PC Guild Wars

I actually just started plaing it the other week again, now that I have more reliable computer and connection. I'd only really given the Warrior and Dervish a go before, so I thought I'd try elementalist this time to see if the spell casters are any better for my style.
My sister bought me this game and I downloaded it once it worked but went to slow so I had to delete it but for what I have played it was fun I got to lvl 2 or 3 lol xD
I've been playing a few years now. =]
I've done my stint with WoW.. but I still prefer GW. Especially looking forward to GWII!

I have many characters, but my main is my lvl 20 Necromancer: Vyvian Delacroix. She's a Minion Master, and is set up in full Vabbian Armour, and a Ghial's Staff. I love my Flesh Golems. <3


I've finished the Factions and Nightfall campaigns. Still working through Prophecies (I find it more tedious, than the later campaigns) I think it's an awesome MMO. And you can't complain at having no monthly fees.. seriously, WoW is not worth that money. >_> and Gw is set up much more on skill, than level.
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