Guild of the Warrior

Hera Ledro

FFF's resident Furry novelist
Oct 16, 2006
This is a Guild for those who love to fight in melee! Basically, if you love to fight a close-up and personal battle, talk about it here!

So, who else here loves to get up-in-their-face? I know I do! Awesomely effective against spellcasters and archers ;)
I equally prefer the up close and personal style. When I was first introduced to RPing, I was brought in under this archetype and have thoroughly enjoyed it since.

I feel it is rather limited in several circumstances by ones swiftness and dexterity, but it allows for some of the most creative RPing I've known to date.

Considering where RPBing currently is, melee is highly restricted by ones opponents ability to move and a justified fear of God-moding presents an absence of effective combinations and believable dodges/blocks.

Well, at any rate I should probably grab a battle or two under my belt before I say too much, but I was wondering what exactly the Alliances do? Will there be tournaments between two factions? Battles between members? A mission statement for each might be nice.

For instance, A Melee guild might have a goal of teaching effective melee to others, or winning matches through only close fighting, or even winning a tournament and proclaiming the melee guild as your sponsor. etc.
Welcome to the Guild, matey :monster:

Fair_Game said:
Considering where RPBing currently is, melee is highly restricted by ones opponents ability to move and a justified fear of God-moding presents an absence of effective combinations and believable dodges/blocks.

Ah, but sometimes the blocks can be your combinations ;) Don't forget, in a REAL fight, you're often to caught up in the moment to think whether you hit or not. You PLAN to hit, but whether you do or don't, you still instinctively block and retaliate your opponents attacks. The same can be done in RPs, you just have to make sure you leave the results open to your opponent. As long as my reply is open-ended, it's not really god-modding.

Well, at any rate I should probably grab a battle or two under my belt before I say too much, but I was wondering what exactly the Alliances do? Will there be tournaments between two factions? Battles between members? A mission statement for each might be nice.

Alliances and Guilds are simply where you go to hang out with people who you like to RP with. Each Alliance or Guild has a single point in which they are based off of, and that is what holds them together.

Ah, Guild War would be an excellent idea for a tournament. Once this one is over, maybe that could be our next one ;) Remember, though, that since you can be part of more than one Alliance or Guild, you may find yourself choosing sides...

For instance, A Melee guild might have a goal of teaching effective melee to others, or winning matches through only close fighting, or even winning a tournament and proclaiming the melee guild as your sponsor. etc.

Aye, that could be. Alliances are also an excellent tool for new RPers to use, so they can get to know the different styles of fighting and figure out which one suits them.
Im not sure Im allowed to post in here since im new to FFF and havent had 50 posts yet but here goes anyway.

Whenever I RP I always like to choose a warrior type, magic or special skills dont do it for me, I love getting stuck into a battle, I always go for a broadsword or something like that and armor, cant even be bothered with a shield, I like my characters to have to rely on sword skill alone.

If im feeling a bit different, i'll have a small amount of magic power for a bit of fun but generally I like to stick to simple melee, its more fun to write sword battles in my opinion.
I agree with you Coriss, my fighting style has always been based on Close Quarter Combat, whether it's offensive, defensive, even if I spend half the fight lying on my back like Will Smith in MiB 2.

I will from time to time add some magic, but my RP style remains the same tried and tested battle strategy I had used for almost a year.

Up Close and Personal FTW!