game.
Only 20 more levels now and you should be able to get past the whole first disk with no problems at all, but 15 might actually do it fine
I love FF games, but it's the redundant stuff like having to stay in an area and level up for hours that pisses me off.
this game is more than easy to complete with good materia settings and the right weapons doing no training whatsoever. I have beaten this game at level 49 before.
Am I one of the few people that hates leveling? I mean, I literally blaze to the next point of the story as soon as I can. I don't escape from battles but I dont remain in one area too long either.

Leveling up just seems like it'd take the fun out of the game.
"Sweet, I fought 100 of X guys so now I can kill Y boss in 1 hit."
Where's the challenge in that?